There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 1151, Redemption 2

Zhang Huahan stayed in Wutong Garden for too long, and when he returned to Mrs. Zhang's yard, the other girls in the Zhang family had long been impatient.

Mrs. Zhang didn't stand up to her granddaughter's coquettish behavior. She had already laid out the clothes and jewelry that Mr. Zhang brought back from the provincial capital. The girls of the Zhang family were watching together.

Seeing Zhang Huahan coming back, Mrs. Zhang immediately smiled and asked, "Have you seen your mother?"

Zhang Huahan lowered his eyes and replied, "Just sat down in the outer hall."

Hearing this, the girls of the Zhang family had ridiculed expressions on their faces, showing an expression they had already guessed.

Mrs. Zhang hesitated to speak, looked at Zhang Huahan with pity and distress, and finally turned into a sigh.

In this regard, Zhang Huahan has no fluctuations in his heart, no sorrow or joy.

This is the case every time, but whenever she goes to greet her mother, she will definitely come to such a scene.

The grandmother seemed to love her dearly, but if she was sincere, why would she expose her scars in public?

Whether her mother saw her, she didn't believe that the grandmother who was in charge of Zhang's house would not know. . .

Seeing that Zhang Huahan didn't respond, Mrs. Zhang felt a little bored.

This girl has inherited her mother's temperament, she is stubborn and indifferent, even though she is respectful on weekdays, but she knows that this girl is not very close to the Zhang family.

Hey, although it is from the blood of the Zhang family, it is a pity that it is not well-bred!

Mrs. Zhang calmed down and pointed to the things in the room with a smile: "These are all brought back from the provincial capital by your father, and they are all new materials and goodies. Your elder sister and the others are watching, you first Go pick out what you like."

Hearing this, several girls in the Zhang family were a little dissatisfied, especially the older Zhang Huahan's second, third, and fourth girls.

The three of them glanced at Zhang Huahan, stood in front of the clothes and heads they liked, and didn't move.

Zhang Huahan took everyone's expressions into his eyes, chose to ignore it, and went straight forward. If she liked it, she would just pick it up and ignore the glares of others.

When Zhang Huahan took away the only piece of Shu brocade, the second girl of the Zhang family couldn't sit still, and said, "Five sister, can you give me this piece of material? During this time, my mother often took me around, and she was naked. The clothes you can get your hands on can't be justified."

Miss Zhang San also said: "And me, I have to go out as a guest often, so don't argue with me about this top five sister."

One of them followed the material, the other played with their heads, and stood in front of Zhang Huahan slightly provocatively.

The second and third girls are not much younger than the grown-up girls. After Mrs. Zhang got married, the two also began to discuss their marriage. During this time, they often went out with their mothers.

Zhang Huahan looked at the two of them indifferently, instead of arguing with them, he turned to look at Mrs. Zhang.

Didn't grandmother always say in front of all the sisters that she should be the first in everything?

In this case, if the second and third sisters treat her like this, grandmother should also reprimand her.

Seeing Zhang Huahan looking at her, Mrs. Zhang felt sullen in her heart, and said angrily, these five girls are getting more and more cunning now, is this asking her to make the decision for her?

Not to mention that her heart was more inclined towards the second girl and the third girl, so she was obsessed with the persecution of the fifth girl, and she didn't want to care.

She doesn't want to care or she doesn't want to care, but in front of so many people, she is a grandmother, she has to have a bowl of water, otherwise, if it spreads to the ears of the Wutongyuan, maybe something will happen again. things to come.

That one doesn't like the fifth girl, but she gave birth to the fifth girl. In her words, she can bully, but others can't.

Because of these thoughts, Mrs. Zhang did not immediately express her position.

Miss Zhang thought that Mrs. Zhang was embarrassed, so she quickly stood up to smooth things out and said with a smile, "Second sister, I also have a moon-white saffron, which suits your complexion best, you can go to my yard to get it later. "

After saying that, he looked at Miss Zhang San again.

"Third sister, didn't you say last time that you liked my red coral head and face set? I have other wears, so I'll give you that set."

"Both of you are older sisters, so why don't you fight with Fifth Sister?"

Hearing this, Miss Zhang Er and Miss Zhang looked at each other, and looked at Miss Zhang with some naughtiness.

For the fifth sister, the eldest sister didn't show how much she liked it on weekdays. What happened today, she actually stood up to help the fifth sister deal with them.

Although the two were a little reluctant in their hearts, the big sister's face still had to be given.

The head of the Zhang family is the uncle, and the uncle is the most doted on the eldest sister. I don't know how many good things they have given her in private, and they are not at a loss.

It's just that Miss Zhang is still a little reluctant.

Such good materials as Shu Jin are only available to the dignitaries. The Zhang family is a family of merchants. Even if they have money, they cannot buy a few horses.

Growing up so big, she still doesn't have clothes made of Shu Jin.

Seeing that she was still holding on to Shu Jin, Miss Zhang San secretly pulled her, but Miss Zhang Er glared at Zhang Huahan, turned and sat on the chair.

When Zhang Huahan met, he didn't feel any embarrassment, how to choose and how to choose.

Before, it wasn't that she was rude, but the result of being polite was that everyone accepted it as a matter of course, and didn't think of her in the slightest. In this case, why did she want to please these people?

On the other hand, Mrs. Zhang held the eldest girl with a loving face and praised her as a eldest sister, sensible, and friendly to her sisters. She also looked at Zhang Huahan meaningfully during the period.

Zhang Huahan's eyelids are slightly drooping, the eldest sister is a friendly sister, she is a person who doesn't know how to respect her sister, isn't she ignorant?

However, did my grandmother forget that she asked herself to choose first, she just did it.

At the beginning, the other sisters were allowed to see it first, but later, she chose it first. She really chose it, and she wanted her to let others. In this case, why let her choose first?

Every time she came to her grandmother's side, she felt very tired. Grandmother always had something to say. To her, she wanted to show her attention to her in front of everyone, but she wanted her to take the initiative to let others.

After all the tossing, the villain and the aggrieved are almost always her.

These are also things that she slowly realized when she was a little older. Now that she knows, how can she still be willing to aggrieve herself according to her will?

After a long time, the grandmother only has face to her.

Mrs. Zhang seemed to have lost interest. After chatting with the girls for a while, she let them back.

Several girls went out of the courtyard together, and when they walked out of the courtyard, Zhang Er and Zhang San blocked Zhang Huahan's way.

Zhang Huahan looked at the two calmly: "What advice do you two sisters have?"

Zhang Er girl first laughed, and then showed sympathy: "I said Fifth Sister, what are you doing with so many good things? You can't use it!"

Miss Zhang San immediately took over the words: "Why can't you use it, the fifth sister will be married next year, and she will be the age to discuss marriage." As she spoke, she suddenly covered her mouth as if thinking of something.

"Look at my mouth, I really don't have the door. Although the fifth sister can discuss the marriage, but no one is talking about it. The uncle is busy with the marriage of the eldest sister, and the aunt is too."

Listening to the teasing of the two, although Zhang Huahan's expression did not change, his heart was still affected.

After speaking, without waiting for the two of them to respond, he turned and left.

After walking for a long distance, Zhang Huahan showed a look of forbearance on his face.

In the Zhang family, no one dared to bully her on the bright side, but she often suffered from ridicule and slowness in words.

She thought she could face all this calmly, but at this moment she realized that she didn't care as much as she thought.

Caiwei looked at her girl with a worried expression.

Although the words of the second girl and the third girl are not pleasing, they are also true. The girl is fourteen this year, and she can see each other at this age, but her girl seems to be forgotten by everyone.

Even the four girls from the concubine were led out of the house, but no one of her girls mentioned it.

"Girl, when you go to greet the eldest lady next time, do you want to talk to Aunt An Ran?"

Zhang Huahan shook his head, said nothing, and went back to his yard in silence.

On the other side, Mrs. Zhang was also talking about Zhang Huahan with her confidant.

Mrs. Zhang: "The fifth girl will be ready next year. You said that the one from Wutongyuan really doesn't care about her?"

Mammy thought for a while and said, "The old slave doesn't think so. Anyway, it's all the flesh that fell from his body. How cruel is it to be able to really ignore it?"

"The fifth girl went to greet the eldest madam. From being chased at the beginning, to being able to salute in the courtyard later, and now to sit in the room, it all shows that the eldest madam can't turn a blind eye to the fifth girl. My heart is also touched by the five girls little by little."

Mrs. Zhang was silent for a moment and sighed: "I hope it is as you said! The fifth girl is still my granddaughter after all, and I sincerely hope that she can have a good home."

This time, the son went to the provincial capital to buy the dowry of the eldest girl, and he also inquired clearly that the elder brother of Wutongyuan was indeed going to be transferred to their Huai'an Province as the governor.

Yan family

In advance of this, she still felt that she did not dare to climb up the in-laws, and Mrs. Zhang's heart was very complicated.

Because of the Yan family, the Zhang family has indeed expanded the family's business, but this is limited to Huai'an Province.

His son was able to marry the one from Wutong Courtyard by means of disgraceful means, so that the Yan family completely disliked the Zhang family, and never admitted to the Zhang family.

In addition, after the Wutongyuan married the Zhang family, he never had contact with the Yan family, and the relationship between the two families became more and more distant.

Therefore, they did not dare to talk about their relationship with the Yan family in any public place, and only dared to borrow the name of the Yan family to expand their business on a small scale.

The eldest son doesn't look good on the outside all these years, but he has always been very cautious, for fear of offending the Yan family and causing trouble for the Zhang family. Even if there is a good business, some are afraid to take over.

Now that the elder brother from Wutongyuan is coming to Huai'an, she and her son finally see some hope.

As long as that one is not really cruel to her daughter, she does not believe that a mother will not plan for her own flesh and blood.

The top priority of the girl's family is undoubtedly the kiss. That arrogant and strong man definitely doesn't want to see his daughter marry casually.

As long as she is willing to contact her brother and has the help of the political envoy, the fifth girl will definitely be able to marry into the official family, and her rank will not be too low.

With the fifth girl, the Zhang family will naturally benefit from it. With the help of her relationship, the Zhang family will be able to slowly change their families.

happy New Year!

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