There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 926 Chapter 926, mother-in-law arrives

After Xiliao raided Xintunwei, Xiao Yeyang recuperated at home for a few days, and then began to inspect the four guards again.

Although Xinxi Town suffered heavy casualties, the raid also revealed its shortcomings. Xiao Yeyang learned from his experience and re-formulated a plan for training soldiers.

Because of the covetousness of the Xiliao people, Xiao Yeyang did not dare to delay, and seized the time to train the soldiers and strengthen the mutual cooperation of the twelve military towns.

It was not until the twenties of the twelfth lunar month that I returned to Ganzhou City in a turbulent manner.

At the same time, the people who Xiao Yeyang placed in Xiliao also responded.

Seeing Xiao Yeyang reading the news, Daohua frowned and couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Yeyang: "The reason why Xiliao raided Xintunwei is to test the combat coordination ability of the military town, and secondly, the royal family of Xiliao has foreign aid. Last autumn, the royal family of Xiliao got a large amount of food, probably because of this. , give them confidence."

Daohua frowned: "Who will send food to Xiliao?"

Xiao Yeyang shook his head: "I haven't found out who it is yet." Not talking about troubles, he looked at Daohua's already pregnant belly, squatted down, and rested his head on his stomach.

"I still read to the little guy these days, lest he forget me."

Daohua was a little speechless and said with a smile, "You are the father of the child, no one will forget you if the child forgets you." After speaking, she paused.

"My eldest brother spends the New Year alone in Xintunwei. I'm always a little worried. How about I write another letter and ask him to come?"

Xiao Yeyang: ". I think we should follow the elder brother's opinion. He stayed in Xintunwei because he wanted to get acquainted with the personnel there faster."

"Xintunwei was raided by Xiliao people this time, and many officials were in a panic. It was when the eldest brother used his fists."

Hearing this, Daohua didn't say more: "Then I'll send him some more food. It doesn't matter if he eats it, or he can send it to others. By the way, there are also the second brother-in-law and the third brother-in-law who have to send some."

Xiao Yeyang: "Just instruct Gu Yu and the others to do this kind of trivial matter, don't keep worrying about it."

Daohua smiled and said, "I just moved my lips and didn't worry about it. Well, it's getting late, let's go to Master's yard for dinner."

This year is the third year that Daohua and Xiao Yeyang have come to Xiliang. Because Xintunwei was raided, the people were worried that Xiliao would come over. This year's New Year atmosphere is not as strong and lively as last year.

On the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month, Daohua invited the Li family, the Dong family, and the Su family Tuannian, and Xiao Yeyang also called some officials and generals who were important to him.

On New Year's Eve, when Xiao Yeyang was accompanying Daohua Tie couplet, Defu rushed over: "Master, the people of Xiliao just attacked Gandan Town not long ago."

Hearing this, Xiao Yeyang's expression changed, and he handed the couplet in his hand to Gu Yu, who was on the side, instructed Daohua, then turned and left.

After Xiao Yeyang left, Daohua frowned.

In November, they raided Xintunwei, and now they attacked Ganzhouwei. Is it possible that Xiliao really wants to have a war with Daxia?

Because of the attack of the Western Liao people, the taste of the New Year, which was not strong, became weaker.

Xiao Yeyang was defending against the people of Xiliao, Daohua and Gu Jian lost their interest in the New Year, and both of them were at home waiting for Xiao Yeyang to come back.

As soon as Xiao Yeyang came to Xiliang, he took over Ganzhou Guard. The frontier army here was strictly trained by him for two years, and their morale and combat ability were much stronger than those of Xintun Guard.

The Xiliao people killed nearly 10,000 soldiers in Xintunwei, but they did not get any advantage in Ganzhouwei.

This time, Yelu Kangda personally led the team. Since Xiao Yeyang took back Danhe, he has always wanted to take Danhe back again.

However, he did not expect that the combat capability of the frontier troops on Ganzhou Guard's side was several times higher than that of Xintun Guard. After three charges, he lost nearly 20,000 people, while the other side only lost a few thousand people.

This time, Xiliao dispatched 50,000 soldiers. After the fifth charge, Yelu Kangda resolutely fled with the remaining 10,000 soldiers.

"Yelü Kangda, what do you think I am a Daxia soldier, if you want to fight, you can fight, if you want to escape, you can run away?"

Xiao Yeyang didn't want to let Yelu Kangda go, and at the same time wanted to frighten Xiliao, so as to buy more training time for the military town, and directly followed up with the cavalry.

Along the way, only a few thousand people were left to kill Yelu Kangda. In the end, because of the fear of going deep into the hinterland of Xiliao and being surrounded, he had to stop and turn back.

By the time Xiao Yeyang had dealt with the affairs of the military town and returned to Ganzhou City, it was already early February.

"After this battle, Xiliao should stop for a while."

Xiao Yeyang lay lazily on the reclining chair, enjoying the feeding of rice flowers with a contented face, but after a while, he frowned again.

"There were many casualties in the two battles. Nearly 10,000 people died in Xintun Guard, and more than 5,000 people died in Ganzhou Guard this time. I have already handed the commander to the commander and asked for pension money, but Wei Hong was afraid. It's going to pass the buck."

Daohua frowned: "How dare he be greedy for this money?"

Xiao Yeyang: "My identity is here, I don't dare to be greedy for him, but I definitely won't give it so much pleasure. Also, the dead soldiers have to find a way to make up for them as soon as possible."

"The tax revenue here in Xiliang is too small. Even if the royal uncle allows me to handle the tax and silver here, there is not much money to use."

"However, the recruitment has to continue. Not only the Ganzhou Guards, but also the Xintun Guards have to start recruiting."

As she said that, she looked at Daohua apologetically, and touched her larger belly again.

"I originally wanted to spend more time with you and the child, but I didn't expect that Xiliao would start a battle so quickly. I'm afraid I'll have to be busy again in the next few months."

Daohua held his hand: "I knew before I came to Xiliang that you will be very busy in the past few years. Don't worry about doing what you have to do. I will take care of myself and Master."

For the next two months or so, Xiao Yeyang spent more than 20 days a month training outside, and for the remaining few days, he would take time to go back to his house to accompany Daohua and Gu Jian, and by the way, read to the children in his belly.

At the end of March, after Xiao Yeyang went out, two uninvited guests came to the Xiao residence.

Daohua stared blankly at Guo Ruomei and Chu Lang who suddenly appeared in front of her, and said in surprise, "Mother, why are you and Chu Daxia here?"

Before Guo Ruomei could answer, Chu Lang said, "Why, you don't welcome us?"

Daohua shook her head quickly, smiled and stepped forward to benefit Guo Ruomei: "Mother and Chu Daxia can come, Xiao Yeyang and I can't ask for it, how can we not welcome it, just a little surprised."

Guo Ruomei smiled and took Daohua's hand: "Don't pay attention to your uncle Chu, he just has a broken mouth." After speaking, she looked at Daohua's nine-month-old belly again.

"The child didn't bother you, did he?"

Daohua said with a smile: "This child is active, but he didn't bother me too much. I didn't suffer much. Mother, Uncle Chu, let's go into the house."

Chu Lang raised his brows when he heard Daohua's name.

This guy Xiao Yeyang married a good wife who listened to his mother-in-law. He just called him Daxia Chu, but as soon as Mei opened her mouth, she changed to Uncle Chu.

Yes, Not Bad!

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