There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 1001, picking up rice ears

Looking at Xiao Moren and the others who came together, Daohua put down the red dates in her hand, wiped her hands and smiled, "Yo, a few noble young masters are here, I almost thought you were absconding in fear?"

Xiao Mozhen smiled shyly: "Auntie, we knocked over the moon cakes in the kitchen and came here to admit our mistake."

Daohua looked at the little radish heads in front of her: "You all know that you are wrong?"

Daozi nodded quickly: "We were wrong."

Daohua smiled and nodded: "Very good, knowing mistakes can improve a lot. It's not terrible to make mistakes. What's terrible is that you know you're wrong, but you still don't admit your mistakes, and you make mistakes again and again."

"As for you, you are all good children. For the sake of you taking the initiative to admit your mistakes, the punishment for you can be lowered a little bit."

Hearing this, Xiao Moqing became anxious: "Auntie, we have already admitted our mistakes, do you still want to punish us?"

Daohua's smile didn't change: "Of course, although you admit your mistake, the mistake has already been made. Do you know how many moon cakes you knocked over before?"

Xiao Moren and the others stopped talking.

Daohua: "The kitchen steward just came over and said that a total of 250 were knocked over, not to mention how much time it took the cook to make these moon cakes, just how much food did you know about the 250 moon cakes? ?"

Seeing that his son had his head down, there was not much guilt on his face, and several grandsons were even more disapproving, and Daohua was silent for a while:

"You are in a rich and noble family. Since you were young, you have no shortage of food and clothing. You don't know how precious food is hard-won."

"You have wasted so much grain today, and I won't punish you very much. It just so happens that Zhuangzili is busy with the autumn harvest. You go to the fields in Zhuangzili and collect the wasted grain. This matter is over."

Hearing this, Xiao Moren breathed a sigh of relief. Two hundred and fifty moon cakes should not require much food, and they will be collected soon.

Daozi and Xiao Moqing were eager to try it out. They went to Zhuangziye, and they could go out and play. This punishment was really good.

Daohua looked at the happy little guys and said with a smile: "Remember, you knocked over the moon cakes, so after going to Zhuangzi, you can't ask others to help, can you do it?"

Rice immediately promised loudly: "Yes!"

Daohua smiled and nodded: "Very good, I believe you are all good children who keep their word."

Seeing the wolf-grandmother-like smile on her mother's face, Daozi felt a little uneasy. It shouldn't be difficult to collect food, right?

That night, when the families came to the palace to pick up their grandsons, Gu Yu smiled and talked about the fact that the grandsons were going to Zhuangzi tomorrow to experience life.

"The princess said that this is just her way of punishing my little prince. If you don't agree, the grandsons can not go tomorrow. After all, you are the guardians of the grandsons."

When they went to Zhuangzi, the An and Du families had no objection. In addition, after the emperors and grandsons came to Xiliang, they hadn't gone out to play, so they readily agreed.

Early the next morning, under the escort of the escort, Chu Lang and Dong Li personally led the team, Daozi and Xiao Moren took a carriage to Zhuangzi on the outskirts of the city.

In the late autumn, the earth is full of fruits.

After leaving the city, Daozi excitedly lifted the curtain of the car and looked at the endless golden fields outside.

Chu Lang walked beside the carriage on horseback, smiled and said to Daozi, "Rice, do you see? The upland rice growing in the fields was grown with the rice your mother cultivated."

Hearing this, Daozi's chin raised immediately, and a proud look appeared on his face.

Chu Lang: "Most places in Xiliang are short of water. If your mother hadn't cultivated upland rice seeds, it would be a problem for the people of Xiliang to eat rice."

Daozi said "ah": "Can the people not even eat rice?"

Xiao Moren also looked surprised.

Chu Lang smiled and said, "Of course, you think that everyone is like you and has a good pregnancy." He said, pointing to the children in the field next to them who were helping their parents with the autumn harvest.

"I saw the children in the field who were about your age. When you were still sleeping, they got up and went to work in the field with their parents."

Looking at the skinny children in the field, Daozi muttered, "They are all so thin!"

Chu Lang: "It's not because you can't get enough to eat, otherwise, you will definitely look like you."

Seeing that under the big tree by the road, there happened to be a family eating the breakfast just brought by the family's wife, Chu Lang stopped the carriage and said to Da Zi, "Would you like to go and see what they usually eat? what?"

Daozi nodded quickly, and without Chu Lang calling, he and Xiao Moren got off the carriage, and Xiao Moqing followed.

Chu Lang walked towards the intersection with Daozi, and the people eating there looked at them with some vigilance.

After walking in, Chu Lang stepped forward with a smile and asked about the autumn harvest, while Daozi and the others watched the breakfast for the family of seven or eight.

A pot of not-so-viscous wild vegetable cornmeal, some fist-sized boiled potatoes, and then gone.

Xiao Moren looked at the little boy who was similar to him and asked, "Do you eat something like this in the morning?"

The little boy was a little cautious, but he still replied: "My family's food is already very good, with porridge and potatoes, I can eat enough."

Over the years, because of growing potatoes and corn, they can eat three meals a day during the autumn harvest. If it was like when they were children, there were no potatoes and corn at that time. During the autumn harvest, they could only eat two meals, and they were not full.

This answer surprised Xiao Moren and the others: "Is there anyone who eats worse than you?"

The little boy had a smug look on his face: "Of course, my family opened a lot of wasteland a few years ago, all of which were planted with potatoes and corn. In our village, many people in our family can't keep up with the food."

"Like Widow Li's family, their family can only eat two meals a day, and they only have potatoes and no polenta."

Daozi, Xiao Moren and others: "."

Chu Lang talked to the old man, and waited for the little guys to communicate with the farmers' children for a while before taking them back to the carriage.

This time, the little guys were not as excited as when they first came out.

Xiao Mobao: "They are so pitiful!" After speaking, he glanced at the soft fat on his body, and felt fortunate in his heart. Fortunately, his father was the prince, otherwise, his luck would be gone.

Daozi and Xiao Moren expressed their approval.

Zhuangzi will arrive soon.

The children's emotions came and went quickly. The carriage drove into Zhuangzi and watched all the novelties in Zhuangzi. The Daozi and a few of them forgot the emotions just now.

Chu Lang didn't let the little guys go crazy in the village, got off the carriage and took them directly to the fields.

At this moment, in the field where the head can't be seen, the tenants are bowing their heads, bending their waists, waving their sickles vigorously, cutting down pieces of rice, and then arranging them neatly in the field.

Seeing that Chu Lang brought them here, Xiao Moren had a bad premonition: "Grandpa Chu, shouldn't my aunt want us to cut rice?"

Chu Lang smiled and shook his head: "That's not possible, how can you do such heavy work?"

Hearing this, Daozi breathed a sigh of relief.

Chu Lang smiled and continued: "Your aunt said, let you pick up the ear of grain that fell from the ground." After speaking, he bent down and picked up an ear of grain from the ground as a demonstration.

"You knocked over hundreds of moon cakes yesterday and converted them into ears of grain. You only need to pick up two bags."

Looking at the two big bags that Dong Li was holding, Xiao Moren and Xiao Mokuan, who had a clear understanding of the quantity, felt their scalps go numb. How long would it take for them to pick up enough?

Daozi and Xiao Moqing were little ones, but they didn't react much, but they still thought it was easy.

Isn't it just picking ears of grain, simple!

Chu Lang smiled and sent a small bag to a few of the rice: "Let's start, let me see who of you picks up the most?"

Daozi hangs the small bag around his neck and puffs out his chest: "Grandpa Chu, just look at me." After speaking, he took the lead to get down to the ground.

Seeing that the rice has gone to the ground, the others can only keep up.

Chu Lang stood on the ridge and looked at it with a smile, not to mention, Yan girl's way of punishing a few little guys is really good.

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