There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 1011, face slap professional

After lunch, Daohua took the female family members to chat and drink tea in the garden hall of the main courtyard, while Xiao Yeyang and the male family members continued to accompany Gu Jian to watch the play in the theater.

During this period, An Xin said a few words in Mrs. An's ear, and then used an excuse to add clothes to Xiao Moqing, and turned around and left the flower hall.

After Daohua noticed it, her eyes sank slightly. She didn't want the An family to interfere with Gu Jian's birthday banquet. When An Xin was about to walk out of the flower hall, she asked aloud, "Where is Miss An going?"

The people chatting in the room didn't pay much attention to An Xin, but when they heard Dao Hua's question, they all looked at An Xin.

An Xin felt a little nervous in her heart, but she said calmly, "Back to Princess, the little girl looks at the wind outside and wants to send clothes to His Highness Moqing."

Daohua smiled lightly and said, "Let the maid do this kind of trivial thing, why bother Miss An to go there in person?"

At this time, Mrs. An said, "The princess doesn't know, His Highness Moqing only listens to An Xin's words. If you send a maid over there, His Highness will definitely not add clothes."

Daohua smiled but didn't smile: "Is there such a thing? In the palace, Mo Qing's child is quite sensible. He didn't worry too much about eating or taking a nap. I didn't expect that in the An palace, only Miss An would be listened to."

As soon as these words came out, the female relatives in the room couldn't help showing meaningful smiles.

Mrs. An was a little angry, but she had to hold back: "Who made my granddaughter more popular and considerate." After speaking, she looked at An Xin.

"Your Highness can't catch a cold, let's go."

An Xin nodded, and just as she was about to turn around, Dao Hua spoke again: "Miss An, the palace is too big, I will send a maid to follow you, lest you accidentally go the wrong way."

An Xin frowned, but she was still blessed with grace: "Thank you, Princess."

Everyone watched An Xin leave, and then looked at Dao Hua, whose face paled a bit, thinking a little.


Because there was a performance on the stage, it was difficult to disturb the guests listening to the performance, so Xiao Moren took Daozi and Xiao Moqing to play outside the theater.

The little guys in animal doll costumes were having fun when they suddenly saw An Xin walking over.

When Xiao Moren saw An Xin, he frowned. This side of the theater is where the male family members are entertained. Why did Miss An come here again?

An Xin walked to Xiao Moqing with a smile, squatted down and said, "Your Highness, it's windy outside, the old lady asked me to bring you clothes."

When the game was interrupted, Xiao Moqing waved his hand impatiently: "I'm not cold, I don't need to wear clothes, you can go quickly, don't disturb our game."

An Xin's face stiffened, she took a deep breath, and tried her best to maintain the smile on her face.

Since Xiao Moxi stopped going to An Mansion, her chances of seeing King Weiyuan were even less.

If she can't see King Weiyuan, then she can't attract King Weiyuan's attention. If King Weiyuan can't notice her, why should she let her into the palace?

She knew very well that, like her concubine sisters, she was just a pawn for the An family to win over other forces. If she couldn't follow King Weiyuan, then waiting for her result, she would definitely be sent to an official as a child.

This official may be an old man in his seventies or eighties, or he may be a rotten person with some special hobbies.

So, she has to create opportunities for herself.

This time, congratulating Duke Fuguo on his birthday was undoubtedly a heaven-sent opportunity to meet King Weiyuan.

She didn't believe it. When King Weiyuan saw the young and beautiful, she would not be moved at all, nor did he believe that King Weiyuan really only wanted to guard Princess Xiao alone.

An Xin sorted out her emotions, raised her smile again, and reached out to touch Xiao Moqing's cheek: "Your Highness is really not cold now, but it's windy outside, so it might get cold soon."

"Now that Your Highness is going to play, you must not wear too heavy clothes, so let me sit in the pavilion with my clothes and wait for His Highness. If His Highness wants to wear it, just call me, how?"

Xiao Moqing saw that the Daozi and the others had already started the next round of the game. He had long been impatient, and waved his hand casually: "As you wish."

After speaking, they ran to the rice.

An Xin smiled, stood up, and looked apologetically at the maid of the palace who led her over: "Sister, I'm really sorry, I want to wait for His Highness here. If you have something to do, go and do it first."

After he finished speaking, he ignored the maid, turned around and walked to the pavilion next to him to sit down.

Bi Wei frowned and didn't say anything. She summoned the old woman who was waiting on the side. After saying a few words, she stepped up and followed the pavilion.

An Xin was very unhappy when she saw Bi Wei who refused to leave. Thinking of her own purpose, she quickly thought about how to separate people.

Not long after, An Xin noticed several figures walking out of the theater, thought for a while, and looked at Bi Wei: "This sister, I'm a little thirsty, can you bring me a pot of hot tea?"

Even if she didn't like An Xin, but she was a guest of the palace, Bi Wei didn't dare to be slow, and Fushen said, "Wait a minute, the servant girl will go back." Because her back was facing the direction of the theater, she didn't see anyone walking out. Xiao Yeyang et al.

After Bi Wei left, An Xin immediately tidied up her appearance, then showed a decent smile, walked out of the pavilion, came to Xiao Moqing's side again, and gently wiped the sweat from his forehead.

At this moment, Daozi shouted happily: "Dad!"

It turned out that Xiao Yeyang sent some Master Wang out.

Seeing that Daozi is now wearing a monkey suit, Xiao Yeyang laughed: "This suit really suits you, you are just a little hozen."

Daozi was displeased and corrected him: "I am the Great Sage Equaling Heaven who is making a lot of trouble in the Heavenly Palace, so I am not a little hozen."

Xiao Yeyang laughed and was about to say a few words when he heard a gentle female voice entering his ears.

"The little girl has seen the prince."

Seeing An Xin, Xiao Yeyang frowned directly. Before he could speak, Daozi looked at An Xin with a vigilant expression and asked angrily, "Why haven't you left yet?"

Said, his eyes widened, he opened his arms in front of Xiao Yeyang, and said angrily, "I see, you are looking at my father's fat, you are here to seduce my father!"

Xiao Yeyang: "."

Several officials present: "."

Xiao Moren said: "."

Being bluntly dismantled, An Xin was shocked at first. Seeing everyone looking at him in disbelief, his face turned pale.

In the end, she survived under the hands of her first-born mother, but for a moment, An Xin had a solution, her eyes were red, and tears were a little bit.

It's a pity that Daozi has no idea of ​​pity on Xiangxiyu at all, and said angrily: "You go quickly, my father belongs to my mother, don't think about it!"

An Xin was a little shaky, her eyes were red, she bit her lip stubbornly, and looked at Xiao Yeyang eagerly: "My lord, the little girl has absolutely no such idea. The little prince slanders the little girl like this, and the little girl can't live anymore." He covered his face and sobbed.

Daozi didn't eat this at all, and pointed at An Xin with his feet jumping: "You lie, take a look in the mirror yourself, when you look at my father, both eyes glow green, which is the same as the hungry one mentioned in my mother's story. The wolf is exactly the same, you just want to eat my father's fat."

"I tell you, no way!"

As he said that, he looked at An Xin with contempt.

"You can't even match my mother's toes. You want to be a tiger and take away my father. It's too much for you. If I were you, I wouldn't have the face to go out and meet people."

Being so despised by a little doll, even if An Xin was mentally strong, her face was flushed with anger. When she noticed the people in the theater coming out, An Xin's eyes flashed and her heart sank, and she fell straight towards Xiao Yeyang.

When Master An and the others heard the movement, they just walked out of the theater when they saw An Xin fell to Xiao Yeyang, and Master An immediately became happy.

As long as An Xin has physical contact with Xiao Yeyang in public, An Xin will enter the Ding Weiyuan Palace.

"Be careful, little prince!"

Wang Wu, who was still standing still, suddenly jumped out and pushed An Xin out.

Wang Wu didn't hold back, and An Xin, who was suddenly pushed, took a few steps back and fell to the ground in a panic.

"Bold thief, dare to murder the little prince, don't die!" Wang Wu stared at An Xin with a dignified expression.

"The little prince just said a few words to you, and you want to use your adult body to crush the little prince. It's really heartbreaking!"

Xiao Yeyang: "." This is a second person!

Others: "." This man is blind, the girl thinks it is obviously King Weiyuan, okay?

Everyone is a discerning person, and no one can see An Jia's thoughts.

Daozi looked at Wang Wu with admiration, raised his hand, and gave Wang Wu a thumbs up.

When Wang Wu saw it, he blinked at Daozi.

Xiao Yeyang looked at Lord An: "An family's upbringing is really refreshing."

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