There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 905 Chapter 905, helper

After the beginning of spring, the temperature rises, the snow and ice on Yunlian Mountain begins to melt, and the source of the Dan River is recaptured. The Dan River, which has been depleted for more than ten years, runs through the entire Ganzhou Wei, and begins to be nourished by snow water.

After Xiao Yeyang and Daohua personally made a trip to Shiqukou, the Wang family moved to Ganzhouwei.

Ganzhou Wei was very sparsely populated. Wang Qi read the map several times, and after obtaining Xiao Yeyang's consent, he finally built a village in the southeastern Wei tribe of Ganzhou.

Wang Qi took the 1,000 taels of silver sponsored by Xiao Yeyang, and after drawing the layout of the village, he packed up and reported to Ganzhou City.

When Xiao Yeyang saw Wang Qi, he did not let him do things immediately, but gave him two days to let Zhang Da take him to familiarize himself with the people and things in the guardhouse.

During this period, Wang Qi found that a craftsman was actually tinkering with the tuff that Mrs. Xiao had dug back from Shiqukou, and could not help but sighed to Zhang Da beside him: "Master Xiao really spoils Mrs. Xiao enough."

Zhang Da: "Sir, Mrs. Xiao is not an ordinary boudoir woman. I heard Dong Yuanxuan mention it. It seems that the method of making glass is what Mrs. Xiao sees from the book."

A look of surprise crossed Wang Qi's face, as if he didn't believe it.

Zhang Da smiled and said: "Sir, when I first heard about it, I didn't really believe it, but when I thought of the mold for making honeycomb briquettes and the idea of ​​transforming terraced fields in Poshan, Mrs. Xiao came up with it, and I thought it should be true. of."

"Like high-yielding corn seeds, potato seeds, and cotton seeds, these are all cultivated by Mrs. Xiao. Today, there are two people in Ganzhou Wei who are most grateful."

"One is Mr. Xiao, who led his troops to retake Danhe; the other is Mrs. Xiao. The high-yielding grains sold in the Four Seasons Grain Shop she opened make the people not hungry."

Wang Qi listened carefully. He didn't know much about Mrs. Xiao, and all his impressions came from the communication of his clansmen.

But after listening to Zhang Da's words, he had a different opinion.

Although the etiquette in Xiliang is not as strict as that in other inland provinces, women are basically at home with their husbands, children, and housework. It is rare for a woman like Mrs. Xiao to make a name for herself.

This can also be seen from the side, Mr. Xiao's connivance to Mrs. Xiao.

Zhang Da continued: "Sir, when you are free, you can go to the terraced fields outside the city. According to Dong Yuanxuan, Mrs. Xiao seems to be busy diverting water into the terraced fields and wants to grow rice."

Wang Qilai was intrigued: "No one has ever grown rice in Ganzhouwei, so I want to take a good look at it."

After that, Zhang Da led Wang Qi to see other parts of the guard house.

At the same time, on the other side, Xiao Yeyang accompanied Daohua to Qingyang Ranch.

Today's Qingyang Ranch has long since disappeared from the barrenness when it first arrived. At this moment, the pasture is lush and there are flocks of cattle and sheep.

Daohua and Xiao Yeyang rode through the pasture in a carriage and came to the Dan River.

Looking at the trickling Dan River, Daohua smiled and said, "I bought the right pasture and the opposite Poshan."

The five slopes and mountains are continuous, and the cultivated fields are as high as more than 100,000 mu.

Xiao Yeyang smiled: "It's not the right purchase. This year, the price of all the land and slopes next to the Dan River has risen. Buying now will cost at least half the money."

Daohua looked surprised: "It has risen so much?"

Xiao Yeyang: "The imperial court has rules, no tax is collected for the first three years of land reclamation, and now everyone is planting high-yield grains, which can be harvested that year, and Ganzhou Wei's finances have always been tight, so Uncle Dong proposed to increase the amount of land. price."

"But even if the price has risen, the land here is still very cheap compared to other provinces."

Daohua: "But the living standards of the people here are not as high as those in other places?"

Xiao Yeyang: "Don't worry, the common people can still bear the price increase."

Daohua nodded, and without saying more, crossed the bridge with Xiao Yeyang and came to the other side.

On the bottom layer of terraced fields, all the rice flowers have been turned into paddy fields. At this moment, the tenants have completed irrigation and are soaking and fertilizing the fields.

In the field next to it, the seedlings have already emerged from the ground, and they are very lush, which is very gratifying.

Daohua smiled and said to Xiao Yeyang, "The rice we eat this year doesn't need to be shipped from the capital anymore."

Xiao Yeyang asked the officials who were in charge of managing the military fields to study here, and he pulled the rice flowers: "Didn't you plant medicinal herbs? Take me to see, if it grows well, I will also let the military households grow some. ."

"Apart from food, salaries and weapons, the army's biggest expenditure is the medicinal materials used to heal wounds and diseases. If they can be self-sufficient, they can save a lot of money."

Daohua took Xiao Yeyang to see the medicine field, and the officials who followed carefully recorded it.

After watching the terraced fields and returning, the next day, Xiao Yeyang took Wang Qi and went to Jinweiwei.

On the way, Xiao Yeyang looked at Wang Qi and asked, "How much do you know about the commanders of the nine guards in Xiliang?"

Wang Qi replied: "Sir, except for Ganzhou Guard, the commanders of the other eight guards are all promoted by the commanders of Weidu."

"Among the eight people, Commander Pang of Lan Wuwei was excluded because of his straight personality and was not favored by Lord Wei; and Lord Zhu of Jin Weiwei was a rare official who loved the people, and he disagreed with Lord Wei many times. not taken seriously."

"The other five people almost all follow the lead of Lord Wei."

Xiao Yeyang raised his eyebrows and glanced at Wang Qi.

He got a rough idea of ​​these things through the news from Jin Lingwei. Although this Wang Qi did not enter the official position, he knew a lot about the situation in Xiliang.

"There are a total of four guards bordering Xiliao, Ganzhou guard, Jinwei guard, Jianzhou guard, Xintun guard, Ganzhou guard's military town has been built, Jinwei guard is under preparation."

"When we came out this time, in addition to watching Jinweiwei's frontier army training, we also implemented the military town construction plan for Jianzhouwei and Xintunwei."

"You should know that Wei Hongcai doesn't really want me to stay in Xiliang, nor does he want to change the situation in Xiliang. After arriving at Jianzhouwei and Xintunwei, we may encounter obstacles."

Hearing this, Wang Qi's face turned straight. He knew that persuading the commanders of Jianzhou Guard and Xintun Guard not to hinder the construction of the military town should be the first test that Xiao Yeyang gave him.

In a blink of an eye, more than a month has passed, and the time has entered May.

The day before the Dragon Boat Festival, Xiao Yeyang returned to Ganzhou City.

"came back!"

Daohua smiled and stood at the door to welcome Xiao Yeyang. Seeing that he had lost some weight again, she felt a little distressed: "Can you rest for a few days when you come back this time?"

Xiao Yeyang walked in with Daohua, and nodded with a smile: "The military towns of Jianzhou Guard and Xintun Guard have both begun to be built, and I have left people there to watch the border army drills, so I can stay at home. Take a break."

Hearing this, Daohua immediately said happily: "Then I have to make up for it with you."

The two returned to the room, and Daohua personally served Xiao Yeyang to wash: "Mr. Wang went out this time, can it help you?"

Xiao Yeyang nodded: "This Wang Qi. is a good strategist. After weighing the pros and cons, the commanders of Jianzhou Guard and Xintun Guard did not dare to hinder the construction of the military town."

"In terms of internal affairs, this person is quite insightful. No wonder the Wei family has suppressed the Wang family for decades. He is indeed a remarkable figure."

Daohua said with a smile: "It's good if he can help you. People in the capital dislike Xiliang's bitter cold and are unwilling to come here. With so many things here, how can you be so busy alone?"

"I'm relieved to have someone to help you handle the tedious things and unnecessary entertainment in official business. You, as long as you keep the army in your hands, and the rest, just follow the direction of the big head."

Xiao Yeyang smiled and hugged Daohua in his arms: "You still love me."

Daohua slapped him with a smile.

On the other hand, Wang Qi also returned to the residence of the guard house. As soon as he entered the gate of the guard house, he found that the ground of the guard house seemed to be a little different, much smoother than before.

"Sir, you are back!"

Seeing Zhang Da coming, Wang Qi immediately asked, "What's going on here?"

Zhang Da hurriedly smiled and said: "Sir, do you still remember the cement that Mrs. Xiao was going to get? You followed Mr. Xiao away for two days, and the cement came out. The ground of the guardhouse has been repaired, and walking is much better than before. Now the cement has been pulled to build the walls and roads."

Wang Qi was stunned: "Mrs. Xiao really didn't talk nonsense."

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