There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 1050, transfer away (two in one chapter)

With dissatisfaction and complaints against Daohua and Han Xinran, the Sun family led Yan Yile back to Lanwu Mansion with Yan Yihuan.

When leaving the city gate, the carriage and the motorcade waiting to enter the city staggered past.

Yan Yile's hair was low, her head was a little heavy, she heard a familiar voice in a trance, she couldn't help but lift the curtain and look out.

On the opposite road, a handsome and elegant man in brocade clothes was standing in front of the carriage, talking with his wife and children in the carriage with a pampered expression.

The man was in high spirits and with a bright smile, and at a glance, he could tell that this man lived a very comfortable life.

When it was the convoy's turn to enter the city, the man waved his hand, got on his horse in high spirits, and entered the city gate with his wife, children and the convoy.

Yan Yile stared blankly at the man's back, her eyes flickering, as if recalling something.

Sun noticed the strangeness of Yan Yile, and also stretched out his head to look out, and immediately recognized that it was the Li family's team that was entering the city at the moment, and the leader seemed to be Li Chenzhi.


Yan Yihuan closed her eyes against the wall of the car, and when she heard Sun's cold snort, she opened her eyes helplessly: "Mother, what's wrong with you?"

Sun's face was full of dissatisfaction: "What's wrong with me? It's not that Yiyi's elbow is turned out. We are her cousin's cousin. Isn't our relationship closer than the cousin of the Li family?"

"She's here. When she treats the Li family, it's a caring help. What about us? What has she helped us?"

"I heard before I left Beijing that the Li family's business in Xiliang has done a great job and made a lot of money."

"Being so good to the Li family, but driving us out of the palace, there is no one like her."

Yan Yihuan was so tired that she didn't have the energy to argue with her mother at the moment, so she said without tact: "eldest sister treats people well, she is always good to whoever treats her well."

"Mother, do you think the big sister treats us and the Li family differently, why don't you think about it, what have we done for the big sister, and what has the Li family done for the big sister?"

"Since the uncle became an official, the Li family has been helping the Yan family. As for us, ask yourself, have we helped the uncle and them?"

"Not only did it not help, but it also dragged on a lot of hindsight."

"Mother, we and the big sister are related by blood, but that little affection can't stand repeated consumption."

Mr. Sun was choked up by what he said, and said angrily: "Why did you start to turn your elbows out, child?"

Yan Yihuan was full of powerlessness: "Mother, I have a really bad headache now. If I want to rest for a while, I will go to the carriage at the back."

Saying that, he knocked on the door, signaled the driver to stop, and quickly got out of the carriage.

Seeing Yan Yihuan getting out of the car, Mrs Sun was so angry that she wanted to complain to Yan Yile, but found that she was in a daze.

Thinking of how her daughter looked at the Li family's team just now, Mr. Sun silently swallowed the words in his mouth, and at the same time, he sighed inwardly.

At first, my sister-in-law wanted to tell Li Chenzhi about Yile, but unfortunately her daughter and them didn't like it.

Now Li Chenzhi is developing so well in Xiliang, and he has brought his wife and children over to live together. To be his wife, he doesn't have to worry about his livelihood, and he doesn't have to serve his parents-in-law. Thinking about it now, it is extremely suitable for Yile.


At that time, it would be good to listen to what my sister-in-law said, and Yile would not live her life as it is now.

Lanwu House, the backyard of the prefect.

When Yan Yihuan brought Sun and Yan Yile home, You Kai neither came out to greet them nor showed up to meet anyone.

Sun was a little dissatisfied with this.

Yan Yihuan also quickly frowned. Her husband has always paid great attention to etiquette and etiquette. She has already sent someone back to inform her in advance. Even if she is too busy with official business, she should have someone come over and tell her.

"Mother, Xianggong may be busy, so take Yile back to your room to rest first."

It's not good for Mrs. Sun to be too picky about her son-in-law, right? "Yeah": "Yile still has a fever, you can quickly send someone to find a doctor to show her."

Yan Yihuan nodded in agreement, and asked the maid to send Sun and Yan Yile to the guest room, and invited the lady in charge to ask, "Is the master busy recently?"

The lady in charge: "I'm not busy, but Madam, my lord has been in a bad mood since yesterday. At noon today, he also punished a concierge."

Yan Yihuan frowned: "What happened?"

The lady in charge shook her head: "Master Fan may know that last night, the master kept him until he was a child before letting him leave."

Yan Yihuan: "Is it a matter of official business?"

The lady in charge suddenly said: "By the way, madam, the other day the master kept saying that the appointment letter hasn't come down yet. Could it be related to this?"

Hearing this, Yan Yihuan thought of something, and stood up abruptly, because she got up too fast, making her a little dizzy, and her body couldn't help shaking.

The lady in charge quickly supported the person: "Madam, are you alright?"

Yan Yihuan supported the table with both hands, her face was a little pale, she shook her head and kept saying, "No, no."

At this moment, there was a noise outside the door, and then, You Kai, who was wearing an official uniform, walked in.

Seeing Yan Yihuan, she hurriedly stepped forward and asked anxiously, "Master, have you been appointed to stay in Lanwu Mansion?"

Looking at his wife's pale face, thinking of her sacrifices for herself over the years, You Xinli couldn't vent to her even if she was angry, and waved the maid in the room to step back, and then helped Yan Yihuan to sit down.

"The appointment letter is down."

Yan Yihuan had a happy expression on her face, and she was relieved when she heard You Kai say it again.

"I was transferred from Xiliang, and in mid-March, I have to go to Huaichuan Prefecture under the jurisdiction of Anhui Province to be the prefect, which is considered a peaceful adjustment."

Hearing this, Yan Yihuan was a little stunned. After a while, she shook her head excitedly and said, "No, it must be a mistake."

How could the official letter be wrong?

You Kai comforted Yan Yihuan and wanted to know what happened to them in Liangdu.

Yan Yihuan couldn't accept the fact that You Kai was transferred: "Eldest sister will not treat me like this, Xianggong, you wait first, I will go to the palace to find eldest sister to find out."

Saying that, go out.

You Kai stopped Yan Yihuan, forced her to sit on the chair, and asked loudly, "What happened to you and your mother-in-law in Liangdu?"

Hearing this, Yan Yihuan's expression became stagnant, and then she covered her face and cried sadly: "Xiang Gong, I am sorry for you, it is I who hurt you."

Xiliang is developing at a high speed now, even if she doesn't understand politics, she knows that she can make better political achievements here.

As long as I can work here for a few more years, with qualifications and political achievements, Xianggong's future career promotion can be said to be bright.

But now, Big Sister obviously doesn't want to shelter them.

Looking at his suffering wife, You Kai sighed: "Is it because of my mother-in-law and Yile?"

He knew his wife's temperament and knew that she and the princess got along pretty well. Now that the prince transferred him from Xiliang, someone must have sinned against the palace, and the offense was not light.

If it's not his wife, it can only be his mother-in-law and Yan Yile.

Yan Yihuan nodded painfully, thinking of the chicken feathers after her mother and sister came to Xiliang, she began to feel resentment in her heart.

Her mother and sister made mistakes. If it only hurt her, even if she was driven out of the house by her eldest sister and sister-in-law one after another, she would be able to bear it, but now it has affected her husband, and she really can't accept it.

You Kai frowned: "What did the mother-in-law and Yile do?"

Thinking of what her sister did, Yan Yihuan closed her eyes in shame and peeped at her brother-in-law. She really had no face to tell her husband about this kind of thing.

Seeing that she didn't want to talk, You Kai didn't ask any further, took out a handkerchief, wiped Yan Yihuan's tears, and was silent for a moment: "Mother-in-law and Yile's behavior, I don't like it, you want to take care of mother-in-law and sister's mood, I also Understandable, but."

"Yihuan, you have to think more about our family, not for anything else, just for our children."

"Father is not too young, and it is unlikely that he will continue to rise. Now the entire You family has to rely on me to support him."

"Only if I rise high enough, our children will be able to relax in the future."

Yan Yihuan shed tears silently, and slowly, her eyes gradually became firm: "I will send a letter to the second brother and the second sister-in-law later, and when Yihuan is in good health, I will send someone to send them back to Beijing."

You Kai's expression softened. He is not a person who only has benefits and is unwilling to pay. In recent years, he has received a lot of benefits from the Yan family, and is willing to repay one or two, but his mother-in-law and sister-in-law, he really doesn't want to say anything more.

In a word, the heart is higher than the sky, and the life is thinner than paper!

Live with people who don't have self-awareness like this and they'll make a mess of your life.

After a while, Yan Yihuan was still unwilling, and looked at You Kai baba: "Is there any room for you to be transferred? I can go and ask Big Sister."

You Kai smiled wryly and shook his head: "The official document has been sent, and it cannot be changed."

Staying in Xiliang, and going to another province, for him, there is a world of difference.

Going to Bie Province, everything has to start from scratch, and there is no one behind him. It will be very difficult for him to make a political achievement by himself.

But now, he could only accept it.

Just when the husband and wife were immersed in their own sadness, Sun was dissatisfied with the lack of good room supplies, so he looked for them angrily.

"Yihuan, your maids should be trained properly. Look at the things they gave to me and Yile. I don't know, I thought they were entertaining poor relatives who were fighting the autumn wind."

"I just happened to be here with you. I'm also idle when I'm idle. When Yile is in good health, I'll help you train the maid."

Sun shi walked into the house without waiting for the maid's announcement, and was stunned as soon as she came in.

The daughter's eyes were red and swollen, and it was obvious that she had cried.

The son-in-law is also there, and his face is also very ugly.

Obviously, the two had a fight.

Although Sun was very powerful in front of his daughter, he still lacked confidence in his son-in-law who was an official. Seeing his son-in-law looking at him in surprise, he regretted that he rushed in like this, and stood at the door a little embarrassed.

You Kai stood up and bowed to Mrs Sun: "Mother-in-law, my son-in-law has official duties today, so I didn't pick you up. Don't be mad at me."

Mr. Sun quickly shook his head: "No, you are busy with yours, don't worry about me, I have Yihuan to take care of me."

You Kai glanced at his wife and said with a smile, "I still have something to do in my office, so I'll go to work first."

Mrs Sun nodded, waited for the others to leave, and immediately went to Yan Yihuan to sit down, took a sip of tea, and then looked at Yan Yihuan: "Did you quarrel with your son-in-law just now?"

Saying that, he shook his head.

"You kid, aren't you usually very sensible? Mother told you, this man needs to be coaxed. When he is angry, don't fight him hard."

"We women, we have been tied to men for our whole life. This man works hard outside, and we women are at home. If we should be humble, we must be humble."

"You must not learn from Yiyi, she just relies on her still young and a bit of beauty to control Xiao Yeyang so strictly, and when she gets older in the future, you will."

Yan Yihuan listened to Sun's more and more outrageous words, and interrupted directly: "My grandmother and my uncle and my aunt don't get involved in the matter of the big sister. Mother, you need to worry less."

Mrs Sun quit: "How do you talk, child?"

Yan Yihuan was not in the mood to listen to her nonsense, and looked at Sun with a cold expression: "Mother, Xianggong is going to be transferred from Xiliang."

Mrs Sun didn't understand this very well, but seeing how her daughter and son-in-law looked before, she knew it wasn't a good thing, and she instinctively felt that this matter might have something to do with her and Yile. Guilty.

Looking at her mother who avoided talking, Yan Yihuan felt disappointed and chilled, and said with a half-smile, "Mother, do you know why?"

With an "ah", Mrs Sun sneered, "I don't understand what's going on outside." As she spoke, she turned to the side.

Yan Yihuan sneered and said, "You don't understand, let me tell you that the elder brother-in-law is in charge of Xiliang, and he can decide whether all the officials of Xiliang will go or stay. The elder brother-in-law did it when the husband was transferred."

Mr. Sun couldn't take it anymore, he put down the tea cup with a 'bang', and said angrily, "Is Xiao Yeyang going to transfer You Kai? It's too much, how can he do that?"

The momentum is very strong, but she has no confidence at all, even the maid outside the door can hear her bluffing.

Yan Yihuan just looked at Sun in silence.

The feigned anger on Sun's face didn't last long before it dissipated, and she grabbed Yan Yihuan's hand in a panic: "Yihuan, mother didn't expect it to be like this."

As he said that, anger appeared on his face again.

"This Yiyi, she's going to be mad at me and Yile, she's coming at us, why let Xiao Yeyang transfer you away?"

"Don't worry, mother waits for Yile to recover, she will go to beg Yiyi, you have to beg her to stay. If she doesn't agree, I will write to your uncle and the others and ask your uncle to come. Take care of her."

Yan Yihuan let out a sigh of relief and pulled back her hand: "Mother, go take care of Yile, let her take care of herself as soon as possible, and her husband will be transferred away. We can't live in the backyard of the prefect for long."

"As soon as Yile gets better, I'll hire the escort agency to send you back to Beijing."

Seeing Yan Yihuan's alienated appearance, Mrs Sun felt a little flustered. Her younger daughter He Li was at home, so she could not help caring more, but that didn't mean she didn't care about her eldest daughter.


Yan Yihuan cut off the words: "Mother, I have to pack my things quickly. I really don't have the energy to deal with other things. You also feel sorry for me, so let me relax."

Sun shi looked at Yan Yihuan with guilt on her face. Because of Yile's affairs, her son-in-law's career was affected. This is really not what she wanted to see: "Then you are busy, mother will go first."

When Mr. Sun was about to reach the door, Yan Yihuan spoke again.

"Mother, when you return to Beijing, don't bother the second brother and the second sister-in-law with everything. The second brother entered the official post a little later than others, but he can't stand the burden of others."

"Second sister-in-law is generous enough. Don't look for her everywhere for Yile's sake. You must know that when you and your father grow old, you will have to rely on your second brother and second sister-in-law to support you."

After saying this, Yan Yihuan didn't care about Sun's anymore and went straight into the inner room.

The two chapters are posted together! ! !

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