There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 1043, throbbing heart

"Mother, if you still want your big sister and sister-in-law to help Yi Lexiang see others, you should persuade her not to eat, drink, live in, and look like someone else owes her. "

"You also understand the temperament of big sister. Others may be accustomed to Yile, but she will not. If you want Yile to settle down earlier, you can restrain her, don't let her temper. already."

For Yan Yile's ignorance, Yan Yihuan also began to get bored, but as a sister of a mother's compatriot, no matter how impatient, she couldn't really let go.

After hurriedly talking to Mrs Sun, Yan Yihuan left.

These days, because she was worried about her mother and sister, she had never had a good rest. When she arrived at the palace, even the eldest sister could see her exhausted face and told her to take a good rest, but her mother and sister didn't say a word of concern.

Yan Yihuan was really sad this time. When she returned to her room, she couldn't rest immediately. Because her mother and sister left without saying goodbye, she hurriedly said a few words to her husband, and then chased after her. Now she has to write a letter back. Report peace.

As the end of the year is approaching, the family is busy with things, and she doesn't know how long she will stay in the cold. She is afraid that her husband will have to work harder.

Thinking of this, Yan Yihuan couldn't help sighing, that is, because of her uncle and the others, she treated her with extra generosity. Otherwise, what her mother and Yile did this time would be enough to make her husband's family feel bad for her. dissatisfied.

Even she felt that her family was a burden, not to mention her uncle and the others.

I don't know how Sun shi told Yan Yile, but Yan Yile stopped, and the two stayed in the room to recover from their injuries.

Daohua knew that Yan Yihuan would look at the two of them, so she didn't pay much attention to it, she just told the maid to take care of her, and then she got busy with her own business.

In mid-December, Daohua saw that the Sun family and Yan Yile were getting better, so she told Yan Yihuan that the palace was going to invite the officials and daughters of Liangdu in two days, and asked them to prepare.

After Yan Yihuan found out, she went to tell Sun and Yan Yile.

Sun was instantly overjoyed, and hurriedly called the maid to help Yan Yile choose the clothes and jewelry she wore that day.

Because they were in a hurry, most of their belongings were still left in Lanwu Mansion. After a long time of picking, they could not find any clothes that Sun's family was satisfied with.

Mrs Sun looked at Yan Yihuan: "What can I do, your sister doesn't have suitable clothes?"

Yan Yihuan looked at the dresses that had piled up half the bed, and got up to choose a set: "I think this is good. It's elegant and pure, and it suits Yile's complexion very well."

Sun's face was dissatisfied: "It's not good to be too plain. Your sister is going to meet others. Of course, she has to dress dazzlingly, otherwise how will she be noticed?"

Yan Yihuan looked at Yan Yile: "Yile, what do you think?"

Yan Yile glanced at the clothes Yan Yihuan chose, and said lightly, "I listen to my mother."

Yan Yihuan is a little angry. These days, she can see this sister clearly, but she doesn't express her position directly if it is not as she wants.

Yan Yihuan put down her clothes with a stern face: "Then there's nothing you can do. You only have these clothes. If you don't wear them, what else can you do?"

Mrs Sun said, "Yihuan, why don't you talk to Yiyi and ask her to pick some materials for Yile, and then ask the people in the sewing room to make some new clothes for Yile."

Listening to the brazen words, Yan Yihuan was so tired that she looked at Sun with a cold expression: "Mother, I don't have such a big face, if you think you can persuade the big sister, then you can go and ask for it yourself. I don't have the patience."

After saying that, he left with a sullen face.

Seeing that the eldest daughter disagreed, Mrs Sun threw her hands away, feeling a little angry: "This unfilial daughter! Forget it, I'll go find Yiyi."

Yan Yile only spoke at this time: "Mother, don't go there, we have been in the palace for half a month, but the eldest sister never once asked us to go to the main courtyard to eat."

"People have made it clear that they look down on us, why do you want to humiliate yourself?"

Hearing this, Mrs Sun felt a little discouraged, so she could only choose clothes for Yan Yile again.

Early on the 18th day of the twelfth lunar month, several family members of officials and eunuchs invited by Daohua arrived, and Han Xinran also came, and she was familiar with them all.

When Yan Yile came over with Sun and Yan Yihuan, she saw Daohua sitting in the magnificent flower hall, surrounded by graceful and noble daughters, and felt very dazzling.

After reconciliation, she was often criticized by others. Looking at the eyes of the women who were present, Yan Yile was so disgusted that she wanted to vomit.

She said how could the big sister be kind enough to help her? Is she humiliating her in this way!

Others laughed and chatted, but Yan Yile's face became more and more ugly, and she got up and went out after sitting for less than a quarter of an hour.

After she left, Daohua and Han Xinran could not help frowning.

This banquet was originally for her to see other people, but the master left, what happened?

Sun's family is also anxious. The families who came here today are all from good families. There are only two or three families she is satisfied with. How could this girl Yile leave? Not to mention good performance.

Yan Yihuan smiled apologetically: "Last night, my sister had a bad stomach from eating last night, and her stomach is still a little uncomfortable today. Don't mind me."

Han Xinran smiled and diverted the words.

On the other side, after Yan Yile came out of the main courtyard, she walked aimlessly in the palace, and soon came to Daozi's amusement park.

"Brother, Russian, return Russian."

"Don't give it, come after me."

"Brother, catch."

"Brother, wash you!"

"You still want to kill me? Let's be long."

"Russian asked Daddy to wash you."

"Che, Dad won't, Dad loves me the most."

"I love me the most."

In the yard, a six- or seven-year-old boy was teasing two chubby little beans.

The little boy is handsome and sunny, even if he is young, he can't hide his extravagance.

"These are the eldest sister's three children, right?"

There was envy in Yan Yile's eyes, but she immediately thought of the child she lost, and her face was immediately filled with unwillingness and jealousy.

Why does the big sister get the best?

Weiyuan Wang has a good family background, looks good, and only lives with her alone, without even having a concubine. Now she has three such lovely children, and she has everything.

Looking at the three children, Yan Yile walked in unexpectedly.

The servants in the amusement park saw Yan Yile and knew that she was the princess' sister, so they didn't stop her.

Daozi was stunned for a moment when she saw Yan Yile, and in just a short while, the twins who came running over hugged her legs.

"Are you fourth aunt?"

Yan Yile didn't expect Daozi to know her. Looking at Daozi's clear eyes, she couldn't help raising the corners of her mouth and nodded with a smile: "I'm your fourth aunt."

Seeing that she had not recognized the wrong person, Daozi immediately smiled: "Hello, Fourth Aunt." Then, she motioned for the twins to call someone.

The twins blinked at Yan Yile, and then said in a milky voice, "Hello, Fourth Aunt."

Looking at such a cute and polite child, even Yan Yile's mood improved: "How do you know me?"

Daozi smiled and said, "Mother told us, Fourth Aunt, why did you come here? Are you lost? Do you want me to have someone take you to my mother?"

Just as Yan Yile was about to say something, she heard a low voice from behind.

"Daozi, I told you not to bring your younger siblings to the amusement park, why do you keep not listening?"

As soon as Yan Yile turned around, he saw Xiao Yeyang strode into the yard.

Seeing Xiao Yeyang walking up and down, Yan Yile was a little stunned, and her already dead heart throbbed again.


Seeing Xiao Yeyang, the little girl Daomang immediately opened her arms and ran over, and was picked up by Xiao Yeyang after only a few steps.

The little girl Daomang put her arms around her father's neck, kissed her father twice, and then said sweetly, "Dad, I miss you so much, why did you come here?" She seemed to have been separated from her father for a long time.

Xiao Yeyang listened to his daughter's little milk voice, his eyes were full of pampering, looking at the girl's face full of attachment, he felt that no matter how much love was not enough: "Didn't Daddy come to you?"

Indescribably gentle tone.

At this time, Daozi also led his younger brother to Xiao Yeyang.

Xiao Yeyang was about to say a few words when he swept across Yan Yile, who was standing beside him, and nodded politely: "So it's the fourth aunt, why aren't you in the flower hall?"

Yan Yile recovered from her thoughts: "I came out to breathe, I walked, and I came here." After speaking, she blessed her body, "Eldest brother-in-law is well."

Xiao Yeyang said "um", without asking Yan Yile, he directly called a maid: "Take the fourth aunt back to the flower hall."

After giving the order, he looked at Yan Yile.

"Go back to your big sister, I'll take the children back first."

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