There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 707, no shame, you can think

After the meal, Gu Jian asked about Xiao Yeyang's situation in the northern Xinjiang in the past two years, and Xiao Yeyang said roughly, although he said it lightly, both Gu Jian and Daohua understood the difficulties and dangers involved.

Looking at his nephew and grandson, who was more calm and resolute than two years ago, Gu Jian was full of relief. Although it was dangerous to go to the battlefield, he could really train people.

In order not to make the atmosphere seem too dull, Xiao Yeyang picked up some interesting stories from the military camp, and made Daohua smile, Gu Jian calmed down, but the corners of his mouth were always upturned.

Daohua also told Xiao Yeyang the interesting things that happened to them in the past two years.

During the conversation, both of them knew what happened to each other during the separation period, and what novel things they encountered.

Looking at the two people who were getting more and more excited, Gu Jian silently appeared in front of a qualified audience.

"There is a shortage of supplies in Northern Xinjiang. I have been eating dry food for most of the past two years. Look, am I losing weight? You have to make up for it."

Xiao Yeyang complained to Daohua as soon as he got the chance.

Daohua looked at Xiao Yeyang, shook her head and said, "I don't think you've lost weight." Then, she reached out and poked Xiao Yeyang's arm, "It seems to be stronger."

Xiao Yeyang: "."

Daohua also turned her head and asked Gu Jian, "Master, do you think Xiao Yeyang is thin?"

Gu Jian glanced at Xiao Yeyang: "I'm not thin!"

Xiao Yeyang was speechless and looked at Daohua: "I don't care, anyway, I haven't eaten well in the past two years, you have to make it up for me."

Daohua glanced at him with a smile: "It depends on whether I'm free."

Seeing Daohua's arrogant appearance, Xiao Yeyang quickly scratched her nose and said in a doting tone, "Our Lady Yan is such a busy person that she doesn't even cook a meal for her husband."

Hearing this, Daohua hurriedly glanced at Gu Jian, and seeing that he was not looking this way, she glared at him fiercely, and secretly reached out and twisted his arm.

Xiao Yeyang made a pained gesture for face, and begged for mercy in a low voice.

Gu Jian looked at the little actions of the two and saw that his nephew and grandson had glued his eyes on his apprentice all night, and he didn't want to see him flirting, so he waved his hand: "I'm going to rest, where are you going? ."

Hearing this, Xiao Yeyang looked happy. He wanted to be alone with Daohua. He hadn't seen each other for two years. He had a lot of things to say to Daohua.

"Master, then you rest, we're going down."

Gu Jian let out an "um" and glanced at Xiao Yeyang with a warning: "Don't stay outside for too long, go back to your room to rest early."

After leaving the yard, Xiao Yeyang naturally took Daohua's hand: "Let's go, I'll take you to see my village."

Speaking of this, Daohua remembered that Xiao Yeyang had appeared in the back mountain before: "How did you come here before?"

Xiao Yeyang smiled and said, "I'll show you around and you'll know."

As April approached, it was getting dark slowly. After dinner, it just started to get dark.

Xiao Yeyang took Daohua to the back mountain, then walked down the stone steps of the back mountain, and soon, he arrived at the foot of the mountain.

"and many more!"

Xiao Yeyang was walking towards the path leading to Sunflower Villa with Daohua, but Daohua stopped.

"What's wrong?"

Daohua looked at Xiao Yeyang: "When did you arrive before?"

Xiao Yeyang didn't expect Daohua to ask this, the scene of Daohua bathing appeared in his mind, and he looked away with some guilty conscience: "I just heard you talking to your maid when I arrived. Just found it."

The sky was dark, and Daohua couldn't see the change in Xiao Yeyang's face, and let out a relieved 'oh'.

Xiao Yeyang didn't want to continue this topic, so he pulled Daohua down a pebble-paved sheep intestine path, on both sides of the path were cannas that were more than one meter high.

If you are not familiar with Zhuangzi, you will not be able to discover this trail.

After passing the trail, what you see is a flower gallery full of colorful flowers that leads directly to the top of Sunflower Villa.

Smelling the fragrant fragrance of flowers in the air, Daohua took a deep breath and looked at Xiao Yeyang with a smile: "Xiao Yeyang, I didn't expect you to like flowers so much."

Xiao Yeyang walked over and hugged Daohua from behind: "Where do I like it, it's because of you that I planted these flowers. Do you like it?"

Dao Hua smiled and nodded, feeling the warm touch from the neck, Dao Hua quickly opened Xiao Yeyang's arm and ran forward while Xiao Yeyang was not paying attention.

"It's a pity, it's dark now, it must be very beautiful during the day."

Xiao Yeyang smiled and paced behind: "What a pity, there are hot springs here, and the blooming season of flowers is relatively long. You can come to enjoy the flowers whenever you want in the future."

Saying that, he snapped his fingers in the air.

Soon, glass lanterns were lit on both sides of the flower gallery.

Seeing that Defu came in a hurry with a few servants, lit the lanterns and left in a hurry, Daohua's eyes widened, and after a while, she looked at Xiao Yeyang and said, "Such a long flower gallery, it is very difficult to How much lamp oil are you wasting?"

Xiao Yeyang said with a smile: "Don't worry, I still want to support you, and I won't waste money. This is the first time the flower gallery has been lit, and it will only be lit for you in the future, so it won't cost much."

Hearing this, the smile on Daohua's face couldn't be suppressed, she looked at Xiao Yeyang coquettishly, then turned and walked forward, carefully admiring the flower scene under the lamp that belonged to her.

The two walked briskly under the flower corridor, looking at each other from time to time, feeling each other's heartbeats and joy in their hearts.

Maybe it was because she was too happy, maybe it was because she was distracted and looked back at Xiao Yeyang. When she was about to climb to the top of the flower gallery, Daohua accidentally stepped on the hem of her skirt, staggered forward, and bumped her palms and knees on the stone steps.

Seeing this, Xiao Yeyang came to Daohua in three steps and two steps, carefully lifted her up, quickly looked at her hand, saw that it was only slightly red, and was relieved.

Immediately, he squatted down again to check Inaka's knees.

Seeing him lift her skirt, Daohua hurriedly reached out to stop him.

Xiao Yeyang glared at her: "Yan Yiyi, did you forget that we have worshipped in the hall, and now we just lack a public ceremony." After speaking, he removed Daohua's hand.

Lifting up his skirt and rolling up his panties, looking at the bruised and bleeding knees, Xiao Yeyang reluctantly nodded Daohua's head: "You!"

Daohua pouted, is she happy and sad?

Xiao Yeyang got up, bent down and picked up the rice flowers, and went straight to the courtyard at the end of the flower gallery.

Looking at Daohua who was hugging his neck and leaning obediently in his arms, Xiao Yeyang smiled silently.

"where are we going?"

"Go to my yard."

Xiao Yeyang came to his room with Daohua in his arms.

Seeing Xiao Yeyang holding her and walking directly to the bed, Daohua suddenly missed a beat in her heart, and quickly grabbed the placket on Henry Zhang's chest: "Why are you holding me to bed?"

Looking at the nervous Daohua, Xiao Yeyang laughed loudly, lowered his head and leaned into Daohua's ear, and said in an extremely ambiguous tone, "What do you think?"

Daohua blurted out a sentence: "No, Master will not agree."

Xiao Yeyang was overjoyed, put the rice flowers on the bed and sat down, and said with a puzzled face, "Why? You are injured, and I will help you deal with the wound. Why doesn't my uncle agree?"

Hearing this, Daohua's expression froze for a moment, and then her face blushed instantly, she covered her face and lowered her head, not daring to look at Xiao Yeyang.

Xiao Yeyang smiled, brought the medicine box over, and carefully applied medicine to the rice flowers.

The pain from the knee made Daohua's face feel less hot. Daohua removed her hand and looked at Xiao Yeyang who was skilled in dressing herself: "Your skills are getting better and better."

Xiao Yeyang smiled and said, "Practice makes perfect."

Hearing this, Daohua's face flashed a hint of distress: "When you were in the northern Xinjiang, you must have been injured a lot, right?"

Xiao Yeyang didn't want to worry Daohua, but seeing the distress in Daohua's eyes, he nodded quickly: "Yeah." He said with a grin, "You have to be nicer to me in the future."

Daohua nodded: "Okay."

Hearing this, Xiao Yeyang was overjoyed, but Daohua said again, "I will make delicious food to make up for you."

Xiao Yeyang was speechless, what was good to him was just for him to make delicious food?

After bandaging Daohua's injured right knee, Xiao Yeyang put it back in the medicine box, then walked to the bed and sat down next to Daohua.

Looking at Xiao Yeyang next to him, Daohua moved aside.

However, when she moved, Xiao Yeyang moved too. In the end, Daohua was forced to the end of the bed and had no choice but to stop.

Daohua glared at Xiao Yeyang: "I warn you not to mess around!"

Xiao Yeyang raised his eyebrows: "Chaos? What kind of chaos are you talking about?" After speaking, he approached Daohua again.

Daohua stared blankly at Xiao Yeyang, as if she did not expect him to be so bold.

Xiao Yeyang looked at Dao Hua's shocked look with a smile on his face, and slowly leaned his head towards Dao Hua.

Two people, one leaned back and the other leaned forward.

When the tip of his nose touched Daohua's cheek, Xiao Yeyang stopped: "What were you thinking when you said that your uncle wouldn't agree?" There was a full joking in his tone.

Hearing this, the shyness that had just faded from Daohua's face quickly covered her cheeks again. Seeing the joke in Xiao Yeyang's eyes, she covered her face again with shame: "I didn't think of anything!"

Xiao Yeyang laughed happily, and reached out to take Daohua's hand.

The blushing Daohua became more and more beautiful under the flickering light, Xiao Yeyang quickly kissed the alluring red lips.

Daohua leaned back, and Xiao Yeyang leaned over. Afraid of falling down, she quickly hugged Xiao Yeyang's neck.

Just as Dao Hua put his arms around his neck, Xiao Yeyang stretched out his arms and hugged Dao Hua tightly, sinking into this sweet deep kiss.

Xiao Yeyang didn't want to let go of the sweetheart in his arms, but he was worried that he would not be able to hold it if he continued, so he ended the kiss with reluctance.

Daohua's face was flushed, she was embarrassed to look at Xiao Yeyang's eyes, and buried her head directly in Xiao Yeyang's neck.

Xiao Yeyang kissed Daohua's earlobe: "Fool, even if you want to do Zhou Gong's courtesy with me, it's not ashamed!"


Daohua felt that she had been struck by lightning: "Xiao Yeyang, what nonsense are you talking about, who is going to pay Zhou Gong's courtesy to you?" After speaking, she bit Xiao Yeyang's neck angrily.

"Hey, don't bite! You can really think about it!"

"Xiao Yeyang!!!"

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