There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 885 Chapter 885, Coal Mine

After Bu Gandang left with the horse, Xiao Yeyang pulled Daohua out of the carriage, helped her onto the mount, and turned over and sat on it himself.

The two of them rode a horse together, admiring this vast wasteland, and walked slowly.

Daohua leaned comfortably in Xiao Yeyang's arms, enjoying this rare alone time.

"Would you like to ride a horse at a gallop?"

Daohua's eyes lit up and nodded hastily.

When Xiao Yeyang saw it, he smiled smoothly, the whip in his hand swung, and the horse that sat down flew out like an arrow from the string.

The sweet laughter, wanton bright smile, accompanied by the horse's gallop, stayed on this land.

Xiao Yeyang slapped his horsewhip and ran fast with Daohua. When the horse rushed up a slope, a dark half-aged boy suddenly appeared behind the slope.


Xiao Yeyang was startled and quickly tightened his mount.

And when the young man saw the tall horse rushing over, he froze in place.

The horse's front legs were raised high, and Xiao Yeyang held him tightly, so he didn't kick the boy.

Xiao Yeyang rode his horse to avoid the boy, took a few steps back, and then quickly looked at Daohua: "Aren't you scared?"

Daohua patted her chest: "Fortunately, I was surprised."

Seeing that her face was normal, Xiao Yeyang immediately turned over and dismounted.

"I'm going down too." Daohua stretched out her hands.

Xiao Yeyang immediately reached out and hugged her down.

At this time, Defu and Meilan, who were carrying the carriage, also arrived.

Defu: "Master, what happened?"

Xiao Yeyang ignored him and strode towards the boy who was so dark that only his eyes could see a little white.

The young man seemed to be frightened, and stood there in a stiff posture.

Daohua also walked over, not wanting Xiao Yeyang to scare people again, and asked firstly, "Little brother, are you alright."

The questioning voice with concern came into his ears, and the young man finally regained his senses. Once he regained his senses, he fell to the ground weakly with his legs, and then tears streamed down.


Daohua and Xiao Yeyang glanced at each other quickly. The young man in front of him was only twelve or thirteen years old. Seeing him cry sadly, they felt guilty for bullying children.

Seeing the embarrassed expressions on the faces of the two masters, Defu quickly took out his handkerchief and handed it over: "Little brother, don't cry, let's talk about what you have to say."

The young man looked at Daohua and the others, but he didn't feel any malice, so he wiped his eyes with the handkerchief he had been blessed with, and said with a sob, "I thought I was going to die just now."

Defu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Aren't you dead yet? Get up, don't cry." After speaking, he stretched out his hand to help the young man.

After the young man stood up, he saw that the handkerchief in his hand was already pitch black, and he looked a little embarrassed and looked blessed.

Defu looked at the directly dyed black veil, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "The veil is for you."

Daohua saw the boy's mood stabilized and asked, "Little brother, where did you come from? How did you get your whole body so dirty? You were running in such a hurry just now?"

Hearing this, the boy's expression suddenly became tense and panic. Before he could say anything, a loud voice came from behind the hillside.

"That little bastard won't run far, he must be brought back to Lao Tzu."

The young man was about to run away, but Defu grabbed him.

The teenager was anxious: "They are people from the coal mine, and they came to arrest me."

Xiao Yeyang looked at the boy: "Did you escape from the coal mine?"

The young man nodded quickly: "You let me go, I'll be dead if I'm caught by the people in the coal mine, I beg you."

Xiao Yeyang heard the sound getting closer and closer, glanced at Defu, Defu immediately pulled the boy and hid in the carriage.

As soon as the boy was put into the carriage, a few fierce and strong men appeared in sight.

Xiao Yeyang stood in front of Daohua, shielded her from behind, and glanced at the strong men with a blank expression.

Several strong men looked at Xiao Yeyang and others, and were stunned for a moment.

Maybe it was because they realized that Xiao Yeyang and his party were not easy to mess with, the strong men didn't ask anything and continued to chase forward.

"Brother Hu, why didn't you ask those people just now?"

"You are blind, that horse and carriage are not affordable for ordinary people at first sight, and the look of the man in the brocade clothes is even more intimidating than that of Baihu adults, those people are not something we can afford to offend. of."

"What if the brat hides in their carriage?"

"Heh, you don't have many opportunities to deal with nobles. I don't know that they who are high and high don't look down on us mud-legged people. There are still female relatives among those people. How could they help a dirty child?"

When the people disappeared, Defu opened the carriage and let the boy get off.

The young man looked at Fu, then looked at Daohua and Xiao Yeyang, and then knelt down with a 'puff': "Thank you kind people for saving me."

Xiao Yeyang looked at the boy, who was twelve or thirteen years old. His body was so thin that it could be blown away by a gust of wind.

There was some anger on the boy's face: "I was forcibly captured by them."

Xiao Yeyang: "Why did they arrest you?"

The teenager shook his head: "I don't know, my father was a clerk under Yang Baihu of Beiwan Beihu Office." Speaking of which, the teenager's eyes turned red again, "Last fall, my father died suddenly and inexplicably."

"My family and I were very sad, but we didn't dare to go to Baihu's office to inquire, but I didn't expect that just after the New Year, Yang Baihu sent someone to take me to work in the coal mine."

"They tortured me every day. They kept asking me to dig coal and didn't give me food. I couldn't take it anymore, so I escaped."

Xiao Yeyang looked at the boy and knew that he had nothing to say, so he didn't bother to ask.

However, Beiwan Baihusuo discovered a coal mine.

In the past few months, he has checked the taxation of the thousands of households and hundreds of households under Ganzhou Wei's jurisdiction in the past two years, and he has not seen how much tax and silver all the hundreds of households in Beiwan have paid.

The coal mines on the Xiliang side can be mined privately, but they have to pay a certain amount of tax and silver every year. Obviously, the Beiwan Hundred Households have concealed the coal mines.

Thinking of Ganzhou Wei's financial expenditures beyond his means, Xiao Yeyang was very annoyed at the officials who took the lead in tax evasion and evasion. He glanced at the young man again, and said in a low voice, "Those people have already left, you can leave by yourself."

After speaking, Xiao Yeyang led Daohua towards the carriage. He was startled just now and didn't want to ride any more.

The young man looked at the backs of the two with a somewhat struggling expression. When his father was still alive, he often went to Baihusuo and met some noble people.

The people in front of him felt stronger than Yang Baihu, and he also saw the scene that the people in the coal mine did not dare to provoke and actively avoided it.

Can these people help him?

Thinking of the elderly grandfather and grandmother at home, and the elder sister who was targeted by the villains in the village, the teenager gritted his teeth, decided to take a gamble, and quickly ran towards Xiao Yeyang and Daohua.

After seeing Defu, I thought he was going to do something, and quickly stood up to stop him.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the young man ran over, he knelt directly in front of Daohua and Xiao Yeyang: "Two good people, please save me and my family."

Although Daohua had some sympathy for the young man who went to dig coal mines at a young age, she looked away when she thought of the slurred words of the young man just now.

Xiao Yeyang ignored him and reached out to help Daohua get into the car.

"If two good people can shelter me and my family, I'm willing to tell you the location of an open-pit coal mine."

Hearing this, Daohua and Xiao Yeyang turned to look at the young man.

The young man looked at the two with hopeful eyes: "Can you help me?"

Xiao Yeyang raised his eyebrows: "It depends on whether what you said is true?"

Teenager: "My father is in charge of guarding all the copywriting books of the Baihu Institute. Last Mid-Autumn Festival, my father returned home excitedly and told me that he had found the coal mine in the previous topography, and those people just arrested me and brought me back. That one."

"My father found news about two coal mines in total. Yang Baihu took me to the coal mine to torture me, and he also wanted to find out the location of another coal mine."

"I knew that once I told him, I would die suddenly like my father, and maybe my grandparents and my sister would not be able to escape, so I didn't say anything."

Xiao Yeyang stared at the boy: "Do you know what will happen to me if you go too far?"

The boy hurriedly said, "I didn't lie, what I said was true."

Xiao Yeyang took a deep look at the boy: "Would you like to go to Ganzhou City?"

The boy nodded quickly: "As long as we can escape from Yang Baihu's claws, my family and I can go anywhere."

Xiao Yeyang looked at Defu: "You run with him and pick up his family." Then, he walked up to the boy and patted his shoulder, "Boy, don't lie to me, Otherwise, offending me would be more terrifying than offending Yang Baihu."

The boy shook his head with a white face: "No."

Xiao Yeyang withdrew his hand, got into the carriage with Daohua and left.

"Do you think what the boy said is true or false?"

In the carriage, Daohua looked at Xiao Yeyang.

Xiao Yeyang: "Nine times out of ten, it's true, and under my gaze, his eyes didn't evade." After speaking, he smiled, "If his disguise can deceive me, then he is also a talent. "

Daohua smiled and said, "At the age of twelve or thirteen, I saw that we could compete with Yang Baihu, and made a decisive decision to ask for help. This courage and determination alone is stronger than many people."

Xiao Yeyang nodded in agreement: "Xiliang has few trees here, and it's cold in winter. Most of the heating is carried by briquettes. If we can find an open-pit coal mine, it can also relieve Ganzhou Wei's financial pressure. "

After coming here, he has already invested a lot of money. This time, the gold for buying a horse was taken out by the Xiao family. Although it was useless to go out, he would have to use it next time to buy a horse.

Once or twice is fine, if it goes on like this, he will empty the house.

Daohua reminded: "If you use coal, you must pay attention to ventilation, otherwise it will be poisoned by gas."

Xiao Yeyang: "People here in Xiliang don't use coal for a day or two. They know this better than us, so don't worry too much."

When it was getting dark, Xiao Yeyang brought Daohua to the inn of Beiwan Baihusuo again.

After a day of running, everyone was hungry, Xiao Yeyang ordered food, he sat at one table with Daohua, and Meilan Meiju sat at another table with Deshou Shadow.

As soon as everyone was halfway through their meal, they heard exclamations from the backyard.

The people in the lobby of the inn looked at them one after another, and many of them got up and walked to the backyard.

Xiao Yeyang glanced at Deshou, and Deshou immediately followed the others to the backyard.

Soon, the birthday will come back.

"Master, Madam, it's nothing, but the woman who was burning the fire in the kitchen fainted from the briquettes. After being carried out, she vomited for a while, and she was already cured."

Xiao Yeyang nodded and continued to eat.

Daohua asked, "Balcoids? The solid ones?"

Xiao Yeyang shrugged, but he had never seen briquettes.

Daohua looked at Meilan and said, "Meilan, when you're done eating, go to the kitchen and get a briquettes and show it to me."

Xiao Yeyang: "What's so good about briquettes?"

Daohua: "I'm just curious. If it's really solid briquettes, I might be able to change them to make the briquettes' burning rate higher and reduce the poisoning caused by unburned coals."

After the two finished eating, they went back to the room.

Just as Daohua loosened her bun, Mei Lan came in with a black briquettes.

"Sure enough, it's solid. I'll go back and ask the master of the blacksmith shop to make a manual briquettes mold, and I'll be able to convert this solid briquettes into briquettes."

Seeing Xiao Yeyang's dazed expression, he smiled and said, "It's definitely better than this briquettes. If that young man really brought you to a coal mine and made this honeycomb, it would definitely sell well."

Xiao Yeyang smiled: "Then I'll wait for Madam to show her skills."

After buying a horse and returning, Xiao Yeyang began to leave early and return late. If he went to the border army camp, he would sometimes not come home for several days.

The young man who proposed to use the coal mine for asylum was named Li Mancang. The day after he was taken to Ganzhou City by Defu, he took Defu and Bu Gandang along with a team of guards to find the coal mine.

On the third day of May, Daohua was instructing the wife and maid in the kitchen to make rice dumplings, and Gu Yu walked over quickly: "Girl, Defu and Bu Commander are back."

Hearing this, Daohua turned around and was about to leave, but she just took a step and stopped again and said to Gu Yu, "Look here, the Zongzi Box Carpenter Shop should deliver it later, you can pick it up."

Gu Yu nodded, she knew that these zongzi were all going to the officials in Ganzhou city, and it was a matter of Xiaofu's face, so she didn't dare to be sloppy.

When Daohua arrived at the front yard, she could not hide her excitement when she saw Defu's eyebrows, and she suddenly had a guess in her heart: "Have you found the coal mine?"

Defu nodded with a smile: "Madam, that open-pit coal mine is on the Gobi Desert. It's very big. My master will definitely be very happy when he finds out about it."

Daohua: "Gobi Desert? No wonder no one has discovered it."

Other places in Ganzhouwei are sparsely populated, not to mention the Gobi Desert.

Daohua is also very happy to find a coal mine. Ganzhou Wei has a lot of financial expenditures, but not many sources of income, and there is no support from the court. For this reason, she does not rarely see Xiao Yeyang worried.

"Since the coal mine is really found, the Li family can't treat them badly. In this way, you can buy them a house in the city, and the store has the kind of backyard."

"When the coal mines start to be mined, let them sell honeycomb briquettes in the store, so that the Li family can also make a living."

Defu responded with a smile: "It's still Madam's thoughtful thinking."

Daohua said again: "I have asked the master of the blacksmith shop to make a few abrasive tools for making briquettes. You can bring me some coal powder and yellow soil, and I will teach you how to make briquettes."

"By the way, call that Li family boy too."

Here in Xiliang, coal is used not only in winter, but also at other times. The next day, Defu got a pile of coal scraps.

Said to be Daohua Sect, in fact, she was talking about her mouth, and the specific things were done by the servants.

After experimenting with the ratio of coal and yellow mud several times, the honeycomb coal sat out that day.

"When it's dry, it's ready to use."

After seeing the briquettes, Li Mancang looked at Daohua excitedly: "Madam, this briquettes are much better than the briquettes we usually use."

Daohua smiled and said, "That's nature." This is the crystallization of the wisdom of the working people.

Li Mancang immediately said, "Madam, will my shop be called a honeycomb shop in the future?"

Daohua smiled: "You said it's your store, so it's up to you to decide."

After knowing that the coal mine was found, Xiao Yeyang returned from the military camp, considered the officers of the guard station, and finally sent Zhang Da to be in charge of the mining of the coal mine, with Dong Yuanxuan assisting from the side.

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