There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 220, take it for granted

"When I entered the mansion this time, I also discovered that Mrs. Li's temperament has changed." Wang Lin frowned when she thought of Mrs. Li who she had seen in the main courtyard of Yan's mansion.

In the past, the uncle's heart was on his daughter's side. Although Mrs. Li was the wife of the main room, she had no confidence in her daughter. But this time, not to mention the luxurious style of the whole body, even the eyebrows have a little more confidence and majesty. Let her faintly dare not look directly.

Lin Xu also took over and said, "The Yan family's rules are getting stricter."

I didn't talk about these female relatives before, even if the husband wanted to see the sister, he didn't need to announce it, but now, if they want to come in, they have to send a post first, and the post has to wait for Mrs. Li's approval before they can come in.

Not only has it become troublesome, but also suffer from a lot of fuss in the middle.

Concubine Lin sighed: "Master's official position is getting bigger and bigger, so naturally he pays more and more attention to the rules. And madam." Concubine Lin smiled bitterly.

"Since the master was promoted to the prefecture, the ladies who received and went out to socialize at home were all the female relatives of some dignitaries. Even if she was full of copper odor, she would be incense."

"As for me, even if I am full of talents, I can only be locked in this yard and can't step out!"

Hearing this, Lin Wang's and Lin Xu's were both silent.

For what Auntie Lin said, they couldn't help at all.

Concubine Lin continued, "The next thing is, the uncle and the fourth master are getting more and more promising. The eldest girl is also extremely powerful. Madam's confidence is not enough."

Lin Wang's answer this time: "Wen Bin and Yishuang are also good children. Your brother can say that Wen Bin's talent for reading is no worse than that of Uncle Yan's."

Aunt Lin smiled wryly again: "So what, even if Wen Bin can read again, the people he has come into contact with and the world he has seen can't be compared to the uncle in Wangyue Academy."

"If a person wants to have a good future, being able to read is not enough."

"Take the master as an example. When he was the county magistrate, he was so loved by the people, but because there was no one to support him in the official circle, he sat in the position of the county magistrate for nine years."

Lin Wangshi said with a sullen face and dissatisfaction: "You said that the eldest girl of the Yan family is so cruel. Wen Bin is her younger brother after all. She would rather help her third cousin than her own younger brother."

Aunt Lin sneered: "The big girl's heart is cruel! I know that she did it on purpose. She was taking revenge for the last time her brother designed her to be slapped by the master."

Lin Wangshi snorted: "This girl's family is still gentle and demure. The eldest Yan family's temperament is so bad, she will definitely suffer from her in the future."

Seeing that her mother-in-law couldn't talk about the idea of ​​their coming this time, Lin Xu had to reach out and pull on her sleeve to remind her.

Lin Wangshi was dragged by his daughter-in-law, and when she saw her daughter-in-law looking at her, her expression became hesitant and embarrassed.

On the side, Concubine Lin saw the movements of the two of them, and frowned: "Mother, brother and sister, what are you doing?"

Lin Xu's expression stiffened: "Mother, she has something to say to you."

Aunt Lin looked at Lin Wangshi: "Mother, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Lin Wangshi glared at his daughter-in-law, hesitated for a moment, and looked at his granddaughter who was just born a few days ago: "What are you going to do with this child?"

Concubine Lin was stunned, for a while she didn't understand what her mother meant.

What do you mean?

The child she gave birth was naturally raised by her, what else could I do?

Lin Wangshi didn't dare to look into her daughter's eyes, so she said bravely, "Your brother has discussed with us at home. Given the current situation of the Yan family, you'd better send the child to the old lady's house to raise him."

Hearing this, Concubine Lin had a look of disbelief at first, and immediately wanted to refute it, but her mind changed, thinking that now the master is getting better and better for his wife, her status is at stake, and she swallowed her words.

Seeing that there was no fierce opposition from their daughter, Lin Wangshi and Lin Xushi were relieved.

Lin Wangshi explained: "Your brother is also doing this for your own good, think about it carefully, take the child to the old lady's yard, and don't look at anything else, just look at the child, the old lady will be kind to you. ."

"With her backing you up, even if Mrs. Li is getting more and more complacent, she doesn't dare to do anything to you!"

"Come on, you send your child to the old lady's yard to do your filial piety. The uncle will be grateful and guilty to you, so are you afraid of falling out of favor in the backyard?"

"Finally, keeping your child by the old lady's side is also your honor, and it is also the best arrangement for the child. The old lady is the most honorable person in Yan's residence, and the food and clothing must be the best. It is a blessing for the child to follow her."

Aunt Lin was silent and did not speak.

Lin Wangshi sighed, got up and patted Concubine Lin's hand: "Think about it for yourself, we'll come to see you next time."

When the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law left, Aunt Lin lay on the bed with her eyes out of focus. After a while, she turned to look at her infant daughter next to her, and then called out to Yuyun.

Xiyun: "Auntie, do you have any orders?"

Aunt Lin stared at her infant daughter, and finally closed her eyes: "Go to Shuhuamen to block the master, let him come over tonight, and say I have something to look for him."

"What did you say?"

Daohua looked at Wang Man'er with a mysterious face in surprise: "Aunt Lin is going to send her newborn daughter to her grandmother's yard?"

Wang Man'er saw that there was only playfulness on his girl's face, and he didn't see any anxiety, so he had to stamp his feet and said: "Oh, my girl, don't patronize and watch the fun, the fifth girl is really going to be sent to the old lady's yard, can you? What should I do?"


Daohua couldn't hold back, she burst out laughing, and said with a speechless smile, "What should I do? Do you think a baby doll can take my place in my grandmother's heart?"

Wang Man'er's expression froze, and she also felt that it was unlikely: "But, let's spread the old lady's love away."

Daohua picked up the embroidery shed and continued to embroider the panda, with a very calm expression, and said somewhat sarcastically, "I thought that after coming to Xingzhou, Aunt Lin would be more self-aware, but I didn't expect that she didn't improve at all!"

Saying that, he sneered.

"She wants to send the child to her grandmother's yard, and her grandmother has to accept it? Her face is still as big as ever!"

Wang Man'er watched her girl thread the needle and lead slowly, and her anxious heart gradually calmed down.

Yes, just now I was anxious to patronize, and it is not certain whether the old lady is willing to take the five girls.

main courtyard.

Mrs. Li also received the news, with a contemptuous smile on her face, and then continued to count the New Year gifts sent by each family.

Ping Xiao was a little anxious and had to remind: "Madam, the master has gone to Songheyuan now, won't you go and take a look?"

Mrs. Li smiled lightly: "The old lady is the most sensible, Aunt Lin is just taking it for granted, don't bother."

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