There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 860, the death-free gold medal is gone

"Who are you? You are so brave, you dare to hold this concubine hostage!"

Concubine Ji looked at Mei Lan who forced her to the side hall of Cining Palace in shock and anger: "Do you know who I am? I am Concubine Ji who was conferred by the emperor himself."

"Miss Ji Concubine, don't be impatient."

Daohua walked in.

Seeing Daohua, Ji Concubine's pupils shrank abruptly: "Concubine Yang Shizi, what do you mean? Did this concubine offend you?"

Daohua said with a smile: "The maiden is serious, I just saw that your face is not very good, I want to come and ask, are you feeling unwell?"

Ji Concubine snorted and glanced at Mei Lan: "Princess Yang Shizi's way of greeting people is really unacceptable."

Daohua smiled and carefully wiped Ji Concubine's expression: "In extraordinary times, it is natural to use extraordinary means, now the Empress Dowager is seriously ill, if Ji Concubine you are not feeling well, it is better not to enter the hall, the royal uncle watched would be unhappy."

Ji Concubine's eyes flickered for a while, and she struggled a little, but she quickly regained her composure: "Concubine Yang Shizi is really lenient, this concubine is not uncomfortable, now all the concubines in the palace are going to see the queen mother, why is this concubine? Can be absent." Saying that, he was about to step out of the side hall.

Daohua looked at Meilan and motioned for her to stop him.

Just now she noticed the guilty conscience and hesitation that flashed in Ji Concubine's eyes, there must be something wrong with this one.

"Bold, what are you, you dare to pull this concubine."

Being stopped again, Ji Concubine, who was already anxious, was furious and raised her hand to swipe at Mei Lan.

At this moment, with a 'bang', a golden token fell from Ji Concubine's body.

Ji Concubine's complexion changed greatly, and she immediately bent over to pick it up.

Unfortunately, Mei Lan was one step ahead of her.

"Concubine Shizi, look."

Mei Lan handed the quick golden token to Daohua.

When Daohua saw the four characters 'Gold Medal for Avoidance of Death' engraved on the gold medal, her expression was shocked, and a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and she instantly understood why the Queen Mother faked the imperial decree to call the clan and ministers to enter the palace.

Threatening the emperor with Master and Granny Gu is just a pretense to make the emperor take it lightly. Her real purpose is to save the Jiang family with this 'gold to avoid death'.

Daohua turned her head to look at Ji Concubine whose lips were beginning to tremble: "Miss Ji Concubine, you are afraid that you can't leave the side hall now."

Said, looked at Mei Lan: "Watch people."

At the same time, in the main hall, another concubine knelt in front of the emperor in front of all the clansmen and ministers, begging the emperor to let the Jiang family go for the empress dowager's short time.

The emperor looked indifferently at the concubine who was kneeling on the ground: "Are you making me ignore the laws of Daxia?"

Concubine Xiang shook her head with a white face: "No, that's not what the concubine meant."

The emperor: "Then what do you mean? How can the crimes committed by the Jiang family be lightly circumvented according to the Daxia law?"

Concubine Xiang: "My concubine has a gold medal for forgiveness of death. Emperor Gaozu once said that as long as you take out a gold medal for forgiveness of death, no matter what crime you commit, you can be forgiven."

At this point, the faces of the clan and ministers changed.

If the queen mother really took out the gold medal, the Jiang family really couldn't kill it.

The emperor sank his face directly and stared at Xiang Concubine with no warmth in his eyes: "The gold medal for avoiding death? Where is it, take it out for us all to see."

Under the strong gaze of the emperor, Concubine Xiang bit her head and said: "The gold medal for saving death is with Concubine Ji. Just now, the concubine saw that she was taken away by Concubine Yang Shizi."

As soon as the words fell, everyone saw Daohua walking in.

Daohua looked at everyone blankly, and walked to Xiao Yeyang's side and stood up.

Seeing everyone looking here, Xiao Yeyang said to Daohua, "Concubine Xiang said you just took Concubine Ji?"

Daohua nodded: "I saw Ji Concubine's face pale just now, and I thought she was not feeling well, so I asked someone to take her to the side hall to rest."

Xiao Yeyang stared at Daohua: "Xiang Concubine said that Ji Concubine has a gold medal to avoid death."

Seeing that the rice pattern remained motionless, neither surprised nor flustered, Xiao Yeyang let go of his heart, nodded towards the emperor, and said with a smile: "Although you are kind, you should bring Ji Concubine here now. ."

Daohua didn't object, and pointed to a palace maid to invite her to the side hall.

Soon, Ji Concubine was brought up.

The emperor looked at Concubine Ji, Concubine Xiang again, and was very annoyed. These two women, he still doted on, didn't think they were the Queen Mother's people.

"Ji Concubine, I heard that you have a death-free gold medal on you?"

Ji Concubine instinctively glanced at Daohua, who was standing on the main hall calmly. She was already timid and flinched, but when she thought of what the Queen Mother told them, if the Jiang family died, their family would also be killed immediately. , then gritted his teeth and said, "The gold medal of saving death was taken away by Concubine Yang Shizi."

Daohua suddenly looked at Ji Concubine in astonishment: "Miss Ji Concubine, I kindly help you, why do you slander me?"

Ji Concubine looked at Daohua: "You and I have no grievances or enmity, why should I slander you? The gold medal for death is on you."

Daohua looked anxious: "You are talking nonsense." Then she knelt on the main hall, "Uncle Huang, Ji concubine slandered the concubine, and the concubine did not have any gold medals to avoid death. I ask the emperor to investigate."

Seeing that Daohua made such a vow, Ji Concubine immediately said: "It's not on you, then you must be hiding."

Concubine Xiang knew that she was definitely not going to survive, so she gave it up, and looked at the ministers and clan members present: "My lords, the death-free gold medal was made by the emperor himself, but it represents the emperor.

Seeing Xiang Concubine pulling them into the water, the faces of the clansmen and ministers were not very good.

The emperor looked at Concubine Xiang and Concubine Ji coldly, annoyed at his own carelessness, and underestimated the Queen Mother. He really did not expect that she would have a gold medal for avoiding death in her hand.

After Ji Concubine and Xiang Concubine entered the palace, they never had any interaction with the Queen Mother. He checked all the palace maids and eunuchs in the palace, and if there were any suspicious ones, they were all released from the palace, but the palace concubine was ignored.

So much so that the Queen Mother kept such a hand!

The emperor frowned and remained silent, knowing that this time he must give an explanation to the clan and ministers, otherwise, the imperial censor present here might not be able to write about him in the history books when he returned.

Thinking of this, the emperor looked at Daohua, saw that her back was straight, and looked like she was not afraid of anyone's search, and he was slightly relieved.

Speaking of which, this niece also helped him several times.

"Daughter-in-law Yeyang, in order to prove what you said, I sent Concubine Concubine Xian and Concubine Xian to search your body. Do you have any opinion?"

Daohua shook her head: "I have no opinion on the concubine." Then she looked at Ji Concubine, "Although the concubine does not know why the concubine is slandering the concubine, but after entering the Cining Palace, the concubine has not yet gone out. I suspect that I have hidden the death-free gold medal somewhere, and even search it."

Seeing Daohua's sworn appearance, everyone present became puzzled.

Concubine Xiang looked at Concubine Ji, and Concubine Ji began to feel hopeless, but she still insisted that the gold medal for avoiding death was on Daohua.

Concubine Gui and Concubine Xian took Daohua to the side hall, and soon, the three returned.

Concubine: "Your Majesty, Concubine Yang Shizi does not have a gold medal to save her from death."

Concubine Xian continued with a smile: "Don't talk about gold medals, Concubine Shizi doesn't even have a golden melon seed on her body."

The emperor looked at the clan and ministers: "Do you believe the words of the noble concubine and the virtuous concubine?"

Everyone quickly stood up to express their belief.

"As for the search of the Cining Palace," the emperor looked at the Minister of Punishment: "Just Aiqing, please work hard."

The Minister of Punishment smiled bitterly and got up to answer.

The search of the Cining Palace took a long time. Except for the Empress Dowager's palace, the Minister of Punishment searched the Cining Palace inside and out, but they couldn't find the legendary gold medal.

Hearing the reply of the Minister of Punishment, Ji Concubine fell to the ground and said straightly, "Impossible, how could there be no death-free gold medal?"

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