There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 862, was banished to Xiliang

The emperor sat on the dragon chair in silence, looked at the ministers kneeling on the ground, and finally said to Xiao Yeyang: "Xiao Yeyang disrespects the queen mother, and he was demoted to the fifth grade of the Western Liang Ganzhou Guards, and went to give to the emperor. Xia Shu is atonement, what do all the Aiqing think?"

Xiliang Ganzhou Wei Cong Wupin, the result of this punishment, hundreds of officials have nothing to say, Xiliang is notoriously barren, and it is necessary to prevent the Xiliao people from invading from time to time, and let a prince of the palace go over to guard the border , the punishment is absolutely severe enough.

"Emperor Shengming!"

The emperor glanced at his nephew who was kneeling to resist the crime, and a trace of guilt flashed in his eyes: "Is there anything else to play?"

Seeing that the officials did not speak, the emperor stood up: "Let's retreat."

After saying that, he turned and left.

The officials looked at Xiao Yeyang one after another and saw that he looked so badly beaten, some people felt sympathy, and some people gloated.

No matter what Xiao Yeyang's mood was, as soon as the morning was over, the remarks that the Queen Mother died suddenly because she was provoked by Xiao Yeyang spread out.

Under the deliberate promotion of the officials, the remarks that the emperor killed the queen mother was quickly suppressed.

Prince Ping Palace.

When everyone in the palace heard that Xiao Yeyang was banished to Xiliang, their expressions fluctuated.

Daohua received a wave of sympathy, but she, who had been prepared in her heart for a long time, didn't respond. She just thought silently that when she went back later, she would find some books that record the landscape of Xiliang.

Concubine Ji is the most excited of all. The lord has three sons, Xiao Yechen went to the imperial mausoleum to guard the tomb, and Xiao Yeyang is now banished to Xiliang.

Xiliang, I heard that there is a lot of hardship there, and there are often frictions with the people of Xiliao, and the small battles continue. If something happens to Xiao Yeyang, will her son be?

The more concubine Ji thought about it, the more fiery her heart became. Originally, she had never hoped for the title of the palace, but now God has sent the title to her.

It's a pity that Prince Ping's next words instantly extinguished the heat in Concubine Ji's heart.

"Although Xiliang is bitter and cold, there are many wars over there. With Ye Yang's ability, he will be able to make a contribution in a few years."

Obviously, Prince Ping knew in his heart that Xiao Yeyang had suffered on behalf of the emperor.

Concubine Jiang looked at Concubine Ji's stiff cheeks, and sneered in a low voice: "It's too much."

Xiao Yechen is so favored by the prince, the prince never thought of passing the title to him, how could he give it to Xiao Yechang who doesn't show anything?

When Xiao Yeyang came back from the palace, it was already dark. When he returned to the room, he saw a lot of books on the table, and Daohua was holding one and studying it carefully.

"What are you looking at?"

Seeing Xiao Yeyang's return, Daohua smiled and shook the book in her hand: "This is the topography of Xiliang. I plan to read it as soon as possible, and then I know what to prepare."

Having said that, he pulled Xiao Yeyang to sit down, and sat on his lap for himself.

"When will we leave, I really have an idea."

Xiao Yeyang hugged Daohua tightly: "You are going to endure hardship with me."

Daohua glanced at him: "What kind of hardship can I endure, there are servants and servants to serve me in food, clothing, housing, and transportation. Now it's just a change of place to live."

As he spoke, he leaned on Xiao Yeyang's ear and said with a low smile, "Let me tell you the truth, I'm still looking forward to going to Xiliang. I heard that there is an endless grassland there, and I really want to see it."

Xiao Yeyang straightened Daohua: "Xiliang is very bitter. When Miss Dong went to Xiliang before, her face was rough and her skin was a lot darker."

Daohua: "I'm not afraid, I'll take care of it." After speaking, she looked at Xiao Yeyang, "I've turned black and ugly, do you dislike me?"

Xiao Yeyang was a bit dumbfounded, how could he have such a big heart? Xiliang is a place of exile, so I can imagine how hard it is over there.

"If you don't dislike me, I'll be thankful, how could I dare to dislike you!"

Daohua smiled: "I don't dare to forgive you. If you dare to dislike me, I will beat you with Master." After speaking, she looked at Xiao Yeyang seriously again:

"Really, I really don't think it's hard to go to Xiliang. The prosperous capital is prosperous, but there are too many places to pay attention to, especially the people we often communicate with are all royal relatives and ministers in the court. Which of these people is It's not like a belly twisting around, I'm too tired to have too much contact."

"I think the place is better, the place is more comfortable."

Listening to Daohua's consolation, Xiao Yeyang's guilt dissipated a lot: "The winter in Xiliang is relatively cold. It is now October. I plan to leave after the Queen Mother's funeral."

Daohua nodded: "Okay, I'll pack my things as soon as possible."

In the days that followed, Xiao Yeyang and Daohua were busy separately.

The first thing Daohua decided was the list of people to take to Xiliang. Wang Maner and Qin Xiaoliu were left in the capital by her. Although she and Xiao Yeyang went to Xiliang, the news about the palace and the palace was unstoppable. of.

Wang Man'er and Qin Xiaoliu can now be on their own, so she can rest assured that they will stay.

Then there are the supplies ready to be brought to Xiliang.

The land in Xiliang is barren and the grain yield is extremely low. Daohua thought of the corn and cotton seeds harvested this year and decided to bring them all to Xiliang.

She has seen the topography of Xiliang, which is suitable for growing corn and cotton.

As for other crops, when she is there, she will go to the field to investigate.

After sorting out the material list, Daohua was handed over to Gu Yu, Lixia and Bi Shi to clean up, while she took Meilan and Meiju to run to Yan's house every day.

I don't know how long it will take to go to Xiliang this time before returning to Beijing. She wants to spend more time with her family.

As for Gu Jian, the day after hearing that Xiao Yeyang was demoted to Xiliang, the old man began to pack and salute, and directly showed by his actions that he wanted to follow them.

Daohua and Xiao Yeyang both knew that Gu Jian didn't like the capital, so they didn't stop him.

The emperor persuaded several times, but unfortunately Gu Jian was unmoved.

Prince Ping watched Gu Jian pack the bags, and he felt a little anxious in his heart. Unfortunately, he knew that as a prince, he could not leave Beijing casually.

After half a month, the queen mother was sent to the imperial mausoleum for burial.

It was already mid-October. In order to hurry up, the day after the empress dowager was buried, Daohua and Xiao Yeyang went to Dingguo Gongfu to bid farewell in the morning, had lunch, and then went to the Yan family to say goodbye.

When he came out of Dingguo Gongfu, Xiao Yeyang looked at Guo Ruomei, who was worried and reluctant, and hesitated for a while, but explained in a low voice: "Uncle Huang has the intention to rectify Xiliang, this time I'm here, on the bright side. I was demoted, and I actually have a lot of power in my hands, so you don't have to worry too much about me."

Guo Ruomei didn't expect Xiao Yeyang to tell her this, and looked a little excited: "Xiliang Kuhan, you and Yiyi should pay attention to your body. If there is anything I can help, please write to me."

Xiao Yeyang nodded: "Okay." After speaking, he turned around and got into the carriage.

The carriage drove all the way out. Xiao Yeyang was still a little moved when he saw Guo Ruomei still standing at the door, but when he saw Chu Lang walking out from the side, he couldn't help frowning.

When Daohua saw it, she stretched out her hand to hold his hand: "Is it too lonely for my mother to be alone? It's not good to have someone who knows the cold and the hot to accompany her?"

Xiao Yeyang was silent and did not speak.

Daohua continued: "Everyone gets old, do you have the heart to see your mother die alone?"

Xiao Yeyang: "I will take care of her in the future."

Daohua sighed: "Yes, we can take care of her, but we can't accompany her for a long time, and we can't stay by your side all the time. There is always something negligent."

"Besides, people all have emotional needs. There is a fundamental difference between the company of children and the company of lovers. There are two concubines on the side of the father, and other concubines are counted separately. As for the mother, what does she have?"

Xiao Yeyang remained silent.

Daohua didn't say much, some things can be clicked, but it's not good to say too much.

Soon, the Yan House arrived.

Daohua and Xiao Yeyang accompanied the Yan family to the palace where they had dinner before returning.

"Grandmother, mother, Master will also follow us to Xiliang. In the future, if you want to live in the Four Seasons Villa, you can live there. In winter, there are more hot springs, which is good for your health."

Mrs. Yan reluctantly pulled Daohua and asked a lot of words.

Before Daohua left, she sent Mrs. Yan and Mrs. Li some food and medicinal materials in the space, and told them to keep it for themselves and take care of their health.

On October 20, Daohua and Xiao Yeyang set foot on the road to Xiliang with the help of relatives and friends.

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