Daohua glanced at the food and looked away. She was in no mood to eat at this moment. She looked around the house, and then walked to the door lightly, listening to the movement outside.

No sound was heard, and he looked out through the crack of the door.

At this moment, the sky was dark, and the place where she was being held was a courtyard. There was no one guarding the door, but the door was locked from the outside.

Looking at the iron rope on the door, Daohua looked back at the house, only to realize that the house had no windows at all.

Daohua sat back in the corner with a sullen face, regretting it in her heart, knowing that she would stay in the space for two more days before she came out.

"I got my luck home too!"

Even if she came out early, or came out late for a while, she could still escape, but sooner or later, she ran into a one-eyed man and led him back.

However, listening to their conversation just now, Yuan Yao and the others should be safe.


The door was opened again.

It was the same boy from before. The boy looked at the untouched food, put the quilt in his hand on the ground, and then turned around and went out without saying a word.

"and many more!"

Daohua called out aloud.

The boy turned around, glanced at Daohua's hand behind his back, and said with a blank face: "If you can't escape, even if you escape from this yard, you can't escape from this village." left back.

Listening to the sound of the door being locked outside, Daohua frowned: "The village?" Was she taken to a mountain village?

Daohua looked at the quilt carried by the boy. It was already the end of November, and the sky was extremely cold. There was nothing in this room, only some sundries, which was very cold.

After thinking about it, Daohua still went to the quilt.

She didn't know if anyone was watching outside the house, so she couldn't enter the space.

It was freezing cold at night, and she needed a quilt for warmth.

Daohua flipped through the quilt, and seeing that it was still clean, she folded the quilt in half, with one half cushioned and the other half covered.


As soon as Daohua sat in the quilt, she pulled up the quilt and smelled it.

Great rust smell!

She understands that the quilt is damp and musty, but the quilt smells of rust. What is the reason?

Just when Daohua was full of doubts, footsteps came from the yard, and then the voice of a bald man sounded: "Aeon, that girl. Is that girl awake?"

The teenager who delivered rice and quilts to Daohua came out of the next room and nodded, "Wake up! Brother bald, why are you here?"

The bald man said casually, "I'll take a look." After speaking, he looked into the room through the crack of the door, and saw Daohua lying under the quilt with his eyes closed, and pouted, "I'm quite knowledgeable about current affairs, not like before. The girls we caught are crying and robbing the ground, they dislike this one and that one, and they are the ones who suffer in the end."

Aeon also glanced into the room and nodded, this girl is indeed very smart, knowing that people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

The bald head was silent for a moment and said, "Aeon, let's add an extra bed and quilt. Don't freeze for a little girl."

Hearing this, Aeon looked at the bald head in surprise, and ran after Cao Ye for a few years. The bald-headed brother is no longer the honest and honest man in Zhaojiacun. He is hard-hearted. What is going on today, the sun is coming out from the west?

Even Daohua in the room was surprised, but she remembered that the bald man's hands were black, so that she couldn't move her neck flexibly until now.

The bald head was a little uncomfortable, and he pulled Aeon and said in a low voice, "I just found out that the winter wheat grown in our field was developed by this girl's father."

Aeon was stunned for a moment, and then frowned: "Then why do you still arrest her?"

The people of Fenxi are very grateful to Yan Zhigao, who promoted high-yield grains.

Because of the winter wheat planting, many families who could not survive survived. Now, most families can save some Yu Niang, and life is much better than before.

The bald head sighed: "We didn't even want to catch her, who let her luck run into her. Hey, this girl's luck is really bad, she ran away in the middle, but in the end she was blocked by us, Say, what can I do?"

"It's useless to say anything now, everyone has been arrested. It is thanks to her father that we can eat our stomachs. We can't do anything else. We can only take care of her as much as possible to make her feel better."

Aeon nodded: "I'll go get the quilt."

In the room, Daohua opened her eyes. It turned out that she was already in Fenxi.


The door was opened, and Aeon walked in with two quilts in his arms. Seeing Daohua's eyes wide open, he glanced at the untouched food and said, "Let's eat the rice, don't make fun of your body."

Daohua: "Can you let me go?"

Aeon frowned: "If I let you go, I'll die. Also, as I said, even if you escaped from the yard, you wouldn't be able to escape the village, and the intersections in and out of the village were guarded by people."

Daohua took the opportunity to ask again, "What kind of village are you?"

Aeon was silent for a while: "A village surrounded by mountains." After speaking, he got up and went out.

Locking the iron lock, Aeon looked at the people in the room again, and his eyes were a little deep.

It seems that this girl looks like a benefactor!

When there was no sound outside the door, Daohua silently took the magic pill back into the space.

It is not easy to move now. After a day of bumping on horseback, her limbs are about to fall apart. She has to wait for her body to recover, and then find a chance to escape.

Aeon went out of the room where Daohua was being held, and was called by the one-eyed man.

Looking at the bald head standing aside with his neck shrunk, Aeon knew that Cao Ye knew about his visit to Miss Yan.

Looking at the two with one eye, his face was quite calm, but he was silent and did not speak.

The bald head couldn't hold back his words, so he couldn't help but say, "Brother, I didn't do anything, I just knew that she was the daughter of Master Yan, and I asked Aeon to give me an extra quilt in the past."

Aeon nodded immediately.

One-eyed sighed: "You guys, that girl is not easy. If you contact her, maybe she will take the opportunity to use you to escape."

The bald head scolded: "No way, our village has always been in and out."

One-eyed: "Be careful, you can't go wrong. This time we didn't do the errand well, and Mr. Fan was already very angry. If he didn't even look at him personally." Mr. Fan would not be merciful when dealing with useless people.

Said, looking at Aeon, "Tomorrow I will let Zhu Zi replace you. He has suffered a loss and will not be careless."

Aeon nodded.

The bald head hesitated for a while, but still said: "Brother, let Zhu Zi take care of it more."

The one-eyed man glanced at the bald head, was silent for a while, and nodded.

Before the bald head was with him, he was a down-to-earth farmer, and he attached great importance to food. The girl's father promoted high-yielding grains, which was enough for this guy to remember for a lifetime.

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