"You, why bother to provoke her!"

Xiao Yeyang shook his head at Yan Wenxiu who was speechless.

"That's right, brother!"

Yan Wenkai came up, patted his eldest brother on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "We girls, don't you know? She is smart, quick, and articulate. It's fine if she doesn't take care of herself, but this time, she's clearly taking her place. Yes, can you still speak to her?"

"It's alright now, let's be told!"


Just when Yan Wenxiu was about to speak, Xiao Yeyang looked over and said, "Daohua is different from other girls, don't you always use the world's standards to restrain her and let her be happy and live with her own nature?"

In his opinion, a run on the son of a merchant is not a big deal at all.

Moreover, Daohua is polite enough, not naming names, nor directly embarrassing people, but turning a corner and scolding a few words, what's the point?

Yan Wenkai immediately nodded in agreement: "That's right, eldest brother, my daughter's family has a delicate mind and thinks more deeply than we do. We should be more accommodating at ordinary times.

Hearing this, Su Hongxin immediately smiled and said, "Oh, yes, Yan Wenkai, I didn't expect you to have such a loving side."

Yan Wenkai was proud: "I'm just a younger sister, so of course I'll spoil you."

Yan Wenxiu looked over immediately: "What are you talking about, what a sister? Where did you put Yihuan and the others?"

Yan Wenkai's expression paused, and he smiled shyly: "Slip of the tongue, I mean just a direct sister." After speaking, he whispered, "Anyway, I only like the eldest sister."

Seeing him like this, Yan Wenxiu shook his head and sighed, and was about to say something when Dong Yuanxuan came up and patted him on the shoulder: "Wenxiu, a little sister like Sister Yan, it's nothing to do it a little bit, maintenance. I feel good about my family.”

He was very indulgent towards Yuan Yao.

Born in a Houmen, he has many shackles on his body. He feels that the wanton and happy smile on his sister's face is particularly precious. He likes to see her smile, and wants to protect this smile forever.

Saying that, he sighed.

"Now the little sisters are growing like a day, there is not much time to stay at home, so please pamper them!"

Yan Wenxiu moved his lips and was about to speak when Zhou Chengye came over again, and said to him with the same sincerity, "I know you are afraid that things will get too big and affect the relationship between your uncle's family and Fang's family. The family has made a marriage, and some innocuous little problems can be ignored."

"But today, I still want to stand on Sister Yan's side."

"Your family is simple, and your father only has two concubines. You may not know the filth between women. My mother is very powerful, but she is not less angry with my father's concubines."

"Let me tell you, this woman, none of it is simple. That girl from the Sun family has made it clear that she has no good intentions. If she indulges her this time, she doesn't know what will happen in the future."

"As for some people, it's okay to beat and beat, don't just be tender, especially since the Fang family is obviously clinging to your house, so, it's not good for your cousin, it's really not good."

Yan Wenxiu stood blankly and was bombarded by the crowd, and he was a little autistic.

He didn't care much, didn't he just take care of his uncle and aunt's face, worried that things would get worse, and persuaded the eldest sister?

First, he was scolded by the eldest sister, and now he was bombarded by friends one after another, but he didn't give him a chance to speak.

Yan Wenxiu took a deep breath. Although he was preached, he still listened to what everyone said.

Especially the words of the eldest sister touched his heart.

He knew that he had many flaws, because he grew up in a simple environment, and he was a little inconsiderate. Although his father had a concubine, his mother never complained to him, so that when he grew up, he did not put himself in the shoes of him. to consider the mother's feelings.

Now that I think about it, it was really disrespectful.

The eldest sister has confronted her father several times, and it can be said that each time is for the sake of her mother.

And what about him?

He didn't protect his mother!

Thinking of this, Yan Wenxiu felt extremely annoyed.

Seeing that Yan Wenxiu was silent, Xiao Yeyang and the others didn't say anything. They just laughed and talked about other things while looking at Daohua and the others who were putting paper kites in the distance.

Not far away, Fang Hao's expression fluctuated, and his eyes kept chasing the smiling blue figure on the grass.

Although the Yan family girl's words were a bit out of line, she had to say that she was very transparent.

Glancing at his nephew who was bowing his head beside him, Fang Hao said lightly, "Don't blame Miss Yan for her unpleasant words. If I didn't meet them, I would also say something to you."

"If you want a girl to like you, that's because you are attractive, but if you don't know how to reject a girl, that's your incompetence."

"Don't be indecisive in doing things. There are only a few opportunities to move up in a person's life. If you are indecisive, you may lose the opportunity because of this."

"The Li family has only been up for two or three years now. There is not enough background and connections. The shopping mall needs the help of the Fang family. Otherwise, your marriage with the girl of the Li family will be ruined by you."

"The girl from the Yan family said very well. Since the two families get what they need, you should take up your own part of the responsibility."

"I don't care if you really have an interest in the girl from the Sun family or a fake one. You need to know that you can't have both. If you choose one, throw the other away as soon as possible."

"Looking at the past and present, those who succeeded in Longwangshu did not end well in the end."

"You guys, when you come to you, you are the only one who supports you. If you don't have a good relationship with your wife and clan, you will really become a loner."

Hearing these words, Fang Liangji's heart was also touched, and when Fang Hao finished speaking, he bowed deeply: "Thank you uncle for your teaching, Liangji knew he was wrong."

Fang Hao nodded and said nothing more.

Some words are good enough to stop, but if you say too much, you will be annoying.

Fang Liangji looked at Fang Hao, then turned to look at Xiao Wangye and others not far away on the left, and after a while, looked at Sun Yongyi and others a few meters away on the right, and sighed in his heart.

Is this the difference between a merchant's family and an official family?

Businessmen look at problems, and most of what they see only cares about the immediate and superficial aspects, while officials and eunuchs look at problems directly to the essence and focus on longer-term interests. Even the daughter of the Yan family has an amazingly high academic horizon.

Now he finally understands why the merchant wants to make friends with the official family even if he is bleeding profusely.

Different levels, different issues to consider, maybe a few words will benefit people for life.

This time, he really benefited.

"Yiyi, my paper kite is taller than yours, I won!"

"This doesn't count, my paper kite just fell off, wait for me, my pig's head will definitely fly higher than yours."

"Hahaha, I'm really laughing to death. Eagles are born to be strong in the air. How could your pig head be better than mine."

"No matter where a hero is born, a pig's head can go to heaven."

Listening to the competition in the distance, Xiao Yeyang and the others showed smiles on their faces.

Fang Hao's side was also watching intently, looking at the blue figure running happily on the grass.

One moment ago, he was arguing with his brother, and the next moment he was joking with his friends. Such a person must be very open-minded.


to be a good name!

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