There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 43, a successful solution

With the acquiescence of his parents, the support of Mrs. Yan's 200 shi of grain, and the encouragement of Daohua, the next day, Yan Wenxiu suggested to the master in the county school with an uneasy mood, to organize the students while the snow was good. They go out to collect the wind.

Generally speaking, in the winter, the master of the county school would not allow the students to go out. However, Yan Zhigao greeted Jiaoyu in advance about this, so a group of students walked out of the city on the snow.

Because he was afraid of accidents on the road, Yan Zhigao specially sent a lot of yamen to escort him.

The students go out all day.

That evening.

Everyone gathered in Songheyuan and looked curiously at Yan Wenxiu, who had a heavy face and was silent after returning.

It wasn't until Yan Zhigao went to the government office that Yan Wenxiu said, "Father, life as a refugee is really hard."

Before today, he could not have imagined that in this icy world, there were people who couldn't even wear shoes, and only had a thin layer of clothing on their bodies, so they had to go to the mountains to find food in the heavy snow.

The food they were looking for was not game, but tree roots and bark.

When he saw a five- or six-year-old boy chewing on a piece of tree root with relish, as if he was eating some delicacies from the mountains and seas, his heart was hit hard.

Compared with some big families in the county school, the Yan family is not wealthy, but since childhood, he never bothered about food and clothing. Today, he realizes that there are actually people in this world who can live a good life. So bitter.

In the past, refugees, in his impression, were a group of people who escaped. He knew that it was not easy for them to live, but he had no idea how difficult it was.

Today, the difficulty of refugees is clearly placed in front of him, and the shock brought to him can be imagined.

Yan Wenxiu described what he saw and heard today one by one, and everyone fell silent after hearing it.

As early as when she was pretending to be a refugee, Daohua knew about this, so she didn't feel much, but now she was thinking about how to help the refugees, so she broke the silence: "Brother, your classmates What do you think about the lives of refugees?"

Yan Wenxiu: "Naturally, I feel extremely sympathetic."

Daohua: "Then did you tell them to support the refugees in the winter?"

Yan Wenxiu nodded: "I said, everyone expressed their willingness to do their part to help the refugees."

Daohua nodded with a smile.

The students in the county school are not very old, and even if they are usually a little reckless and difficult to manage, they are still kind-hearted.

Daohua asked again: "Then does the big brother have regulations on this matter?"

Yan Wenxiu was taken aback: "Do you need any more regulations?"

Daohua: "Of course I need it. For example, where should the donated property be placed? Who will register and check it?"

Yan Wenxiu interrupted Daohua: "Wait, eldest sister, can't you just donate things directly to the county government?"

Daohua shook her head: "This is the love of your students. It has nothing to do with the county government. Of course, you have to do it yourself. Besides, you can only gain something from it after you have done it yourself. Brother, this is a rare opportunity. Cherish it well."

Yan Wenxiu glanced at Yan Zhigao, saw his father's face contemplative, then turned to look at Daohua: "This is too big"

Daohua: "Isn't it just collecting things, and then distributing the collected things? There are so many students in the county school, and each of them is responsible for a part, which is very easy. But ah, this kind of thing is really not sloppy, and it has to be planned in advance. Detailed charter to avoid temporary problems."

Yan Wenxiu glanced at Daohua, and asked shamelessly, "Can eldest sister explain the regulations in detail?"

Daohua: "For example, if you donate things, someone must be responsible for registering and checking them; another example, if you donate a lot of things, you have to find a place to put them; know the stock"

"Also, not all students in the county school have a good family background. For these people, you should not let them donate things, but everyone else is donating. If they don't donate, they will definitely be uncomfortable. At this time , you let them do things, whether it's registration or storage, let them participate anyway."

In fact, Daohua didn't understand this kind of thing very well. It was what she thought and said. However, Yan Wenxiu listened very seriously and nodded from time to time.

Beside him, Yan Zhigao looked at Daohua with more and more satisfaction, while Mrs. Yan and Mrs. Li were aunts laughing all the way.

After Daohua finished speaking, Yan Zhiyuan immediately said, "Wen Xiu, let Wen Jie help you too."

"And me, I want to help too." Yan Wenkai called out immediately, just seeing the eldest brother and the eldest sister discussing, he always wanted to interject, but unfortunately, failed to do so.

Yan Zhiqiang, who has never liked to express his opinions in front of people, also spoke up this time: "Wen Xiu, if you need someone to carry things, call Wen Tao, he is very powerful."

Mrs. Yan looked at the children and grandchildren underground with a smile on her face: "Since Wen Jie, Wen Tao, and Wen Kai are also participating, the old lady is supporting 100 shi of food."

Mrs. Li followed with a smile and said, "The family also supports 200 shi. Together, our family will donate 500 shi of food, no more and no less. It is good for other students to have a reference for comparison."

Yan Zhigao didn't speak the whole time, as if he let Yan Wenxiu toss and toss. From his smiling face, it could be seen that he was in a good mood.

Of course, that's not to say he doesn't take it seriously, on the contrary, he takes it seriously.

He carefully thought about what the eldest daughter said, and felt that it was much better for the students to organize the matter spontaneously than for the county government to arrange it.

At the very least, for those big family squires, supporting their children to do good deeds is much more acceptable to them than supporting the county government's disaster relief.

Early the next morning, Yan Wenxiu didn't even eat breakfast, so he went to the county school in high spirits. After half a day, he attracted more than ten students who were willing to donate.

With someone taking the lead, the rest will be much easier.

There are indeed many students in the county school with good family backgrounds. Soon, the donations exceeded Yan Zhigao's expectations.

Yan Zhigao also wanted to take the opportunity to exercise his eldest son, so he did not intervene, but he couldn't help watching this, so he sent Master Xiao, who was meticulous and steady, to help.

It was the first time for the students to do this kind of thing, and they were very motivated. They went back and forth for several days. Although there were many problems in the middle, they finally managed to get things done before another heavy snowfall.

The refugees have more or less received some clothing and food, and they may not be well-off, but they may be able to persevere through this cold winter.

In this regard, the students are satisfied, and so are the parents behind the students.

How can they not be happy that their children have done such a big thing at such a young age.

As for Yan Zhigao, the head of the county, he was relieved.

As long as the refugees don't have an accident, even if he has no credit, he is definitely not at fault.

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