Master Qin felt that Daohua was not respectful and sincere, and after starting the class, he said, "Girl Yan said that she has read four books, and she should have understood the words and principles that she should know, so I will not stop. I came down to give you a make-up class alone, and now you can listen to the class with the other girls."

Before she thought, after all, the eldest girl from the Yan family had just come from the country and she didn't understand many things. She had to give more tutoring, but after seeing her in person today, she felt that this student's temperament was really not very good, and she had to grind it first. grind.

As soon as you follow the pace of other girls who have gone to school for a few years, you will definitely be left behind.

If this person can't keep up with the progress, he will naturally ask her.

At that time, she naturally knew what it means to respect teachers and elders.

When Daohua heard Master Qin's words, she didn't react. She never thought that she would be left behind by several children. She survived the bombing of nine years of compulsory education, high school entrance examination and college entrance examination. She was still afraid of this ancient girl. study?

As for Yan Yishuang, seeing that Master Qin didn't seem to like Daohua very much, they winked at each other, and then opened the textbook in a proper manner.

In the lectures that followed, Master Qin did not slow down because Daohua was in class for the first time. He taught as usual, and now he is the same.

During this period, she looked at Daohua several times, and saw that she did not show any signs of being dropped, and her brows slightly touched.

Is it possible that this person really read so many books in the countryside?

"Miss Yan, tell me what you mean by reading this passage just now!"

Daohua was looking at the book in her hand seriously, and she was stunned for a moment when she was suddenly called, but she quickly stood up and explained the words she read according to her own understanding.

After listening to Master Qin, he didn't say anything and let her sit down.

After that, Daohua was called several times.

At first, Daohua thought that Master Qin was testing herself, but after many times, she suddenly felt a sense of being targeted.

Daohua raised her eyes and looked at the stern, unsmiling Master Qin, and got rid of the discomfort in her heart.

Is it her delusion?

She just came to class, shouldn't she offend this master?

Time passed slowly, and the first day of class ended after Daohua had been asked countless times.

In the evening, Songheyuan.

"Daohua, how was your class today? Are you still used to it?"

Mrs. Yan and Mrs. Li looked at Daohua with concern.

Others also looked at the rice flowers.

Daohua nodded calmly: "It's okay, there's nothing I'm not used to."

Mrs. Yan and Mrs. Li breathed a sigh of relief.

Others laughed and praised Daohua for being smart.

Pingtong glanced at Daohua several times, and seeing that she looked normal, he buried the matter of Yan Yishuang's isolation of her this morning in his heart.

Yan Zhigao felt that he, the father, should also show concern, so he said, "You just came, if you don't understand anything, you can ask Master Qin directly, or you can ask your sisters."

Yan Yile immediately smiled and said, "Uncle, don't worry, we will help eldest sister."

Daohua didn't speak, and glanced at Yan Yile with a half-smile.

Aside, Yan Yihuan and Yan Yishuang looked at each other and looked away.

In the days that followed, Daohua gradually became familiar with Master Qin's teaching style, and it became easier and easier to learn.

One day, Master Qin asked Daohua to read the section on cultivating morality in the female commandments, and then asked Daohua to get up and explain the meaning.

Rice Flower still explained it according to her own understanding.

After explaining, Master Qin didn't say good or bad, just let her sit down, and then called Yan Yishuang to come up and explain.

After Yan Yishuang explained, Master Qin nodded with a smile and praised him.

In this regard, Daohua's eyes flickered. No matter how slow she was, she understood that Master Qin was targeting her.

In class these days, she has been asked the most times, but after the question, Master Qin said nothing or expressed any opinion.

But when asking other people, she will comment, point out the good and bad, and praise them without hesitation.

Daohua thought, if she is really an 8- or 9-year-old girl, in such a learning environment that is clearly treated differently, she will definitely be hit more and more unconfident in the long run, right?

What's more, there will be a feeling of weariness.

Master Qin.

Daohua narrowed her eyes and looked at the master, she really couldn't figure out what she was doing.

And what did she do to make her a master oppress a child like this?

How does this benefit her?

"Miss Yan, please explain the meaning of the section of "prudence and tranquility." Seeing Daohua's distracted mind, Master Qin immediately called her up in displeasure.

Daohua stood up and did not explain as obediently as before, but said, "Master, you haven't taught us this lesson yet."

Master Qin's expression darkened slightly: "If you want to explain it, you can explain it."

Daohua glanced at Master Qin lightly: "I'm sorry, Master, I haven't had time to watch this section of Shen Jing."

Master Qin frowned: "Don't you know you need to preview before class?"

Daohua: "You didn't arrange it in advance."

Seeing that Daohua was talking back again and again, Master Qin immediately said angrily: "This is your attitude towards learning? As the eldest sister, you can't learn from your younger sisters, look at Yishuang, I didn't tell me either. , she knows to preview in advance. You, the eldest sister, is really not as good as her own sister at all."

Hearing this, Daohua's heart suddenly became angry, and she looked at Master Qin with a condensed expression: "Master, I really want to ask, where did I provoke you to make you look at me like this?"

As soon as these words came out, not only Master Qin, but also Yan Yishuang and others who were gloating at the misfortune were all stunned.

No one thought that Daohua would put things on the bright side so straightforwardly.

Master Qin was stunned for a while before he reacted, and immediately said angrily, "Presumptuous, is this how you treat your teacher?"

Daohua sneered: "You also know that you are a teacher, but if you think about what you do, whether it fits the status of a teacher. If you don't like me, just say it directly, I won't come to the class. Does it take you so much effort to step on one and hold the other?"

Hearing this, Master Qin was shocked. She didn't expect that the little girl in her heart would be seen through by a little girl.

Yan Yishuang stood up quickly and looked at Daohua with disapproval: "Big sister, how can you talk to Master Qin like this? Why don't you apologize to the Master as soon as possible."

As soon as he finished speaking, Master Qin said angrily, "Forget it, she is the daughter of the county magistrate, how dare I ask her to apologize, let's go to get out of class." After speaking, he quickly turned and left.

Seeing this, Daohua smiled sarcastically, calmly put away the books on the guest table, and then left.

Looking at the back of her leaving, Yan Yihuan and the others were full of admiration.

Xu Ke came to Yan Yishuang's side and said, "You big sister is so courageous, how dare you talk back to Master Qin in person."

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