There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 1055, teach students in accordance with their aptitude (two in one chapter)

Gu Jian didn't want to go back to Beijing with them, Daohua and Xiao Yeyang were helpless, but they couldn't persuade the old man.

For them, the capital still has some concerns that they cannot give up, but for the old man, apart from the two blood-related people, the emperor and the prince, he hates that place from the bottom of his heart.

The Emperor and the Prince of Peace are not ordinary people. Even if the old man goes back, he will not spend much time together, so it is better not to go back.

"Okay, don't worry, I've already agreed with Wen Xiu that we won't be here for a few months, let him come to accompany the old man more."

Listening to Xiao Yeyang's words, Daohua's expression relaxed a little: "Yes, master likes big brother quite a bit."

Xiao Yeyang said with a smile, "It's mainly because your elder brother has the patience to play chess with the old man. I can't sit still." The speed of the old man playing chess is too slow.

Knowing that Gu Jian was no longer going to the capital with them, Daozi took the initiative to bring his younger siblings to live in Nanshan Hall, euphemistically saying "to spend more time with the ancestors", lest they leave and the old man misses them.

In this regard, Gu Jian is naturally happy to see it, and he is very useful to the three small filial piety.

As February was approaching, Daohua saw that Xiao Yeyang was about to arrange the affairs of Xiliang, so she began to ask San Xiao to pack up her salute.

As the eldest brother who has already gone out, Inako felt that he had to take on the important task of teaching his younger siblings how to clean up.

Daozi didn't pack up his salute, but went to the twins' warm pavilion first, instructing his younger brother and sister to pack up step by step.

Like the rice, the twins' dollhouses are also cleaned up by themselves, so the hands-on ability of the two little guys is still very good.

"Mother said, this time when we return to Beijing, we will meet a lot of relatives. We have to bring gifts for everyone. Think about it, what gifts do you want to bring?"

The twins directly regarded this as a game to play, picked out some hidden things from all corners, and handed them to the rice with a smile, saying that it was a gift.

Daohua saw that the third child was having a good time, so she ignored them and continued to do her own thing. When she came back again, the maids behind her were all pulling a wooden suitcase.

Daozi saw it, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly ran to grab the zipper in Gu Yu's hand: "Mother, what is this?"

Daohua smiled and said, "This is a box for you to store things. You can put all your belongings in it, so that you don't have to rummage through boxes and cabinets every time you use them."

As he said that, he took the smaller one made for the twins and demonstrated it immediately.

"You can put clothes, shoes, and your little toys and storybooks in the box."

As Daohua said, she put the twins' various dolls in the box, and then closed it and stood up: "In this way, you can pull it away by yourself."

The last time I watched Daozi go out, Daohua suddenly had a whim and asked the craftsmen in the house to make a few wooden suitcases.

These boxes are all made of lightweight wood, and they are not very big, even if they are twins, they can also be pulled away.

Daozi likes the things his mother makes that can't be seen or bought anywhere else, and can't put it down, looking at the big red suitcase that belongs to him.

"this is mine."

Daomang took the pink lift box and pushed the green lift box next to it to his younger brother Daomiao.

Even though the little girl is only three years old, she is already a big sister.

Daomiao, this little lazy pig, enjoys the care of her brother and sister very much, and has never fought with Daomang about who is bigger and who is smaller.

Daomang dragged the trolley box and ran around the house, and then took the rice seedlings and stuffed things into it with great interest.

Daozi also took his suitcase back to the wing and began to pack up his salute.

On the second day of the second lunar month, after saying goodbye to Gu Jian, Daohua and Xiao Yeyang took the three children who were pulling their boxes and sat in the carriage to the capital.

At the beginning, San Xiao was a little sad because of being separated from Gu Jian. When they left the city gate, they were attracted by the pedestrians and the scenery outside the carriage.

Because Xiao Yeyang was usually busy with errands and didn't spend much time with the children, he always felt guilty in his heart. When he went out, he became one with the three children.

Two days ago, Daohua was very happy to see the interaction between the father and son, but after that, they got a headache because of their quarrel, and went directly to another carriage.

When they were about to leave the realm of Xiliang, there were many refugees with their families on the official road.

Seeing the scrawny and thinly dressed refugees, San Xiao's voice was much lower.

"Brother, look, they don't even wear shoes, aren't they cold?"

Daomang looked at the refugees passing by outside the convoy in surprise, with a deep doubt on Baozi's face.

Daozi frowned and said, "That's because they are very poor, very poor." As he spoke, he looked at the twins seriously, "You must study hard, otherwise, if you can't keep our family business, you will also become like them."

The twins were startled, one jumped into Xiao Yeyang's arms and the other into Daohua's arms.

Daohua comforted the rice seedlings in her arms, and looked at Xiao Yeyang with some puzzlement: "Didn't it mean that after the drought-tolerant grains were planted, the disaster situation has eased, why are there still so many refugees?"

Xiao Yeyang looked at the refugees outside: "These people may not be able to survive in their hometown." After speaking, he looked at the sky, knocked on the door, and instructed the driver outside, "The motorcade will stop by the roadside at noon. Down."

It didn't take long for the team to find an open space and stop.

Xiao Yeyang got off the carriage with rice and walked towards the refugees who were resting by the roadside.

Daohua watched while holding the twins in the carriage.

After turning around, Xiao Yeyang returned with rice after learning about the reason why the refugees came to Xiliang.

Daozi got on the carriage, and Xiao Yeyang went to instruct the guards to do some work, and asked the guards to take his handwritten letter to the nearest Jiuning House, and asked the prefect to accept the refugees.

"Mom, these refugees can't survive in their hometowns, so they brought their family members and children over thousands of miles to find a way to survive."

"Mother, why can't you live elsewhere, but you can live when you come to Xiliang?"

Looking at her son's doubtful eyes, Daohua explained patiently: "Because Xiliang is receiving refugees, the refugees come here, and they can get help from the government. Not only will the wasteland they open up belong to them, but the government will also distribute grain seeds. ."

"Here, they can find hope to live."

Daozi showed a stunned look, and then said with Rongyan: "This is all because Daddy is powerful, more powerful than officials elsewhere."

Daohua nodded in agreement: "Your father has indeed sacrificed a lot for Xiliang. Now you know why your father is usually so busy, right?"

"As a prince, your father enjoys high officials and the support of the people, so he has to shoulder the livelihood of the people and the development of Xiliang."

"If your father doesn't do anything and doesn't care about the lives of the people, then he won't be the king of Weiyuan for long."

Saying that, he pointed to the refugees outside the carriage.

"Take the refugees outside, if your father doesn't do anything, the number of refugees will increase exponentially, and there are only a few guards in our family. The refugees have no way to survive. Seeing that our family has so much food, you Say what will happen?"

Daozi shivered: "They will swarm up and take all our things."

Daohua nodded: "So, when you are in position, you have to seek government affairs. There is nothing in this world that you get for nothing. Only when the people live well, will your father's life be comfortable and smooth."

"You will have to do this in the future. How much glory you enjoy, how much responsibility you have to bear."

Daozi kept the words in his heart: "Mother, I will be the same as Dad." As he spoke, he looked at the refugees outside with sympathy, his face wrinkled.

"Mother, these people haven't eaten for a long time. Let's distribute our food to them."

Daohua naturally supports her son's kindness, but she said, "We don't bring a lot of food. If we eat it for them, we will eat less."

Daozi was silent: "Then let's eat less."

Daohua: "My mother is very happy that you want to help the refugees, but the food is not only for you, but also for everyone else. Would you like to eat less, but others? It's very uncomfortable to be hungry."

These words stopped Daozi, and after thinking about it, he said, "Then I will ask them one by one."

Daohua shook her head: "You're the little prince. If you open your mouth, other people are not happy in their hearts. In order not to offend you, they will definitely agree."

Daozi scratched the back of his head, a little anxious on his face: "Then what should I do?"

Daohua tapped her son's forehead: "Don't worry about anything, if there is a problem, just find a way to solve it."

"Everyone is unhappy because you took their food to help the refugees. Can you just make up for the food you took out?"

Daozi's eyes lit up: "Yes." After speaking, he frowned again, "But what should I do to make up for it?"

Daohua glanced at the red suitcase placed under the seat: "Didn't you bring a silver ticket when you went out this time?"

"You go to Gu Yu with a silver ticket, which is equivalent to using your own money to buy food for the refugees to eat. In this way, the refugees can eat food, and everyone doesn't have to go hungry. Both sides are happy."

Daozi thought this was a great idea, and hurriedly dragged out his suitcase and took out the only one hundred tael denomination silver note.

"Mother, I'm going to send Aunt Gu Yu a silver note and ask her to make more food for the refugees."

Daohua nodded with a smile and watched Daozi get off the carriage.

As soon as Daozi left, Xiao Yeyang appeared in front of the car window and looked at Daohua in a speechless manner: "My son is just such a silver note, and I gave you a flicker to go away, so there's no one like you."

Daohua retorted: "I am teaching my son how to behave in the world. It is better to do less of the generosity of others, so as not to offend people without knowing it."

After speaking, he smiled, "By the way, let our son know that money is not easy to earn. Not only this time, but in the future, what Daozi wants will have to be bought with his own body."

Looking at Daohua with a serious face, Xiao Yeyang secretly sympathized with his eldest son.

The stinky boy will have a hard life without money in the future.

While talking, Daozi came back with a complicated expression. He was very happy to be able to help the refugees, but after the banknotes were sent, his heart ached, what happened?

"Mother, I don't have any cash."

Daohua smiled and praised: "Good boy, this is because you helped the refugees."

Daozi frowned: "But that's what my uncle bought me for."

Daohua: "Then don't buy it."

Daozi: "But, the first time I went to the capital, I had never seen anything there, so I wanted to buy it."

Daohua shrugged: "That mother has no choice. Who told you to use all the money. Do you know how much food you can buy with a tael of silver?"

The rice is stuck: "I don't know."

Daohua asked again, "Then have you asked Gu Yu?"

Daozi got stuck again, and the domineering look he had just given to Gu Yu appeared in his mind, and he touched his nose with a guilty conscience.

He is a little prince, so it will not be seen that he is reluctant to take out the banknotes.

Daohua: "You go back and forth between the palace and the academy every day, haven't you inquired about the price of food?"

Daozi touched his nose again with a guilty conscience. He is a noble little prince. There is still a palace in the capital waiting for him to inherit. Why do you want to inquire about this?

Daohua: "Everyone says that they hate less books when they are used up. This is the same with the ability to survive, which is closely related to life. If you don't even know the most basic price level, you are waiting to be deceived and fooled by the people below."

Seeing that the little guy was still a little unconvinced, Daohua continued: "If you know how much food you can buy for a tael of silver, you can calculate how much money you should spend based on the refugees outside."

"There are only a few hundred refugees outside. Even if one person has a pound of food, a few hundred pounds is enough. At most, it will cost a few taels of silver, but you actually gave one hundred taels of silver. You are not taking advantage of it. Yes?"

Daozi's eyes suddenly widened: "Then I'll go to Aunt Gu Yu to get the money back?"

Daohua looked at Daozi in surprise: "Can you get back what you gave?"

Daozi was annoyed and stopped talking. It must be very humiliating to ask for a silver note. After thinking about it, Daozi clenched his fist and said, "I will pay attention to the price in the future, and I will not be taken advantage of."

Daohua saw that her son had listened, smiled, and did not continue to say more. Seeing Daozi pulling her face, she said in a good mood:

"Didn't my mother tell you just now that when you encounter a problem, you will find a way to solve it. If you run out of money, you will find a way to make money. You look so bitter and hated, and your father and I are not flattered at all. style."

Rice's eyes lit up and looked at the twins sharply.

The eldest uncle gave him a bank note, and so did his younger siblings.

The twins who were in Jiejiu Lianhuan suddenly felt a chill. The two raised their eyes to look at their elder brother. They instinctively felt killing intent. The nine series of rings were hidden.

Daohua rolled her eyes and glared at the eldest son angrily. This stinky boy is really capable, and his idea hit his younger siblings.

Hey, Daohua looked at the twins sympathetically, as if she had seen the scene where their banknotes were fooled away by Daozi.

They can't thrive without experiencing wind and rain, so let their brother help them realize how sinister society is.

Because he spent his own money, Daozi was particularly concerned, and ran to stare at the cook himself to cook. After all the refugees gathered around the convoy had eaten, he returned to the carriage with satisfaction.

"Mom, I'm hungry."

Seeing Daozi happily drinking the milk tea, Daohua smiled: "The little prince is in a good mood."

Rice smiled mysteriously, picked up the chopsticks and ate.

Seeing the satisfied smiles on the faces of the refugees, he was also happy, and he didn't feel bad after using the banknotes. Anyway, as my mother said, the banknotes can be earned back.

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