There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 1019, the birth of a dragon and a phoenix


In Chunhui Courtyard, Guo Ruomei smashed a cup of tea on the ground with a gloomy face.

When Chu Lang saw it, he silently waved away the maids in the room, and then stepped forward to comfort him: "Why bother with that little guy, he's ruined in vain."

Guo Ruomei said with a cold face: "I'm not afraid of gossip. Anyway, I haven't heard less of it over the years, but isn't it involving Ye Yang's young couple now?"

When the An family returned to Beijing and spread the news that she lived in the Weiyuan palace, Guo Ruomei hated her teeth.

She left the prince peacefully, and lived in Yeyang Mansion again. It was fine in private, but when it came to the public, it was a bit unruly.

Especially when it comes to the royal family.

With the acquiescence of Duke Fuguo before, even if the emperor knew that she lived in the palace, he would turn a blind eye, but now there are many people talking about it, which affects the face of the royal family, and the emperor will definitely have opinions in his heart.

What's more vicious is that the An family not only talked about her, but also brought Chu Lang along. Even if she didn't go back to Beijing, she could imagine how those villains who were going to wave a little when there was no wind would arrange them and slander Ye Yang. Young couple.

Chu Lang comforted: "The capital is not short of gossip. After a period of time, our matter will gradually fade away."

Guo Ruomei shook her head and sighed: "If this matter can't go through, it's okay for others. It's impossible for Prince Ping to not care about it."

Chu Lang was silent, and after a while he asked, "Do you want to tell Ye Yang and his wife about this?"

Guo Ruomei shook her head decisively: "Yi Yi is about to give birth. She has had a hard time having a baby, but she can't be angry at this time."

Chu Lang: "I'm afraid Ye Yang can't hide it."

Guo Ruomei also knew that her son had information exchanges with the capital: "Yeyang should know if he knows it." After speaking, she sighed, she just wanted to spend more time with her son's family, why is it so difficult?

Guo Ruomei looked disappointed: "Daozi will be 5 years old soon, we have been here for five years, it's time to leave!"

Chu Lang didn't answer, no matter what decision Ruomei made, he would support it.

main courtyard.

Xiao Yeyang helped Daohua pinches her legs as usual.

Daohua looked at him who was looking as usual, took out the letter under the pillow and handed it to him.

Xiao Yeyang glanced at Daohua suspiciously: "Whose letter?"

Daohua: "See for yourself."

Xiao Yeyang opened the letter, glanced at it, and knew that Daohua knew that the An family had arranged to slander them after returning to Beijing: "Why are you paying attention to these rumors, it's not a big deal, you still show me ."

Daohua glanced at him: "Of course I don't pay attention to other rumors, but this is our own family. You should have known about this a long time ago, right?"

Xiao Yeyang didn't speak, and continued pinching Daohua's legs.

Daohua snorted: "This Anjia, why do you always do things that hurt others and don't benefit yourself? What good can they do if they have a grudge against us?"

Xiao Yeyang said coldly: "This time, they didn't hurt anyone else. The An family is using our family's affairs to divert everyone's attention."

"Everyone's attention is now on us. Naturally, no one pays attention to An Zhixing's private excavation of the Wei family's buried gold."

"This move to divert attention is very high!"

If everyone's eyes were always focused on An Zhixing, the prestige and reputation of the First Prince would be greatly affected.

What's more, the father and the king got Daozi's help and found a lot of trouble for the eldest prince and the An family. Now that his mother is living in the palace, it can be regarded as a good sigh of relief.

Daohua frowned: "I knew that when a few princes and other families came to Xiliang, there would definitely be all kinds of conspiracies. Sure enough, they came so soon. People are really sitting at home, and the pot comes from the sky."

Now people in the capital say everything, saying that Xiao Yeyang, a wild man who does not serve his father, but raises his biological mother, is an unfaithful and unfilial person.

What's more, he even fabricated a lot of romantic affairs between Guo Ruomei and Chu Lang, with extremely vicious intentions.

Daohua rubbed his temples with a headache, this is not easy to do.

The most important thing is that Prince Ping is involved here.

Although Wang Man'er didn't say it clearly in her letter to her, she could imagine that Prince Ping must be very angry.

Seeing that Daohua was worried, Xiao Yeyang said directly: "Okay, that's it, don't think too much about this, there will always be a time for gossip to fade."

Daohua nodded helplessly, with her mother-in-law on one side and her father-in-law on the other, no matter what decision they made, it would hurt the other side, so she could only let it go as she did not know.

Xiao Yeyang gritted his teeth: "I will find An Jia to settle this account sooner or later."

Daohua originally thought that when the An family was gone, she would be able to clean up. I didn't expect that when the An family returned to Beijing, they would still be able to block them, which was really annoying.

After this time, the An family and the Weiyuan palace were completely dead enemies.

After entering the second month, Guo Ruomei came to the main courtyard to accompany Daohua every day, and the four maids were also on call at any time.

In the second production, Daohua was not as nervous as the first time.

Afraid of scaring Daozi during production, Daohua directly packed the little guy and sent it to Gujian's yard to live.

On February 26th, early in the morning, Daohua was woken up by pain and pushed Xiao Yeyang next to him: "Xiao Yeyang"

Xiao Yeyang, who was still asleep, opened his eyes instantly: "What's wrong?"

After the labor pain, Daohua's face became better: "The child in my stomach has a seizure, and it may be born today."

Xiao Yeyang's expression changed, and he got out of bed quickly, then called the maid in a loud voice, and ordered someone to invite the four maids and Guo Ruomei.

After a while, Guo Ruomei, Chu Lang, and Gu Jian all came over.

Seeing the maid and old lady in the yard rushing in and out, Daozi, who came with Gu Jian, was a little nervous and scared: "Old Ancestor, is mother going to give birth to a younger brother or sister?"

Gu Jian nodded and rubbed Daozi's brain: "Soon, Daozi will be accompanied by younger brothers and sisters."

Worrying that Daozi was frightened by the bloody scene of production, Gu Jian took Daozi to Xiao Moren's yard and let the two play in the yard.

This time, the production took longer than the time when the rice was born, and until half-afternoon, the cries of babies sounded in the sky above the palace.

"Congratulations, Lord, Hexi Lord, the princess gave birth to a daughter."

Two quarters later, another baby cry sounded.

"Congratulations, Lord, Lord Hexi, this time the princess gave birth to a young son."

When the midwife came out to announce the good news, Xiao Yeyang and others in the yard were very happy.

Xiao Yeyang asked anxiously, "Where's the princess, is the princess okay?"

Midwife: "Don't worry, wang ye, wangfei is fine, but the production cost is too much, so I slept."

When the midwife came out with the neatly arranged twins, Gu Jian's eyes stopped laughing, and he looked at this and that in a rarity: "Our rice's mouth is a golden mouth, and it is said that a twin is born when a twin is born. "

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