There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 1144 What kind of bad intentions does the old man have? 15


In the guest room, Tang Zijin was lying on the bed, blushing with blush, beating the quilt angrily and annoyed.

The little grandpa is getting more and more excessive, and he is so light on her in broad daylight! ! !

pissed her off!

Thinking of the scene in the rockery, Tang Zijin buried his head in the quilt in shame, and after a while, he got out again.

Just now, she slapped the little grandpa, and I don't know if it was heavy?

Tang Zijin was a little apprehensive at first, then shook his head again, she was right, if the young master dared to belittle her next time, she would dare to beat her!

The scene in the rockery began to replay in his mind again, and Tang Zijin rolled on the bed in annoyance.

"Don't think about it, don't think about it anymore."

There was something in my heart, Tang Zijin didn't eat dinner, and he tossed and turned at night and couldn't fall asleep.

The next day, Tang Zijin appeared in everyone's sight with two dark circles under his eyes.

Seeing Mrs. Tang, she asked worriedly, "Why, didn't you sleep well last night?"

Tang Zijin smiled reluctantly: "Mother, I'm fine."

There were people all around, and Madam Tang didn't say much, just glanced at Tang Zixin, who was crowded among a few girls in dissatisfaction.

My daughter has never liked to complain to her, but she also heard from other places that Zixin publicly attacked her daughter yesterday, and she is more active than outsiders!

When she first heard the news, she really had a stomachache with anger. . .

She really didn't know if this girl Zixin had any brains and slandered her sister. What was the benefit to her?

After returning to the mansion this time, she had to talk to the master and the old lady about them, the eldest daughter of the Tang family.

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. After breakfast, everyone boarded the cruise ship to Ningmenguan along with the Crown Princess and Princess Weiyuan.

To watch the dragon boat race, all the female relatives were very happy. The ladies sat in the cabin chatting and chatting while most of the girls stood on the deck to enjoy the scenery along the way.

On the boat, because the river wind was blowing and Miss Xu was talking, Tang Zijin was not sleepy, but when he got to Ningmenguan and went to the attic where he watched the dragon boat race, Tang Zijin covered his face with a fan from time to time. Cover your mouth and yawn.

Seeing that she was very sleepy, Miss Xu offered to sit with her in the corner.

Tang Zijin thanked her gratefully. Last night, she allowed her to force herself to sleep, but she couldn't sleep. She opened her eyes and watched the sky brighten.

Now everyone is happily watching the dragon boat race. She is yawning here, which is really rude and disappointing. It's better to avoid it.

After talking to Madam Tang, Tang Zijin and Miss Xu walked to the edge of the attic and sat down.

Away from the sight of others, Tang Zijin relaxed a lot. Although the game in the river was exciting, she still couldn't help dozing off, and kept her head down.

On the male family's side, Gu Moyan sat next to the crown prince and Xiao Yeyang. He didn't even bother to watch the game, so he glanced at the female family member from time to time. He saw Tang Zijin dozing off in the corner and accidentally knocked on it. Head, shook his head involuntarily.

Seeing that the game below would not end in a short time, Gu Moyan thought about it for a while, summoned Ping An, and gave a few words in a low voice.

It didn't take long for the maid serving the female family to put pillows on the ladies and girls with a smile, saying that she wanted everyone to sit more comfortably.

The seats on the side of the stand were very hard, and the pillows were provided, which was unanimously welcomed by everyone.

The Crown Princess and Daohua were a little surprised, they looked at each other, and both saw surprise in each other's eyes.

The pillow was not what they ordered!

Daohua glanced at the male family's side, and by coincidence caught Gu Moyan's line of sight from this side. Following his line of sight, Daohua looked towards the female family's corner, and then saw Tang Zijin who was dozing off.

By giving the pillows, the maids moved the screens in various places without looking, just to cover Tang Zijin and Miss Xu who were sitting in the corner.

The Crown Princess also noticed this scene, and immediately said with a low smile: "I'm watching, you will soon marry a second daughter-in-law."

Daohua smiled, then glanced at Gu Moyan next door, and scolded with a smile: "Stinky boy." She said she was not happy, but she was very sincere in her actions.

With a screen to cover and a pillow to lean against, Tang Zijin felt much more comfortable and slept directly until the end of the dragon boat race.

At the end of the game, everyone can move freely, and Miss Xu wakes up Tang Zijin.

"Thank you, Sister Xu!"

Tang Zijin was a little embarrassed to thank him, because he had just woken up and his face was flushed.

Miss Xu couldn't help but stretched out her hand, pinched Tang Zijin's red cheeks, and said with a smile, "I finally let me hold it, so it's your thank you."

Tang Zijin was a little dumbfounded.

On the other side, Gu Moyan, who was following behind the Prince and Xiao Yeyang and was about to go downstairs, saw this scene and immediately became unhappy. Was the chubby face just pinched?

What's going on with the girl from the Xu family? She wants to pinch herself, she's not shameless!


"What are you looking at, keep up with it!"

Xiao Yeyang in front urged Gu Moyan.

Gu Moyan then retracted his gaze and followed quickly.

All the female relatives went downstairs to play together. Tang Zijin and Miss Xu also talked to Madam Tang and Madam Xu, and went downstairs together.

In order to make it easier for everyone to swim in the river, the officials in charge of the dragon boat competition arranged a lot of painting boats for everyone to ride on.

Tang Zijin and Miss Xu found a pavilion by the river and sat down. Not long after they sat down, a painting boat came over.

"Sister Xu!"

On the painting boat, a girl smiled and waved to Miss Xu.

Miss Xu responded with a smile and waved her hand, while introducing to Tang Zijin: "That's the girl from the Yao family. The Yao family is considered a famous family in Zhongzhou, but the descendants of these two generations are not many in the imperial court."

"I was invited to Peach Blossom Mountain this time. The Yao family girl is very active, even more than your big sister."

Having said that, Miss Xu suddenly stopped and looked at Tang Zijin embarrassedly.

Tang Zijin smiled: "Sister Xu, it's okay, my eldest sister is indeed a bit lively."

Miss Xu sneered: "You and your eldest sister are really different in temperament. I think I can speak enough. When I meet your eldest sister, I still can't stand it."

Tang Zijin smiled lightly and did not answer.

No matter how bad Tang Zixin was, as the daughter of the Tang family, Wan never followed outsiders to talk about her reasons.

At this time, the painting boat approached the pavilion.

Miss Yao stood on the deck of the painting boat, looking at Tang Zijin and Miss Xu in the pavilion: "Sister Xu, why are you sitting here, why not swim with us?"

The words were addressed to Miss Xu, but the line of sight couldn't help but swept towards Tang Zijin.

Miss Xu looked at Tang Zijin and asked her opinion with her eyes.

Tang Zijin smiled and said, "Sister Xu, don't worry about me, I'm too lazy to move, just sit here for a while and go back."

She felt that Yao girl's gaze, Tang Zixin was active, she was going for the young master, and Yao girl, who was as active as her, must have the same purpose.

She was called to dinner by her ancestors every day, so Miss Yao might have regarded her as an imaginary enemy in her heart.

She should stay far away.

Miss Xu naturally refused to leave Tang Zijin alone, and rejected Miss Yao with a smile.

Although Miss Yao had some regrets, she didn't bother, she just smiled enthusiastically: "Then we won't bother, if you two want to swim in the river later, you can go there and ride there, there are many painting boats today. "Speaking, pointing not far away.

Miss Xu smiled and thanked her, then watched the boat drive away with Tang Zijin.

After that, Tang Zijin noticed that Miss Xu's eyes fell on the boat in the river from time to time, and couldn't help asking, "Sister Xu, do you want to swim in the river?"

Miss Xu did not deny: "It's rare to come out once, just want to blow the river wind."

Tang Zijin looked at the place where the painting boat was docked, and said, "I also want to refresh my mind, why don't we go to the river?"

Miss Xu had a happy face, and then said: "Didn't you just say you don't want to?"

Tang Zijin smiled and said, "There are so many ladies in Miss Yao's painting boat, I just don't want to cause trouble."

Hearing what she said, Miss Xu did not hesitate, and walked towards the place where the painting boat was parked with Tang Zijin.

Seeing the two coming over, a simple and honest-looking middle-aged boatman immediately stepped forward and saluted with a smile on his face: "The two girls want to swim the river, and the small boating skills are good, why don't you sit on the small one?"

The boats here today were arranged by the officials in charge of the dragon boat competition. Tang Zijin and the two were not worried about safety, so they nodded and got on the boat.

Not long after the boat sailed away from the shore, Tang Zijin was talking to Miss Xu about the scenery on both sides of the strait, and suddenly felt the coolness under his feet. Looking down, he found that the boat was leaking.

"Boatman, quickly dock the painting boat!"

Tang Zijin was startled, and quickly ordered the boatman to dock.

However, the boatman seemed to be frightened by Tang Zijin's sudden voice, and accidentally fell into the river.

Tang Zijin's expression changed when he saw it. He didn't care to comfort Miss Xu, so he trotted to the deck, grabbed the boat prize, and handed it to the boatman who was fluttering in the water, trying to save the person.

It's just that the boatman didn't grab the oars at all, but instead gradually sank in the throbbing until no one could be seen.

Tang Zijin stared at the river for a moment, picked up the oars decisively and started rowing to the shore, and turned his head and called to the bamboo core in the cabin: "Bamboo core, come out and help rowing. Sister Xu, you and your maid sit down. Don't move in there."

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