It was the first time for her daughter to celebrate the New Year with her, and Mrs. Li naturally wanted to do her best to make her daughter happy.

The geographical location of Linyi County is a bit remote, and the quality of things sold in the county town is not very good.

Before her daughter came over, because she couldn't collect good materials, she could only use ordinary fabrics to make a few clothes for her daughter.

Now that the Chinese New Year is coming, she naturally hopes that her daughter will dress better.

In the home school, among the few girls who were studying, she had the worst material on her Daohua. She could guess that those little girls in private were probably gossiping about Daohua.

The daughter is sensible and never bothers her because of these things.

When she thought that her daughter hadn't worn silk and satin clothes until she was 9 years old, her heart was very uncomfortable.

At home, whether it is Yihuan Yile or Yishuang, in the past, in the etiquette sent by the Yan County magistrate, as long as there was a tender color of clothing, it was divided among the three girls.

This time, it wasn't her being stingy. Those brocades were deliberately chosen by the big brother for Daohua, and they had been reserved a long time ago. After receiving the letter from home, she had already decided what style of dress she would like to give her daughter.

Now Yan Zhigao gave the brocade to others without asking any questions. For the first time, Mrs. Li, who had always been gentle and docile, was angry with him.

"Master, you don't ask me to share the New Year's gift, it's nothing, but when you divided those brocades, didn't you think about keeping one for our rice flowers?"

Yan Zhigao looked a little embarrassed. At that time, he looked at the fabrics that looked good, thinking that the girls at home would look good when they made clothes, so when he was happy, he distributed the fabrics.

As for the eldest daughter, isn't there a lot of material left? Left and right will not wronged her.

"It's not a big deal. I'm in a hurry. It's just a few pieces of material. After all the points are divided, what do you want?"

Hearing this, Mrs. Li could no longer restrain the anger in her heart: "Master, those pieces of material were specially given to her by Daohua's uncle. We didn't take care of her enough without Daohua by our side all these years. Do you want to give her things to others now?"

Yan Zhigao was still a little apologetic in his heart, but when he heard this, his face sank: "What other people? Yishuang and the others are all Daohua's younger sisters. What happened to the ingredients?"

Mrs. Li was so angry that she blurted out a few words: "Master wants to send Yishuang and the others to buy and deliver the materials themselves. The materials that my brother sent are designated for Daohua and must be returned."

As soon as these words came out, Yan Zhigao stood up immediately, looking at Madam Li with an extremely ugly face.

For a long time, Yan Zhigao knew very well in his heart that the Yan family's family was weak, and a large part of the management of the officialdom and the family's expenses were maintained by his wife's dowry.

For this, Yan Zhigao felt remorse and guilt, but also ugly.

A man who lives on his wife's dowry, especially the head of a county, makes the arrogant and arrogant Yan Zhigao very disgusted that his wife beats him with money.

Yan Zhigao looked at Madam Li coldly and thought.

For the sake of a few pieces of material, his wife was arguing with him regardless of her dignity, and now she has to take back the things he sent out, which is a slap in the face.

The businessman really can't stand on the table, and there is only copper, gold and silver in his eyes, and there are no rules and regulations.

Here, as soon as the words came out, Mrs. Li also felt something was wrong.

But at the moment, she was angry, and she didn't maintain Yan Zhigao's self-esteem as carefully as usual.

The husband and wife confronted each other with swords drawn, and neither of them planned to bow their heads.

"What are you doing? You want to turn the world upside down, don't you? Do you still take this old lady in your eyes?"

With the help of Sun's mother, Mrs. Yan stepped into the main room quickly, looking at the two people who were confronting in the room angrily.

The quarrel between the husband and wife in the big room soon spread to the ears of each hospital.

Three bedrooms.

Daohua followed Mrs. Li to the street today and saw someone selling pottery pots. She thought that her grandfather's family, whom she had never met, had given her a lot of goodies this time, and she felt that she had to pay her respects. I bought more than ten pots and came back.

She didn't have much to offer, but she could plant some potted plants and send them over.

Like the red plum I bought last time, it's doing well now, and it can be grafted for a while to continue planting.

And when she was in Yanjia Village before, she ran all over the mountains and fields and collected many varieties of flowers and plants. Now they are growing well in the space and transplanted, they are definitely no worse than the potted plants sold by others.

Among the Yan family's grandchildren, the third brother Yan Wentao is the most interested in growing things.

So, as soon as she got home, she took the pottery pot to the third room.

When the news of the main courtyard came, she and Yan Wentao were filling the pot with soil.

Hearing Mrs. Li and Yan Zhigao quarreling, Daohua threw down the pottery pot and ran towards the main courtyard without even having time to wash her hands.

And Wu Shi, after learning the cause and effect of the matter, immediately found the brocade that was sent earlier, took it and hurriedly walked towards the main courtyard.

Second room.

Seeing that Sun was going to send back the brocade that Yan Zhigao scored, Yan Yile looked unhappy: "Mother, this is given to us by the uncle, why should you send it back?"

Mrs. Sun tapped Yan Yile's forehead: "There's been a commotion in the main room. If you don't send it back, do you wait until someone else comes to ask for it?"

Yan Yile said sullenly, "I have to go back for the things I sent out. How can the aunt do this?"

Yan Yihuan: "The eldest aunt is not a stingy person. I heard that this time the eldest sister's uncle specially gave her the material, and the eldest uncle made a mistake."

Yan Yile: "Even if you make a mistake, it's just a few pieces of material, you can't just make a mistake."

Yan Yihuan and Mrs Sun didn't answer these words.

This is not just a few ordinary pieces of material. Mrs. Sun, who was born in a landlord's family, admits that she has some knowledge. As soon as the brocades sent to her are used, she knows that the quality of this material is much better than the ones they received in the past.

Seeing that Mrs. Sun didn't speak, Yan Yile shook her arm: "Mother, my daughter likes this material, can we not send it back? The eldest sister is alone, and the aunt made so many clothes for her before for Chinese New Year. She just doesn't do it, and she has new clothes to wear."

Sun rolled her eyes: "This is different, the clothes your eldest sister is wearing now is not as good as yours, and your aunt will definitely not wrong her daughter, let's go and send the materials back with your mother. "

Yan Yile's mouth was raised high: "Since the eldest sister came, the aunt doesn't love us anymore."

The Sun family didn't speak, but Yan Yihuan, who was behind her mother and sister, thought to herself that her niece was naturally inferior to her own daughter.


When Aunt Lin received the news, her eyes lit up instantly.

Immediately, some reluctantly looked at the brocade that had not been put away, ignoring the reluctance in her daughter's eyes, and instructed the girl to pick up the brocade and quickly walk towards the main courtyard.

main courtyard.

Daohua ran into the yard at the fastest speed, and because she ran so fast, fine sweat oozes from her forehead.

Although she only listened to a rough idea, when she thought of her mother's docile and gentle character, who did not easily argue with others, she instinctively felt that her cheap father had bullied her mother.

Her mother is so weak, she has to help, or she will not know how she will be bullied.

However, as soon as he stepped into the yard, he was pulled aside by Yan Wenxiu and Yan Wenkai.

"Big brother, fourth brother, let me go, I have to go in and see my mother!" Daohua struggled, trying to get rid of the arm that was holding her.

Yan Wenxiu: "Big sister, grandmother is inside."

"Then I have to go in too!"

Seeing that her eldest brother was hesitating to speak, and seeing that the fourth brother, who always said something, was embarrassed, Daohua had to ask: "Big brother, fourth brother, what are you trying to say when you pull me?"

Yan Wenxiu looked at Daohua, and thoughtfully said: "Big sister, the reason why parents quarreled is because the materials that eldest uncle gave you were given to each room by father, I think if you don't take the initiative, this may be the case. calmed down."

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