At the foot of the mountain, Dong Yuanxuan and the others, who were walking their horses slowly, saw Daohua pulling Xiao Yeyang down the mountain in a panic, thinking that something had happened, and immediately ran over.

As soon as he arrived, Dong Yuanxuan jumped off his horse and hurriedly asked, "What's the matter, what happened?"

Daohua put down Xiao Yeyang's hand, took a few breaths, and then said, "We met three people with bad intentions halfway up the mountain."

Dong Yuanxuan's face changed suddenly, and Su Hongxin also ran over quickly. If something happened to the little prince, neither of them would think about it better.

"what kind of person?"

Daohua shook her head with a serious face: "I don't know, anyway, the three of them knew that they were not good people at first glance. They pretended to be dizzy to lure us into being fooled. Fortunately, my sharp eyes saw through their tricks, otherwise, what would happen? I know."

Beside him, Xiao Yeyang glanced at Daohua, who was still worried and fearful, with a complicated expression and indescribable expression.

"What? It's still good. The deception came to Wuhua Mountain. Where is the person? Come on, let's go up and arrest the person." Yan Wenkai rolled up his sleeves and was about to rush up the mountain.

Yan Wenxiu saw that Xiao Yeyang and Defu didn't speak, so his sister was anxious there alone, thinking that there might be something hidden in the matter, so he quickly stopped his fourth brother.

Dong Yuanxuan and Su Hongxin looked a little uncomfortable when they saw Xiao Yeyang turned their heads to one side, while Defu had a blank expression, and their hearts suddenly froze.

There will be no outsiders coming in at the main peak of Mount Wuhua. Could it be the one who lives in another courtyard?

Seeing that Dong Yuanxuan and the others were not moving, Daohua frowned: "There are three people on the mountain who are trying to attack Xiao Yeyang's idea, why don't you go up and check? This time Xiao Yeyang was lucky to have me by his side, so I wasn't fooled. But what about next time?"

"I think, for the sake of safety, you'd better investigate clearly, otherwise, you can't rest assured." After speaking, he looked at Xiao Yeyang again and asked in a low voice.

"Do you still have the itching pills and the drug I gave you? If you don't have them, I'll make some for you here, so you can take them with you for self-defense."

The noble status of royal children is noble, but it is too easy to fall into kidnapping and assassination.

Hearing the concern in Daohua's tone, Xiao Yeyang was moved. This guy was really worried about his safety, but when he thought of who she was guarding against, he didn't know what to say.

After being silent for a while, Xiao Yeyang said, "Also, you don't have to do it any more, you are saying, if I am blessed, how can I be caught so easily?"

Daohua looked disapproving: "You forgot, how did you get kidnapped out of the capital by human traffickers last time? Defu should have followed you back then, you were not kidnapped."

Xiao Yeyang didn't know what to say: ". I was careless that time."

Daohua is serious: "So, this time we found someone who is not right, we must investigate it carefully and kill all potential safety hazards in the cradle. Don't carelessly feel that you are very safe, you must know that bad people are everywhere. ."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Dong Yuanxuan and a few others, indicating that they could bring people up to arrest them.


Dong Yuanxuan and Su Hongxin looked at Xiao Yeyang at the same time.

Facing the real Daohua, Xiao Yeyang also had a headache: "A lady with two maids, they can't do any harm to me at all, how about that?"

As soon as these words came out, Daohua noticed the strangeness, looked at Xiao Yeyang with a puzzled face, and wondered: "It's about your own safety, why are you so careless?"

As she said that, she touched her chin, her eyes narrowed, and she looked at Xiao Yeyang with a scrutiny. Just now, she just cared about taking people away, and didn't think about many details.

Xiao Yeyang was uncomfortable, and quickly turned his eyes away.

Seeing this, Daohua pondered, then shook her head and said, "There's something wrong with this."

Yan Wenkai, who didn't know anything, immediately asked, "What's wrong?"

Daohua touched her chin and said, "First, the acting skills of those three people are too clumsy, and they don't look like assassins. They feel like they were sent by monkeys to make fun."

"Second, the age is wrong. If I want to deal with Xiao Yeyang, I should send a young lady instead of a lady. It's too unreasonable."


A very untimely choked laughter sounded.

Daohua looked at the source of the voice dissatisfied: "Sister Dong, what I said is funny?"

Dong Yuanyao withdrew her smile and shook her head with a stern face: "No." She just felt that the little prince and the eldest brother were too embarrassed to answer by the eldest girl of the Yan family, which was very funny.

Daohua: "Then what are you laughing at?"

Dong Yuanyao said sternly: "I just feel puzzled, why can't my wife, is it reasonable to want a young lady?"

Daohua blurted out: "Of course, it's because the young lady can seduce Xiao Yeyang and let him drop his guard!"

"Yan Yiyi!"

"Big sister!"

Two snorts sounded at the same time.

Daohua shrank her neck as she looked at her elder brother and Xiao Yeyang who were glaring at her.

Whoops, one didn't pay attention and said something that shouldn't be said.

"I was wrong, I won't dare next time."

Looking at Daohua who immediately confessed, Dong Yuanyao leaned on Zhou Jingwan's shoulder with a smile, and said with a smirk, "I've convinced this lady from the Yan family, it's quite fun."

Xiao Yeyang and Yan Wenxiu looked at Daohua with some helplessness at the moment.

After being silent for a while, Xiao Yeyang said, "Okay, it's getting late, let's go back." After speaking, he took the lead in walking towards the palace.

Su Hongxin glanced at Daohua, walked in front of her, and said with a smile, "Sister Yan can do it, this idea is amazing." After speaking, he ran after him.

Daohua frowned suspiciously and looked at Dong Yuanxuan.

Dong Yuanxuan smiled and said after deliberation: "Don't worry, we will find out later." Then he left in a hurry.

Daohua looked at her eldest brother, third brother, and fourth brother again.

The third and fourth brothers were even more confused than her, but the eldest brother stared at her dissatisfiedly: "I must write to my mother and ask her to take your note book, and see what you said just now?"

Daohua hurriedly begged for mercy: "Brother, I was wrong, wasn't I frightened, and I was a little bit speechless."

Yan Wenxiu frowned, thinking of the little prince's reaction, and asked, "Did you make a mistake?"

Daohua is not sure at the moment.

No way, Xiao Yeyang and Dong Yuanxuan's reactions were too abnormal.

He wondered: "But it's true that those three pretended to be dizzy and led us to be deceived! Who would be so full that they have nothing to do, turn dizzy and deceive people?"

Yan Wenxiu was silent for a while: "Don't worry, it should be fine, I'll go over and ask."

"Let's go and ask." Yan Wenkai also dragged Yan Wentao away.

In an instant, everyone was gone.

Only Daohua, Zhou Jingwan and Dong Yuanyao were left.

"Weird, there is something weird here!"

Daohua touched her chin, looked at the backs of Xiao Yeyang and his party, and said with a certain expression.

"What can be weird?" Zhou Jingwan looked confused.

Seeing that the two wanted to continue their discussion, Dong Yuanyao quickly changed the topic: "Sister Yan, I heard that you are selling rouge like lipstick. I want to buy one. It's very convenient to carry around."

Hearing this, Daohua could only put down her doubts first, then turned her head and said, "Where can I buy it, if Sister Dong likes me, I'll give you one."

Dong Yuanyao did not refuse, and said with a smile: "Then I will thank you."

Daohua smiled and said, "You're welcome." Seeing that Xiao Yeyang and the others had already walked away, she quickly said, "Okay, let's follow quickly, it's time to go back."

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