March, Xiliang.

As the earth warmed up, Daohua took Daozi and the twins to Daoxiang Village to inspect the situation of spring ploughing.

Daohua doesn't want to raise the three children without any diligence, and hopes that through the contact with the villagers, they will understand the hardships of life.

After several years of operation, the barren wasteland around Daoxiang Village has developed. With the migration of a large number of people, the surrounding area has now developed into a small town, called Daoxiang Town.

After arriving at Zhuangzi, after Daohua said that he could move freely, Daozi hurriedly went to find his friends. Of course, he did not forget his younger brothers and sisters.

Under the conscious or unintentional cultivation of Daohua, Daozi has now consciously played the role of an elder brother. Wherever he goes, he does not forget to take care of his younger siblings.

After the third primary school left, Zhuangtou took the initiative to report to Daohua about this year's spring ploughing, and then talked about his concerns.

"Princess, this year's weather is a little unusual. Logically speaking, even if we don't wear cotton wool pants any more in March in Xiliang, we still need to wear two more coats."

"But this year, in March, when I was working in the fields, I only had to wear single clothes when I was young."

"The weather is a little too hot this year, so I'm a little worried."

Daohua frowned: "What are you worried about?"

Zhuangtou: "Xiao is worried that this year may be less water than in previous years, so she thinks that this year, there should be more crops such as drought-tolerant potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn in the field."

Daohua thought of the heavy snowfall in Xiliang's prefectures last year. There is a saying that there will be a severe drought after the snowstorm. Now, when Zhuangtou mentioned it specifically, he immediately paid attention to it.

"The sowing is done as you said, and a variety of drought-tolerant grains will be grown."

Zhuangtou nodded and took note.

After Zhuangtou left, Daohua thought about it, got up and went to the field, checked the planting progress, and chatted with the old man in the field.

Older people are always more sensitive to disasters. As soon as Daohua opened his mouth, the old people started talking.

"Last year, the snow here was really heavier. In the past few years, everyone's life has been better. The house has been reinforced, and the family has some food storage. There are fewer people who freeze to death and starve to death."

"After the beginning of spring this year, old man, I realized that the weather was not right, and there might be another drought."

The opinions of the elderly are very unified, and they all feel that there may be a drought this year.

Daohua felt that this matter was very important, and after staying in Zhuangzi for a day, she returned to the palace with Daozi and the twins. She had to tell Xiao Yeyang about this as soon as possible.

If there is a possibility of drought, you have to prepare early.

If nothing else, the spring ploughing has just begun, which will allow the people to grow more drought-tolerant grains.

On the day of returning to the palace, Xiao Ye came back from the ya, and Daohua hurriedly told him about the bad weather this year.

After Xiao Yeyang heard it, he didn't show any surprise. Obviously, he knew this for a long time, and also told Daohua that some provinces had not rained since the first month.

Daohua's complexion changed: "Is there really a drought?"

Xiao Yeyang nodded solemnly: "According to the current situation, there are already signs of this, I just hope that this drought will not spread too far."

Said, paused.

"Do you still remember the Wu Bu political envoy who was the last Ninglu?"

Daohua nodded: "Why don't you remember, that person is from Dudu Wu's clan. When we first arrived in Xiliang, we borrowed food from others. Didn't he transfer back to the capital a few years ago?"

Xiao Yeyang: "He has been transferred back to the capital, and a good friend of his took over his position. The current political envoy of Changbu, holding the famous post of the Wu family, sent me a letter yesterday asking for my help. Woolen cloth."

Daohua raised her eyebrows: "I want to borrow food from you?"

Xiao Yeyang shook his head: "It's not borrowing grain, it's borrowing grain seeds. He told me so quickly that there might be a drought in other provinces."

"From the perspective of the Wu family, we have to lend him a batch, but not too much."

"If there is a drought, it may not have a big impact on Xiliang. The grains we promote here are relatively drought-tolerant and will not fail to harvest. It is difficult to say for other provinces."

"At that time, the royal uncle may also ask me for grain seeds, and I have to reserve a batch."

Daohua sighed: "There are still too few high-yielding grains. I hope that one day, I can spread the four-season grains throughout the summer."

Xiao Yeyang patted Daohua's hand: "You have done a good job. Think about the past in Xiliang. Although the people of Xiliang are not well-fed now, at least their hunger situation has improved significantly."

"There are almost no empty warehouses in the granaries built by the government. After the autumn harvest every year, what I like to do the most is to inspect the granaries everywhere."

"Xiliang is vast and sparsely populated. When all the wasteland is utilized, Xiliang may become the granary of our big summer."

Daohua smiled: "If that's the case, it would be great." After speaking, she paused, "There are still too few people in Xiliang."

Xiao Yeyang said with a smile: "I can't be in a hurry. Now that life is better, the population will naturally rise."

Time slipped away little by little, and the drought in various places became more and more obvious and more serious.

The capital, the palace.

The emperor looked at the documents about the drought in various places piled up on the imperial case, and his face became heavy.

It will be July soon, and the drought conditions in Ninglu, Fenjin, Qinan and other provinces are still continuing, and many places have not had a drop of rain since the beginning of the year.

This drought was the worst since he took the throne.

Soon, Yang Shoufu, the six ministers, and several princes came to the political hall together.

Yang Shoufu was the first to speak: "Your Majesty, this drought has affected several provinces, and disaster relief must be put on the agenda as soon as possible."

The emperor: "I called you here today to discuss disaster relief. You should all share your views."

The eldest prince looked at the crowd and took the lead in taking it out: "Father, Ninglu and other places have experienced droughts. Of course, relief materials must be prepared, but according to my humble opinion, the most important thing is to deliver drought-resistant food to these places. Only in this way can we truly help the people survive the drought.”

Seeing the emperor nodding his head in approval, the eldest prince rejoiced in his heart, and continued to say: "Father, the development of Xiliang has been quite good in recent years, this year's drought has actually affected Xiliang, but Xiliang did not hand it over. "

"The main reason for this is that the grains grown in Xiliang are drought-tolerant grains."

"My father, my son has requested an decree to collect drought-tolerant grains from Xiliang to relieve the danger of drought in the provinces of Ninglu."

As soon as these words came out, the ministers present couldn't help but look at the eldest prince.

Now who doesn't know, Prince Ping's mansion and the eldest prince are not on good terms. The eldest prince proposed to go to Xiliang at this time, because he wanted to suppress King Weiyuan in the past.

Taking the merits made by others, building on their own merits, and rushing to step on others' faces, this move of the eldest prince is really ruthless.

The emperor was noncommittal and continued to ask the opinions of other ministers.

After all the ministers expressed their opinions, a eunuch entered the hall with a book in both hands: "Your Majesty, King Weiyuan of Xiliang has just sent a book."

The emperor took the book, and after reading it, he smiled and looked at the eldest prince: "You don't need to go to Xiliang, Ye Yang sent the book and said that the people of Xiliang are willing to donate 100,000 stone grain seeds to the several provinces that were affected by the disaster. ."

The eldest prince's face stiffened. In order to get this job, he lowered his status a few days ago to beg a few younger brothers to ask them not to fight with him, but he didn't expect Henry Zhang to do this!

Not only did he not expect it, but neither did anyone else.

The main reason is that the starting point of Xiliang is too low. Even if it has developed well in recent years, it is not related to the wealthy provincial capital.

Who would have guessed that Xiao Yeyang would come up with such a large batch of grain when the drought in the north was so severe.

Before everyone was surprised to play, the emperor spoke again: "Yeyang also said that Xiliang is vast and sparsely populated. If Ninglu and other provinces are unable to help the people, they can relocate a group to Xiliang."

As soon as these words came out, Yang Shoufu couldn't bear it anymore: "Your Majesty, can Xiliang feed so many people now?"

The emperor thought of the news reported by Jin Lingwei, and there were some surprises in his eyebrows. Ye Yang dared to relocate the population in the year of drought, mainly because the crops such as potatoes, corn, and sweet potatoes were too high-yield.

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