There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 1041, dog skin plaster

"The snow this year is too heavy and too frequent. I hope it will stop soon." Otherwise, there will be another snow disaster.

Looking at the goose feather snow falling outside the window, Daohua was a little worried.

After hearing Daozi who was practicing big characters, he retorted: "Mother, it's better if the snow is heavy, so that the snow people we build in the yard will not melt."

It was because of the heavy snow that he and his mother built the snowman together for more than half a month, and they were still the same.

Hearing this, Daohua sat beside Daozi and told him about the danger of snow disaster: "If the snow falls too much, the house will be crushed."

Daozi: "Then the house is too weak to be built."

Daohua: "Not everyone lives in such sturdy houses like us. You forgot, many people's houses in Daoxiang Village are built with mud and straw? That kind of house cannot withstand too much pressure. of."

"You're thinking, we have a charcoal basin, a fireplace, and thick cotton-padded clothes in our house. It feels cold. What will happen to those who have no shelter from the house and stay in the ice and snow?"

Rice shook a little: "It was frozen to death."

Daohua nodded: "Not only that, but too much snow accumulates, the roads will be blocked, and then you can't go out. It's good to have food at home, but what will happen if you don't have food at home?"

There was a look of fear on the face of the rice: "I will starve to death."

Daohua: "Then do you still think the snow is heavy now?"

Daozi hurriedly shook his head: "Not good." Then, looking out the window, he prayed, "Stop the snow, I won't make a snowman."

Daohua smiled and touched her son's head, letting him continue to concentrate on practicing big characters, tucked the quilt on the twins who were sleeping beside them, and then went to the kitchen.

There are elderly people and children at home, and winter is a period of high disease incidence. Daohua does not dare to be careless.

The medicinal food that had stayed up all night was already fragrant, and Daohua was about to ask the maid to come out, when Gu Yu hurried over.

"Princess, the second lady came with the fourth girl, both of them were injured. When the concierge saw that the second lady's face was covered in blood, they quickly sent someone to inform the slave girl. The slave girl saw that the injuries of the two were not serious, so she took the decision without authorization. Send people to the hospital."

Daohua was stunned for a moment before realizing that the second lady and the fourth girl were her second aunt and Yan Yile. As they walked out, she asked, "Didn't they go to Lanwu Mansion? How could the second sister let them hurry in the snow?"

Saying that, he shook his head, too lazy to pursue these, "do you want the doctor?"

Gu Yu nodded: "I have already sent someone to invite them, they should be here soon."

Daohua let out an "um", and then sighed, which really made Xiao Yeyang's crow speak.

Now that it's only December, and counting the time, Second Aunt and Yi Le returned after going to Lanwu Mansion for more than two months. Once they came back, they went directly to the Wang Mansion.

"How did they get hurt?"

Gu Yu: "It was said that the snow on the road was too thick and the carriage rolled over. Fortunately, it was almost at the city gate, and there were pedestrians around."

After speaking, he paused and looked at Daohua's face.

"The second lady reported the name of the Weiyuan Palace and promised to thank you again. Only then did someone help bring the second lady and the fourth girl to the palace."

"The person who sent the second lady and the fourth girl was a caravan who came to Xiliang to do business. When the slaves passed by, the caravan boss was easy to talk, but he mentioned that he wanted to go to Bamu Town to do business."

Bamu Town, as the first demonstration site of the mutual market, the qualification to do business there requires the government's examination and approval, not anyone who wants to go there.

Daohua pursed her lips and did not speak, her face was not very good, but it was not too ugly.

What can she say at this moment, everyone is hurt, if she has an opinion at this time, she is ruthless.

Just thinking that something happened to the second room, and they always came forward to take care of the aftermath, she was also very blocked.

After thinking about it for a while, Daohua said to Gu Yu, "The reputation of the palace cannot be lost, but the court's decrees must also be obeyed. Go and tell the people in the caravan that the products they handle must comply with the court's regulations before they can do business in Bamu."

"You ask Yan Shouhou to personally take them to the yamen, make sure their products meet the regulations, and then go to the eldest brother to get the approval slip."

Gu Yu nodded and stepped back quickly.

Soon, Daohua came to the guest house.

"Yiyi, we finally saw you, second aunt thought I would never see you again?"

Sun covered her head with the handkerchief, and there was a little scarlet oozing out from the handkerchief. Seeing Daohua approaching, she quickly stepped forward and took her hand.

There were still bloodstains and stains on Sun's hands. As soon as he grabbed it, there were stains on Daohua's cuffs.

Daohua couldn't help frowning, seeing that Sun's spirit was not bad, and the injury should not be serious, she calmly helped the person to sit down, and then quickly withdrew her hand.

Then she glanced at Yan Yile who was sitting next to her with her head down. She seemed to have injured her leg. She might have fallen off the carriage. She looked a little embarrassed, but she was in good spirits.

After confirming that the two of them were okay, Daohua asked, "Second aunt, why are you here in the cold at this time? It's snowing every day these days, but it's not suitable for traveling. If you want to come, you should wait for the snow to stop. Yes."

Sun's face became a little uncomfortable. The reason why she came to Liangdu at this time was because she and Yihuan had a big fight.

But you can't blame her for this. It's Yihuan's actions that are too unkind. Look at the people she's looking for for Yile, they're actually six or seven-rank petty officials.

With the current family background of the Yan family, how could they be worthy of Yile?

Forget it, those people are still widowers, and what's more, they have several children. Yile used to be a stepmother, and each of them has no background, and none of them can do it.

How can such a person want?

How can you not make her angry?

Hmph, her good daughter, she may have been used to being the master of the house over the years, and her waist is stiff. When she complained a few words, she started talking back, and she didn't know filial piety at all.

No, she took Yile away in a fit of anger.

Daohua saw that Sun's face was changing, and she knew that something was going on inside, and she didn't bother to take care of it. Just then the doctor arrived: "Doctor, please show them."

After the doctor's diagnosis, Sun knocked his head and broke a hole, and the bleeding was stopped. Yan Yile had some fractures in his calf.

Neither of them were seriously injured, but both needed to rest.

After Daohua heard this, she could only leave the two of them in the palace to recuperate, so that they could have a good life, and instructed the maid to take good care of them, so she returned to the main courtyard and sent a letter to Yan Yihuan. After thinking about it, she also informed Han Xinran.

After Han Xinran heard the news, she was quite speechless: "It's only been more than two months, and I can't even stay with my own daughter, which shows how unwelcoming they are."

After complaining, it is deeply helpless.

"This second-family family is like a dog skin plaster." Just because they are related by blood, they can't get rid of it!

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