There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 1120, Princess Chun'an, who was biased by the story 1

The sky is vast and wild, and the wind blows the grass and sees cattle and sheep.

The goshawk spreads its wings and flies in the air, and the horses run wildly on the ground. Xiao Keyan loves this vast and vast land very much.

In Xiliang in June, the water and grass are lush, cattle and horses are in groups, and the annual horse racing conference is quietly approaching in the expectation of everyone.

Ganzhou Prefecture.

The prefect's backyard.

Just as Dong Jingyi helped her mother go back to her yard, a thumb-sized Dongzhu came from the side.

Xiliang is a borderland. Although there have been no wars in these years, the unrestrained folk customs have made the girls here less restrained and a little more heroic and heroic. In addition, they have to herd horses and sheep.

When Dongzhu came, Dong Jingyi quickly and decisively stretched out her hand, caught Dongzhu with precision and stability, then turned around and looked in the direction where Dongzhu came.

Looking at the girl in red on the wall with her hands on her hips and the other playing with Dongzhu, Dong Jingyi's face suddenly became happy: "Princess, when did you return to Xiliang?"

Xiao Keyan put away Dongzhu, jumped off the wall neatly, and came to Dong Jingyi with a smile: "It's been a few days since I came back, and I just arrived in Ganzhou today."

Dong Jingyi took Xiao Keyan's arm very familiarly, and asked with a smile, "Where are the princes and princesses, are they back too?"

Xiao Keyan nodded: "I'm back, but they are still in Liangdu. I'll come to Ganzhou first."

Dong Jingyi smiled: "The princess must have wanted to come to the horse racing conference in advance, right?"

More than ten years ago, King Weiyuan held the first horse race meeting at Gandan Military Horse Farm in order to review the riding and archery skills of the soldiers of the Twelve Army. The month will be held as scheduled.

At the beginning, only the soldiers from the Twelve Army Towns and the frontiers participated in the horse racing conference. Later, the people also participated enthusiastically. Even now, the horse racing conference has become a feast for the military and civilians of Xiliang.

Now that June has just entered, people from all over Xiliang have already arrived in Ganzhou one after another. It can be said that Ganzhou in June and July is even more lively than the Chinese New Year.

Xiao Keyan admitted with a smile: "I have been running around with my parents all these years. I haven't been in Xiliang for many years. This year, I finally caught up with the horse racing conference. Of course, I have to have fun."

Dong Jingyi smiled and said: "The prince and princess are not here, the princess must live in my house, my father is still in the yamen, when he comes back to see you, he will be very happy, let's go, let's go to see my grandmother and Mother."

Xiao Keyan smiled and nodded, and followed Dong Xinran to see Mrs. Dong and Mrs. Dong.

In Dong's family, Xiao Keyan didn't mean to be polite, there was no way, their family and Dong's family were too familiar, as long as her father visited Ganzhou when she was a child, she would definitely keep up, and she had been familiar with Dong's family for a long time.

Sure enough, Mrs. Dong and Mrs. Dong were very happy to see Xiao Keyan. Dong Yuanxuan learned that Xiao Keyan was coming, and he left the office ahead of schedule. Everyone sat around the old lady's room and chatted.

Mrs. Dong smiled and asked, "I heard that your sister-in-law is pregnant?"

Hearing this, Xiao Keyan immediately smiled and squinted: "Yeah, my eldest brother treasures my sister-in-law, and my grandfather doesn't let me go to my sister-in-law to play, which is irritating."

Dong Jingyi: "By the way, why didn't the young master come back?"

Xiao Keyan immediately showed a schadenfreude smile: "He was called back to Peach Blossom Village by Grandpa Huang. Since his sister-in-law was pregnant, everyone was urging him to get married quickly."

Dong Yuanxuan couldn't help but asked Gu Jian, "Is the old man in good health?"

Xiao Keyan smiled and nodded: "Okay, I can still plant medicine in the ground." After speaking, she paused, "But the old ancestor is over ninety years old, and his body is still not as good as before."

Having said this, Xiao Keyan showed sympathy: "The ancestors must have wanted to watch my younger brother marry and have children, this time even the emperor's grandfather was dispatched, I see, my younger brother may not be able to bear the pressure this time, maybe it's down. The next time I go back to Peach Blossom Village, I really have a sister-in-law."

Dong Jingyi: "My little grandpa is eighteen this year, so it's time to get married."

Xiao Keyan didn't answer this. She and her younger brother are twins. If they should get married when they are eighteen, shouldn't she also get married?

Thinking of this, Xiao Keyan really felt melancholy.

Although the princess is not worried about marriage, but she is too old, doesn't it seem to be good?

Don't say it, she really has to think about it. This time back to Xiliang, her parents mentioned marriage in front of her several times.

Xiao Keyan stayed at Dong's house with peace of mind.

The next day, Dong Yuanyao, who received the news, brought her daughter Sun Lanxin to Dong's house, and the mother and daughter held Xiao Keyan and talked for a while.

Dong Jingyi: "Grandmother, mother, aunt, I'll take the princess and Lan Xin around the city."

Mrs. Dong knew that Xiao Keyan had not been in Xiliang for a long time, and now it was when she wanted to take a look, so she did not stop her, but called the eldest grandson Dong Zhenghua and asked him to accompany the three girls out: "During this time, the Ganzhou government staff It's very mixed, remember to protect Keyan and them."

Dong Zhenghua responded with a smile: "Grandma, don't worry, I will protect my sister and them."

Mrs. Dong then nodded and let go.

Seeing the three girls go out talking and laughing, Dong Yuanyao looked a little embarrassed: "Looking at them, I can't help but think of the scene when I was young and Yiyi played together in Zhongzhou."

Mrs. Dong also sighed a little: "Time flies so fast, in a blink of an eye, your children are all married and established."

Dong Yuanyao: "Isn't it? I don't know how long Yiyi and the others can stay this time. I haven't seen each other for so long. I have to have a good chat with her."

"The prince and the princess are coming here because they have a good reception." Mrs. Dong was very grateful to Daohua and Xiao Yeyang, and it was thanks to their help that the Dong family was able to recover again.

Although his son has been the prefect of the fourth grade all these years, his position in power is not lower than that of the third grade.

Ganzhou is the largest mansion in Xiliang, and the largest military horse farm in Daxia is built here. In addition, the largest mutual market in Xiliang is also in Ganzhou. It can be said that the real power in the hands of the son is much greater than that of those involved in politics.

When calling for military horses, both the frontier army chief and the commanders had to be polite to their sons.

The son can always sit firmly in the position of the prefect of Ganzhou, thanks to the support of King Weiyuan.

Since Xiao Yeyang defeated Xiliao, Xiliang is no longer devastated by war. In addition, the establishment of a branch office and the promotion and cultivation of high-yield grains later, Xiliang is no longer as barren and desolate as it once was.

The opening of the mutual market has attracted a large number of merchants from the Western Regions. As soon as Xiao Keyan and his party left the city gate, they saw a camel team of many Western Regions merchants.

"Ganzhou is getting more and more lively!" Xiao Keyan couldn't help sighing as he looked at the long queue to enter the city.

Dong Jingyi smiled and said, "There are not too many people in normal times. Isn't this just in time for the horse racing convention? Come on, I'll take you to see the assembly square that my father set out the year before."

Having said that, he pulled Xiao Keyan and Sun Lanxin and ran forward.

When Dong Zhenghua saw it, he had to hurriedly lead the servant girl to chase after him: "Be careful, don't run around."

As the horse racing conference is getting bigger and bigger, more and more people come to Ganzhou, and people with flexible minds see business opportunities. Every time in June and July, some merchants and common people will bring fur, medicinal materials and other agricultural products with them. Animal husbandry products come to Ganzhou for exchange and sales.

In this way, small gatherings were formed.

After Dong Yuanxuan knew about this, in order to facilitate management, he set aside a place outside the city of Ganzhou to be a meeting square, so that businessmen and people could have a fixed place to trade with confidence.

Now that the horse racing conference has not yet started, the assembly square is already crowded with people.

Crowds of common people and businessmen gather around the square and set up various tents on the green grass around the square, which is very lively from a distance.

Xiao Keyan, Dong Jingyi, and Sun Lanxin were happily strolling around the square, and they would ask for anything interesting, fun, or something they had never seen before.

Just as the three of them were in high spirits, bursts of clamor and applause suddenly appeared in the crowd.

"Quick, someone is competing in the ring in the center of the square."

Hearing this, Xiao Keyan's eyes lit up, pulling Dong Jingyi and Sun Lanxin to the center of the square with the crowd.


On the ring, a young man wearing only a white t-shirt easily knocked down his opponent with a sweep of his legs.

Watching the opponent fall, the man shook his head slightly disappointed, then his head was slightly raised, and he smiled.

That smile, three points of arrogance, three points of unrestrainedness, and four points of domineering self-confidence.

"Come again!"

The young man roared in a deep voice and swept towards the crowd below.

Men are unwilling to admit defeat, and immediately some men jumped into the ring to challenge.

In the crowd, Xiao Keyan looked with admiration at the young man on the ring who once again showed the tendency of crushing: "This man's martial arts are very good!"

Dong Jingyi took over the words: "Not only is his martial arts good, but his looks are also good."

Xiao Keyan showed his approval, this person is tall, strong and powerful, with a bit of roughness in his sturdy, and a bit of wildness in his arrogance. He is a very eye-catching person, no wonder the girls around him are staring follow him.


On the stage, Yuan Yonghao's arm suddenly exerted force and directly threw his opponent off the ring.

"Anyone else dare to come up?"

Yuan Yonghao stood on the ring, smiling and looking down, his eyes suddenly lit up when he moved to the left rear, and he stared straight at the red figure in the crowd.

Xiao Keyan felt that Yuan Yonghao was eye-catching, and Yuan Yonghao also felt that Xiao Keyan was very bright and unpretentious. He was the kind that stood out in the crowd, and he could attract people's attention with just one glance.

The beauty Yuan Yonghao has seen a lot, and the sisters and sisters in the family are good-looking, but the girl below has a face as bright as jade, eyes as clear as water, and a smile that is full of beauty.

At this moment, Yuan Yonghao felt his heart beating a little faster.

Below, Xiao Keyan felt that the people on the stage seemed to be looking at her, but she was not sure, so she looked around, her eyebrows frowned slightly.

"Keyan, Jingyi, is that person looking at us?" Sun Lanxin asked nervously.

Dong Jingyi also looked around. There are many girls on their side, so she may not be looking at them: "It shouldn't be."

As soon as the words fell, Yuan Yonghao suddenly jumped off the ring and walked towards them.

This time, the girls on this side all became nervous, even Xiao Keyan, who claimed to have seen all kinds of scenes, held her breath.

With the opening of the mutual market in Xiliang, the living habits of the common people were somewhat influenced by the barbarians and the countries in the Western Regions. As a result, the people here are not like other inland provinces, and they are very taboo to guard against men and women.

In some public occasions, the expression of love between men and women will not cause gossip.

Seeing Yuan Yonghao getting closer and closer, Xiao Keyan also felt a drum in his heart.

Is this person looking at her?

What does he want to do? Wouldn't he want to express his love publicly like the Hu people?

Xiao Keyan swallowed her saliva. At this moment, there was a commotion behind her. When she turned around, she saw a few ladies walking around with a girl in yellow.

When people around them saw them, they couldn't help but make way.

"It's the girl of the chief envoy's family!"

"I didn't expect Miss Ren to come to Ganzhou too."

"As expected, she is the number one beauty in Xiliang. She looks really good."

"It turns out that the warrior was watching Miss Ren just now!"

Seeing Ren Yaning, Yuan Yonghao couldn't help but stop. At this time, he was only three or four meters away from Xiao Keyan.

Wherever Ren Yaning goes, everyone will make way for her, but there are always exceptions.

Looking at Xiao Keyan and the three who were standing in front of him, who had no intention of letting go, Ren Yaning frowned, and after a while, smiled decently, "Please let me go."

Dong Jingyi frowned: "The road is so wide, why do you have to come to us?"

Ren Yaning did not expect that anyone would dare to refute her, and immediately froze in place.

At this time, Yuan Yonghao took the coat from the servant's hand and walked towards it while wearing it.

Seeing Yuan Yonghao coming, Ren Yaning ignored Xiao Keyan and the three of them and shouted with a smile, "Brother Yuan."

Several ladies behind Ren Yaning also hurriedly greeted them: "Young Master Yuan."

Yuan Yonghao glanced at Xiao Keyan and the three of them, and then asked Ren Yaning with a smile, "Why are you here?"

Ren Yaning smiled and replied, "I heard that Brother Yuan is here, so we wanted to come and have a look."

Yuan Yonghao nodded, and just wanted to turn the topic to Xiao Keyan and the three, but Xiao Keyan directly pulled Dong Jingyi and Sun Lanxin away.

Looking at the three who left without looking back, Yuan Yonghao showed a slightly interesting smile on his face: "It's quite individual."

After a distance from the center of the square, Xiao Keyan let go of Dong Jingyi and Sun Lanxin.

Sun Lanxin asked in confusion, "Why are we leaving?"

Xiao Keyan laughed: "Don't leave, stay and eat dog food." After speaking, she paused and asked with a smile, "The number one beauty in Xiliang? When was this selected? I don't know at all. ?"

Dong Jingyi sneered and said, "It's just some people who slapped the horse and complimented the newly appointed Minister. You really take it seriously. If you really want to comment on the number one beauty in Xiliang, besides you, who else will? Qualified."

Xiao Keyan shook her head hurriedly: "I don't want to be the number one beauty. This kind of name sounds good, but it's actually useless at all, and maybe it will cause a fishy mess."

She didn't want to be a sleaze in people's mouths.

"What about Young Master Yuan, who is he? Do you know him?"

Dong Jingyi shook her head.

At this time, the middle-aged woman who talked to the guests vigorously helped them clear their doubts.

"That Young Master Yuan is the son of General Yuan Da, the chief soldier of Xiliang. I heard that his martial arts skills are incredible, and one person can beat ten or twenty people."

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