There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 891 Chapter 891, The Importance of Seeds

"This is the ranch that Yiyi bought!"

Xiao Yeyang brought Li Xingnian and Li Chenzhi directly to Qingyang Ranch.

Looking at the vast and boundless pasture and the flocks of cattle and sheep inside, both Li Xingnian and Li Chenzhi were full of amazement.

"How much money does such a big ranch cost?" Li Chenzhi asked.

Xiao Yeyang said with a smile: "Xiliang's land is no better than that of other inland provinces. With only 20,000 taels of silver, Yiyi bought this 50,000-mu ranch."

Li Xingnian and Li Chenzhi's eyes lit up: "Really?"

Knowing that the two were excited, Xiao Yeyang smiled and shook his head and said, "I can't buy it at this price now. You came with me just now, did you see other pastures along the way?"

Li Chenzhi nodded: "Those pastures seem to be quite barren, not as green as Qingyang Ranch."

Xiao Yeyang nodded: "When Yiyi bought this place, it was just as barren as other pastures. It only changed after planting high-yielding grass seeds."

"Now that everyone knows that the desolation of pastures can be changed, it is natural that pastures will not be sold at low prices."

Li Xingnian smiled and said, "We are not as lucky as Yiyi, but if we can buy a pasture here and raise some cattle, sheep and camels, we can still recover the cost when Xiliang develops in the future."

The three of them rode through the pasture on horseback. Suddenly, Li Xingnian pointed to the two black-and-white cows in the cowshed and asked, "Yeyang, isn't that cow from our Daxia breed?"

Xiao Yeyang smiled and nodded: "It was also bought by Yiyi. It was passed down from other countries in the Western Regions. It produces a lot of milk, and can produce 60 to 70 catties per day."

Li Xingnian was a little stunned: "No wonder he grows so strong, he must consume a lot of rations every day."

Passing through the pasture, the three came to the dry Dan River.

Li Chenzhi: "Ganzhou Wei is so short of water that even the river is depleted."

Xiao Yeyang shook his head and looked at the direction of Yunlian Mountain with a condensed expression: "The source of the Dan River is at the foot of Yunlian Mountain. The reason why it is depleted is because the people of Xiliao slapped the source of the river."

Without talking much about the people of Xiliao, Xiao Yeyang rode his horse across the stone bridge.

At this moment, the three stone bridges have been repaired, and soon, Xiao Yeyang brought Li Xingnian and Li Chenzhi to the renovated terraces.

The cascading terraces, like stairs, follow the mountain and extend from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

At this time, it was June, and the wheat planted in the terraced fields had begun to turn golden yellow. Under the blowing of the mountain wind, layers of wheat waves were set off, which was very spectacular and beautiful.

"In ten days and a half months, the wheat in the terraced fields will be harvested."

In Xiliang, because of the sufficient sunshine, it only takes three months for wheat to be harvested from sowing.

Looking at the growing wheat, Xiao Yeyang also had a relaxed smile on his face.

Thousands of households in the five thousand households have sent people to report the growth of grain this year. It can be expected that even if the harvest here in Xiliang is not as good as that of other places in the inland, it can barely be eaten by military households and frontier troops. full stomach.

"Is this... corn grown in the south?"

Li Xingnian pointed at the corn in the terraced fields and said in surprise, "There is so little water here, so it is possible to grow it!"

Xiao Yeyang said with a smile: "Speaking of which, it seems that the second uncle gave this corn seed to Yiyi."

Li Xingnian walked quickly to the cornfield and carefully looked at the corn in the field: "I didn't expect this corn to be quite drought tolerant." After speaking, he broke off another corn.

"Is this corn edible?"

The steward of the terraced fields, who was waiting on the side, ran up immediately, salutes Xiao Yeyang, Li Xingnian, and Li Chenzhi, and quickly said, "You can eat it, my wife sent the elder sister from the house to break up two baskets of fresh food. Return the corn."

Li Xingnian looked at Xiao Yeyang: "I heard people say that this fresh corn is delicious when I was in the south, but I haven't eaten it yet."

Xiao Yeyang said with a smile: "It's really good, the yellow cake we ate this morning was a tortilla."

Li Xingnian's eyes lit up: "That's tortillas, I ate three in a row this morning."

Xiao Yeyang looked at Defu: "Go break two more baskets of fresh corn, and take it with you when you leave later."

Defu nodded, Xiao Yeyang continued to walk on the terraces with Li Xingnian and Li Chenzhi, swept across the group of people standing not far away and pretended not to see them.

Li Xingnian: "I think the growth of this corn is really good, and the yield must be very high."

Xiao Yeyang let out an 'um', his voice a little higher: "It's still not as good as a place with plenty of rain, in the Zhuangzi in the capital, the production capacity of corn per mu has reached about 10 stone, here, it should only be able to receive six or seven stone. "

Hearing this, the group of people not far away had a momentary commotion.

In Xiliang, even the best fields, the yield per mu is only about three stone, such as wasteland, there is no food at all.

Corn yields six or seven stones per mu, which is unimaginable for the people of Xiliang. Just like this, Xiao Yeyang still looks disgusted.

The commander Jin Weiwei and the commander Lan Wuwei who came together could no longer bear it, and walked towards Xiao Yeyang together.

"Master Xiao!"

Xiao Yeyang raised his eyebrows and looked at the person who came. Lan Wuwei's commander, Pang Guang, had seen him before, so he greeted him with a smile: "Human." After speaking, he looked at the person beside him doubtfully, although he knew the identity of the person who came , but still asked, "Who is this?"

Without waiting for Pang Guang's introduction, Zhu Jianzhong, the commander of Jinweiwei, clasped his fists and said, "Mr. Xiao, I am Zhu Jianzhong of Jinweiwei, and we have passed a letter before."

Xiao Yeyang looked surprised and said with a smile: "It turned out to be Mr. Zhu, I am lucky to meet you, thank you for the previous things." The Dong family was able to come to Ganzhou City smoothly, thanks to Zhu Jianzhong not blocking it.

Zhu Jianzhong smiled and shook his head: "It's just a small matter, Master Xiao, don't take it to heart."

Pang Guang watched the interaction between the two and felt a little bitter. Before the refugees gathered in Ganzhou City, Xiao Yeyang asked him to borrow food for emergency, but he refused because he was worried that Xiao Yeyang would not stay in Xiliang for too long. .

This time, when he came to ask for help, Xiao Yeyang was afraid that he would not give him a good face.

Zhu Jianzhong looked at the corn in the terraced fields and said with a smile, "I heard someone say before that Mrs. Xiao is using barren hills to transform terraced fields. I have never seen terraced fields before, so I couldn't help but be curious. I never thought that I would be so lucky to meet Master Xiao."

Xiao Yeyang smiled and said, "There are many mountains in Ganzhouwei, and there is too little flat farmland, so my wife can only pay attention to this sloping mountain."

Zhu Jianzhong looked at the terraced fields and praised: "Mrs. Xiao is very talented. There is little rain and heavy wind and sand here in Xiliang. Transforming the slopes into terraced fields can effectively reduce and prevent the problem of soil and water loss."

After the slope hill should be terraced, the slope of the field will be reduced, and the erosion effect of water will be weakened. In addition, the ridge is slightly higher than the terrace surface, which can ensure that the soil and water will not easily flow out of the field, and play a role in maintaining the soil and water.

Hearing this, Xiao Yeyang glanced at Commander Jin Weiwei in surprise. He only understood this after Yiyi told him the benefits of rebuilding the terraces in detail. Unexpectedly, Mr. Zhu could see the benefits at a glance. .

It seems that this person usually does not specialize in agricultural affairs.

Xiao Yeyang introduced Li Xingnian and Li Chenzhi to Zhu Jianzhong and Pang Guang, and then continued to visit the terraced fields with a few people and came to the potato planting area.

"When the wheat and corn are harvested, we can harvest potatoes. These potatoes are the most drought tolerant. After the production per mu is as high as 15 stone elsewhere, it is estimated that we can harvest about ten stone here."

Hearing this, both Pang Guang and Zhu Jianzhong's hearts were beating violently.

If Henry Zhang hadn't lied to them, as long as the guards could grow corn and potatoes, the guards and the frontier troops stationed there would not have to go hungry.

The two quickly glanced at each other, both thinking in their hearts how to get high-yielding grain seeds.

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