There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 879 Chapter 879, Brother and Sister

Two grain shops, Yan Shouhou, had already been set up, and they were both named Four Seasons Grain Shop. One was in the center of the main street, and the other was next to the city gate.

In the center of the main street, there are more refined grains to be sold; next to the city gate, the main products for sale are wheat, sorghum, corn, and millet.

As soon as the food arrives, the stewards get busy.

On the first day of February, the Four Seasons Grain Shop officially opened.

The newly opened store naturally attracted many people to come and watch.

The steward smiled and stood at the door of the store and said, "Everyone, the prices of all kinds of grains sold by the Four Seasons Grain Shop are based on the prices in Beijing, and the prices of grains are the same. You are welcome to come and buy."

"Four Seasons Grain Shop? There is also a Four Seasons Grain Shop in Beijing. I heard that they sell high-yield grains. Are you from one family?"

No matter how remote this side of Xiliang is, there is always the courage to venture in.

Obviously, the person who asked the question had been to the capital.

The steward nodded with a smile: "Yes, the Four Seasons Grain Shop on Chang'an Street in the capital is also a shop under the name of my wife. You can buy it with confidence."

"Who knows if you are lying?"

The manager didn't get angry, and continued to smile: "It's good or bad, you can actually tell it with two eyes. You can go into the store to watch, and you can buy it or not."

Hearing this, many people walked into the store.

Knowing that the price of grain in the grain shop was nearly 30% lower than that of other places, everyone began to snap up.

In order to prevent officials and large households from hoarding, grain shops also implemented purchase restrictions.

The first day the food store opened, Daohua naturally wanted to come over to see it. She sat in the carriage and watched the situation in the store across the street.

Both the steward and the buddy were brought from the capital and have relevant experience.

Daohua watched for more than a quarter of an hour, and when she saw that there was no trouble, she went to the next one.

Dong's house.

Liu Xiaoman knew that her mother-in-law was going to take her to visit Xiao's house today. She heard that the person she wanted to meet was the prince's concubine, and she deliberately found two sets of silk and satin clothes that her mother made for her when she was married.

"Mother, what do you think I should wear?"

Liu Xiaoman went to find Mrs. Dong with the clothes, she was afraid that she would embarrass the Dong family.

Mrs. Dong took a look at the clothes and chose the sapphire blue one. Seeing that her daughter-in-law had a worried look on her face, she thought about it and said, "You don't have to be too nervous, go to Xiao Mansion, and you can do what I do. "

Liu Xiaoman nodded quickly: "Don't worry, mother, I will not embarrass the Dong family and Xianggong. I have written down all the rules you and my grandmother taught me."

Mrs. Dong smiled: "Mother believes in you."

Liu Xiaoman's tensed face finally revealed a smile. Seeing that Mrs. Dong had no accessories on her head, she immediately said, "Mother, I still have two silver hairpins there. You wait, I'll fetch them for you." Saying that, turn around and go out.

Mrs. Dong quickly grabbed the person: "No need, Yan girl knows about our family's situation, as long as you dress neatly and tidy."

Liu Xiaoman always listened to her mother-in-law, but when Mrs. Dong said no, she really stopped.

Fortunately, Mrs. Dong knew her daughter-in-law's temperament, otherwise, she would have thought she was just talking casually.

After the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law changed and packed up, they went to talk to Mrs. Dong and were ready to go out.

"Mother, why didn't grandmother come with us?" Liu Xiaoman asked curiously.

Mrs. Dong's expression was stagnant. When Yuan Yao and Sun Changze eloped, and the mother-in-law angered Yiyi, what she did was a bit too much. At this time, the mother-in-law had no face to see Yiyi.

Seeing her daughter-in-law looking at her, Mrs. Dong just said vaguely, "Grandmother is old, it's enough for us to go."

Xiao House.

After inspecting the two grain shops, Daohua returned to the house. Not long after she sat down, Gu Yu came to report that Mrs. Dong had brought her daughter-in-law over.


Daohua was stunned for a moment: "Whose daughter-in-law?"

Gu Yu: "Dong Gongzi's."

Daohua looked surprised: "Big Brother Dong remarried?" She hadn't heard of this at all.

It was an accident, and Daohua got up quickly and walked out of the door.


Seeing Mrs. Dong who was several years older than when she was in the capital, Daohua was stunned for a moment, but she quickly walked up to meet Mrs. Dong and took the initiative to hold Mrs. Dong's arm.


Mrs. Dong saw that Daohua was still close to herself as always, and the smile on her face couldn't help but increase.

The moment Liu Xiaoman saw Daohua, his eyes froze, staring straight at Daohua without taking his eyes away.

Mrs. Dong and Daohua exchanged a few words. Seeing her daughter-in-law standing silly, she glared at her with a smile, and quickly introduced to Daohua: "Yiyi, this is your eldest brother Dong's wife."

Liu Xiaoman was stared at by her mother-in-law, and she immediately returned to her senses. She said to Daohua with a little embarrassment, "I have seen the concubine."

Daohua quickly stepped forward to help him up: "Sister-in-law, don't do this, Yuan Yao and I are sisters, and Big Brother Dong is like my brother. If you don't like it, just call me younger brother and sister."

Seeing that Daohua was so good at talking, Liu Xiaoman smiled and nodded: "Brother and sister!"

When Mrs. Dong saw that Liu Xiaoman really called her younger brother and sister directly, she was both angry and funny.

Daohua also laughed 'hehe' and looked at Madam Dong with a smile: "As expected, she is my aunt's daughter-in-law, and she has such a refreshing temperament."

Mrs. Dong glanced at Liu Xiaoman with a smile: "Your sister-in-law, she is a person with a bowel, how full you must be Yiyi."

Daohua: "Auntie, don't say that, I just like straightforward and straightforward people, like the kind of people whose stomachs are full of twists and turns, that's a headache."

Liu Xiaoman nodded his head in agreement, saw Daohua looking over, and said with a smirk, "Brother and sister, you look so good-looking, even better than my husband."

"When I saw my husband, I was astonished. I felt that there was no one better than him in this world. Now I realize that I was wrong."

Daohua was stunned for a moment, then laughed, looking at Liu Xiaoman's obsessed eyes, she suddenly realized that this daughter-in-law of Brother Dong is a face control!

She said anything about her daughter-in-law. Mrs. Dong was a little tired, but seeing that Daohua didn't care, she was quite happy, so she didn't stop her daughter-in-law.

Daohua saw Liu Xiaoman's belly bulging slightly and asked with a smile, "Is this sister-in-law pregnant?"

Mrs. Dong and Liu Xiaoman both smiled and nodded.

Daohua smiled immediately: "Congratulations to auntie, congratulations to sister-in-law, let's go, let's go back to the house to talk, it's very cold outside, don't freeze my eldest nephew."

Hearing this, Mrs. Dong's smile deepened, and she and her daughter-in-law entered the house with Daohua.

After entering the house, Daohua told Dong Yuanyao that she was also pregnant.

After listening to Mrs. Dong, tears welled up in her eyes. She was most at ease with her daughter. She had always been worried that although the Sun family treated her daughter poorly, now that her daughter had a child, she would be able to rely on the Sun family.

While talking, the maids served tea.

Liu Xiaoman looked at the delicate and small cakes on the porcelain plate and swallowed. Although her father was from a hundred households, the family was not rich, and she had never eaten such beautiful cakes before.

Hearing that Daohua asked her to taste it, Liu Xiaoman unceremoniously picked up a piece of pea yellow and ate it. As soon as the soft and delicious pea yellow was eaten, his eyes suddenly narrowed: "It's delicious!" , "Brother and sister, where did you buy the dim sum from your family? When I go home later, I will buy some for my husband."

Hearing this, Daohua burst out laughing and looked at Mrs. Dong: "Auntie, sister-in-law is really rare for Brother Dong."

Mrs. Dong also laughed a little, but she was happy to see her daughter-in-law put her son at the top of her heart.

Liu Xiaoman was a little embarrassed: "Not only for the husband, but also for the grandfather and grandmother, the family eats together."

Daohua said with a smile: "The pastry is made by the mansion itself. If my sister-in-law likes it, I will ask the maid to pack some for you to take back."

Liu Xiaoman hurriedly shook his head: "I don't need younger siblings, I'm so embarrassed."

Daohua explained with a smile: "My master also likes to eat desserts, and the house will prepare several kinds of desserts every day, so it's not in the way."

Mrs. Dong knew that a little cake was nothing to Xiao's house, so she did not refuse, but she asked her daughter-in-law to thank Yi.

Now that the Dong family is in distress, the Xiao family is willing to help them and take more care of them. First, they value their son's ability, and second, they look at their past relationship.

Affection is used a little less, especially when the two families are not equal, they have to recognize their own position, and absolutely cannot take the goodwill of Xiao Fu for granted.

Otherwise, it would be self-defeating.

Daohua left Mrs. Dong's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to have lunch at Xiao's house, and chatted about some other things after the meal.

In the middle of the afternoon, Mrs. Dong got up and said goodbye.

Daohua sent the person to the door: "Aunt and sister-in-law come often, and they also say hello to the old man, the old lady, and the uncle for me."

Mrs. Dong and Liu Xiaoman came on foot, and Daohua sent a carriage to take them back.

In the carriage, Liu Xiaoman looked at a box of cakes, and happily said to Mrs. Dong, "Mother, brother and sister, she is such a nice person. Before I came, I was nervous, because I was afraid that she would be like the commander's wife I met before. Look at people through the nostrils."

"Sure enough, good-looking people have excellent temperaments. This is the case with my husband, and so are my younger brothers and sisters."

Listening to her daughter-in-law's words, Mrs. Dong thought it was a little funny, but she didn't deliberately correct her daughter-in-law. Obviously, her daughter-in-law's upright temperament was very appealing to Yiyi.

Liu Xiaoman continued to babble.

"My brother and sister's house is really stylish. The maids walk without a sound, and there are many flowers in the house that I have never seen before."

"I used to think that the commander's family was good enough, but now it's really incomparable with my younger siblings' family."

Listening to Liu Xiaoman's brother and sister, Mrs. Dong was quite speechless, not knowing that she thought they were really sisters-in-law.

The daughter-in-law has such a familiar temperament, she really doesn't know what to say.

When Dong Yuanxuan came back in the evening, Liu Xiaoman handed a plate of red jujube cake to him as if taking credit: "Xianggong, try it quickly, this red jujube cake is delicious, it was specially prepared for me by my younger brother and sister, saying that pregnant women should eat more."

Dong Yuanxuan was stunned for a moment: "Brother and sister?"

Liu Xiaoman nodded: "It's Mrs. Xiao's wife." After speaking, she smiled and talked about following Mrs. Dong to Xiao's residence today.

"My younger brother and sister are really good-looking, even better than you, Xiang Gong."

Dong Yuanxuan burst out laughing, his wife is a face control, he knew it long ago, she was fascinated by his face, and asked with a smile: "Why, did you like your younger brother and sister?"

Liu Xiaoman hurriedly shook his head: "My favorite is still Xianggong, but this does not delay my liking my younger siblings."

Dong Yuanxuan didn't correct his wife either. He understands Sister Yan, and she is not a person who likes to be polite. If his wife is not in her eyes, she will not be so close.

"Aunt Dong brought her daughter-in-law to the house today. Do you know about Brother Dong's continued marriage?"

Xiao Yeyang was lying comfortably on the bed, while Daohua was standing beside the bed and was giving him a massage.

In the past few days, he ran both sides of the frontier army and the guardhouse, urging the frontier soldiers and military households to train troops, but he was exhausted.

Fortunately, Daohua's massage technique was good, which relieved a lot of physical fatigue.

"Know some."

Although Dong Yuanxuan used to be his companion, but to reuse him, he still sent Jin Lingwei to investigate what happened after he arrived in Xiliang.

Xiao Yeyang told Mrs. Dong that Mrs. Dong was seriously ill, and Liu Xiaoman talked about saving people with ginseng.

After hearing this, Daohua nodded: "Brother Dong's wife, she looks pretty good."

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