There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 1131 What kind of bad intentions does the old man have? 2

Peach Blossom Mountain.

The former Taohua Nunnery has been expanded several times. The emperor and the prince live here all year round. One is to accompany Gu Jian, and the other is that the emperor himself wants to live a clean life.

As a prince, as a son, and his health is not good, he can't handle political affairs, so he follows the emperor and filial piety. With him accompanying the emperor, the grandson of the capital can also be more confident.

Gu Jian is now in his 90s. Because of his old age, a small wind and cold last year took more than two months of torment. This scared everyone.

No, as soon as Gu Moyan and Xiao Moan came back, they were called by the emperor to reprimand them.

The emperor looked at Gu Moyan, his face was no longer as kind as he used to be, and his face was very serious: "You should be free for these years, my uncle is getting older and older, you must get married this year, and next year you must let the old man hug you. son."

Gu Moyan also knew about Gu Jian's situation. An elderly man in his 90s would have a headache and a fever, and he might say that it was gone. He also hoped that his ancestors would have no regrets: "Moyan try his best."

He also wanted to marry a daughter-in-law earlier, but a daughter-in-law was not something he could find if he wanted to. . .

The emperor was dissatisfied with this answer, and hummed: "It's not an effort, it's a must. The old man has not urged you too much over the years, so I have no choice but to turn a blind eye and make no demands on you."

"But you are twenty this year, so you can't delay any longer. I will arrange your marriage. Do you have any objection?"

Gu Moyan felt helpless. Grandpa Huang intervened. Even his parents could only obey. How could he dare to refute: "Moyan listens to Grandpa Huang in everything."

Hearing what he said, the emperor's complexion softened a little: "I have done a lot of matchmaking in my life, and each pair has a good time. You, just wait for the groom."

After speaking, he waved Gu Moyan and Xiao Moan to retreat.

After going out of the room, Xiao Moan saw Gu Moyan's head downcast and couldn't help comforting: "Actually, the marriage arranged at home is not as bad as you imagined, and the one you found by yourself may not be as good as you imagined. "

"As for living, the key depends on your mentality and how you live your life."

"Our main wife is mainly to take care of the middle-income family, the husband and the child. If you really don't like it, just marry a few more concubines."

Gu Moyan didn't respond. In this regard, he felt that there was a generation gap between him and Xiao Moan.

Although there is some loss and regret in his heart, since he inherited the title of his ancestor, he has to shoulder the inheritance of the ancient family.

In Zhongzhou in March and April, hundreds of flowers are in full bloom, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, and the land is full of vitality.

Such a good spring is a good time for outings, which naturally attracts countless girls in the boudoir to go out to play together.

When the Tang family arrived in Zhongzhou, they didn't know many people, but Mr. Tang's official position was there. As soon as he arrived, Mrs. Tang received a lot of posts.

On March 16th, Mrs. Tang was invited by Mrs. Xu, who participated in politics, and took sisters Tang Zixin and Tang Zijin to outing in Xiangshan, which is outside the effect.

Mrs. Xu made a lot of appointments. After arriving at Xiangshan, Mrs. Xu enthusiastically introduced various ladies to Mrs. Tang.

After getting to know each other, Mrs. Tang saw that the girls were playing elsewhere, so she did not restrain Tang Zixin and Tang Zijin, and asked them to follow the Xu family to recognize the girls of each family.

Tang Zixin is two years older than Tang Zijin. Because of the protection of Madam Tang and Master Tang, even if she loses her mother, she lives very well in the Tang family.

In addition, Mrs. Tang is not a cruel person, and did not treat her lightly, so Tang Zixin, who has no worries in life, is more outgoing and lively.

This was the first time I saw the girl of the Xu family, but after a while, I was chatting and laughing with others. In terms of getting along with outsiders, I was very happy.

On the contrary, Tang Zijin's temperament is more gentle and demure, and he doesn't talk much.

Whether it was intentional or unintentional, Tang Zixin didn't mean to pull Tang Zijin when he was joking with the Xu family girl.

On the other hand, Miss Xu felt a little embarrassed when she saw Tang Zijin being excluded by herself, and she would throw a few words to her from time to time.

Soon, the three came to the place where the ladies gathered.

After some acquaintance and greetings, Tang Zijin found a quiet pavilion and sat down, while Tang Zixin was surrounded by all the ladies.

Zhu Xin pouted, and said in a dissatisfied tone: "What do you mean, eldest girl, you have to step on the girl inside and out. Isn't this a way to make other girls look down on the girl?"

Tang Zijin's expression did not fluctuate at all, and said lightly: "Big sister has a strong temperament, and in front of outsiders, I will not allow me to steal her limelight, let's avoid it."

Zhu Xin brows knotted: "But why do you keep letting the girl back? The eldest girl is the eldest sister, should she also let the younger sister?"

Tang Zijin drew a circle with his fingers on the stone table, looking at the distant scenery: "If I have a conflict with the big sister, it will make it difficult for my mother to do it. It's just a small matter, so why not let me do it?"

Having said that, he stood up and looked at the stone steps on the mountain, "The flowers on the mountainside are so beautiful, let's climb up and have a look. It just so happens that we haven't climbed the mountain for a long time."

As soon as they left the pavilion, Miss Xu came over.

"Sister Xu!"

"Sister Zijin!"

Miss Xu smiled and said, "I don't like crowded places very much either. My sister doesn't mind if I disturb you."

Tang Zijin shook his head: "I don't mind, I'm planning to go to the mountainside to enjoy the flowers, how about my sister?"

Miss Xu immediately nodded: "Okay, it just so happens that I haven't moved my body for a long time."

As for the Tang family sisters, she prefers her younger sister Tang Zijin, who is a very gentle and gentle person;

Unlike Tang Zixin, she seemed to get along very well when she first met, but her enthusiasm was a little too much, and her words and deeds were faintly competitive. After a long time with this kind of person, she would be very tired.

Fragrant Mountain is not high, and there are only a hundred or so stairs to climb to the halfway up the mountain. The two of them climbed up the mountainside, and they were a little out of breath, but not too tired.

"The flowers on this mountainside are blooming so well!"

Looking at the flowers everywhere, the two girls showed a happy smile.

Afterwards, the two sat directly among the flowers and chatted. Miss Xu talked about the gossip in Zhongzhou, and Tang Zijin also talked about the anecdotes that she had followed with Master Tang over the years.

"There is actually a Eucommia here!"

During the gossip, Tang Zijin swept to the hillside not far away, and there was a large piece of Eucommia growing there. He immediately got up and walked over. Just as he was about to squat down to take a closer look, a black shadow rushed over and directly knocked Tang Zijin down. on the ground.

"Erha, don't hurt anyone!"

An eager male voice sounded, and then, before Miss Xu and Zhu Xin had regained their senses, Gu Moyan hurriedly came to Tang Zijin, pushed the hound Erha away, and then looked at him for a while. Tang Zijin on the ground.

"Girl, are you okay?"

Tang Zijin was suddenly knocked to the ground, and her hands and knees actually hurt a lot, but when she saw Gu Moyan who suddenly appeared, she was so surprised that she forgot to react, and just stared at him blankly.

little grandpa.

Seeing that Tang Zijin didn't speak, just looked at him stupidly, Gu Moyan couldn't help frowning.

Another idiot!

Seeing him frown, Tang Zijin shuddered instinctively, and said in a second, "I'm fine!"

When I was a child, as long as the little grandpa frowned, it meant that he was unhappy. When the little grandpa was unhappy, he liked to bully her. She felt that her face was still so round because she was pinched too much by the little grandpa when she was a child.

Seeing that Tang Zijin was really all right, Gu Moyan stood up without any intention of helping others.

At this time, Miss Xu and Zhu Xin came back to their senses and hurried over to help Tang Zijin up.

Gu Moyan looked at them: "The medicinal herbs and flowers here have their own owners, don't come here if you have nothing to do, or you will be bitten by a dog, and you can only admit that you are unlucky."

Saying that, I'm leaving.

When he turned around, Gu Moyan's eyes suddenly flashed, and Erha actually wagged his tail at the little round face who had just been pounced on.

As for the small round face, he boldly rubbed Erha's head.

Looking at this scene, Gu Moyan was a little surprised.

When did Erha get so close to outsiders?

You know, even if Xiao Moan wanted to touch it, it didn't want to.

Is this dog a horny dog?

"Erha, let's go!"

Hearing Gu Moyan's shout, Tang Zijin instinctively retracted his hand, and signaled Erha to leave quickly with his eyes.

Er Ha made a 'wang' at Tang Zijin before running towards Gu Moyan.

Gu Moyan glanced at Tang Zijin, and left with Erha. After meeting with Xiao Moan not far away, she couldn't help but muttered, "That little round face looks familiar, seems like you've seen it before?"

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