There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 990 Chapter 990, you have to cover me

On the day Xiao Moren came, Daohua delivered the food directly to the funeral home in order to give him a good rest and prevent him from running back and forth.

Madam Fan looked at some light and easy food, and the smile on her face suddenly deepened.

On the way from the capital to Xiliang, although His Highness was not ill, but working as a carriage for a long time made His Highness's appetite a lot worse.

Now that I have just arrived in Xiliang, it is really difficult to eat too greasy food.

Xiao Moren came out of the bath after taking a bath. Mammy Fan had already arranged the meals. Looking at the hot meals on the table, most of them were what he liked to eat, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise.

Madam Fan waited for Xiao Moren to eat, and said with a smile: "On the way here, the old servant was worried that His Highness would not be used to living in the palace, but now it seems that the princess has thought about everything for His Highness, but the old servant is over-hearted. ."

Xiao Moren raised his eyebrows, and said with some childish pride, "My aunt has been very good to me since I was a child. I still remember going to the Four Seasons Villa when I was a child, and my aunt would make me delicious food every time."

Madam Fan heard Xiao Moren's closeness to Princess Xiao, and knew that Princess Xiao liked His Highness, and she was secretly happy. It doesn't matter if the Fourth Prince's Mansion is on Xiliang's side. Her Royal Highness has Princess Xiao to take care of her, so she can rest assured.

After dinner, Xiao Moren took a rest, got up early the next day, and moved around in the yard. After washing, he walked out of the yard and walked towards the main courtyard.

Not long after he walked out of the courtyard, Xiao Moren saw a little boy wearing a short jacket and shorts, with a tiger's head and a head, rushing towards him.

The little boy's speed is very fast, but his speed is not because he knows kung fu, but because the little boy is stepping on something he has never seen before, and that thing is rushing towards the little boy quickly.

Xiao Moren's personal eunuchs, Xiao Fuzi and Xiao Shunzi, quickly stopped in front of Xiao Moren when they saw someone rushing towards his master.


The expected collision did not occur. When there were still two or three meters away from Xiao Moren, Daozi made a beautiful sudden brake and stopped the scooter steadily.

Daozi jumped off the scooter and looked curiously at Xiao Moren with his big black eyes.

Xiao Moren recognized Daozi's identity, and he couldn't think of anyone else who dared to run wild in the palace, except for the younger brother who was named by the emperor's father at birth and named the prince.

Daozi tilted his head and looked at Xiao Moren: "My mother said, are you my brother?"

Xiao Moren smiled and nodded.

Daozi's eyes lit up: "Other people who are older brothers will protect their younger brothers, will you? If I am bullied, you will help me, right?"

Xiao Moren smiled and said, "Of course I will."

After getting the answer he wanted, Daozi squinted his eyes with satisfaction, and stretched out his hand to hook up with Xiao Moren.

Looking at the chubby hand in front of him, Xiao Moren felt a little strange.

He also has a younger brother, but his younger brother is only three years old. He has a lot of studies and moved to the front yard early. The chance to see his younger brother is only when he invites An and dinner, and he rarely plays together.

There are other concubine brothers in the house, but he rarely has contact with them.

Therefore, although he is the eldest son of the Fourth Prince's Mansion, he has grown up so much that he has never experienced the joy of being a brother.

Now that a younger brother suddenly appeared that he wanted to protect, it was really strange in my heart.

Xiao Moren smiled and stretched out his hand and hooked with Daozi.

After pulling the hook, Daozi smiled and rolled his eyes: "Mother said, I am the eldest brother of our family, I am the eldest brother of the tiger, and I am the father and son of the army, and there is no one covering my head. You are here."

As he said that, he took Xiao Moren's hand and patted it.

"Since you are my brother, you must protect me."

Xiao Moren thought Daozi was very interesting, and asked with a smile, "You are the prince of the palace, who dares to bully you?"

Daozi frowned and looked at Xiao Moren with a sinister look that you don't understand the world: "There are so many people bullying me, it's hard to prevent."

"The cow eggs in Daoxiang Village dare to let the cows chase me, the dog eggs dare to let the dogs bite me, and even the little Cuihua dares to let the white goose peck me. Do you think I am miserable?"

Xiao Moren is a little stuck, cow eggs, dog eggs, and Xiao Cuihua? Who are these people?

Daozi asked the servant to pick up the scooter and took Xiao Moren's hand: "Are you going to see my mother? Come, I'll lead you there."

Xiao Moren looked at the rice with some amusing, this little younger brother is a little familiar!

"what is this?"

Seeing Xiao Moren staring at the scooter, Daozi said generously: "Do you want to play? This is the scooter that my mother made for me, but it's fun. Since you are my brother, I can lend it to you. "

Having said that, he stood directly on the scooter and began to teach Xiao Moren how to play the scooter.

On the other side, Daohua and Xiao Yeyang were dressed and washed, and were sitting in the room waiting for Daozi to bring Xiao Moren over, and then they went to Nanshan Hall for breakfast together.

Xiao Yeyang looked at the sky: "Why haven't you come back?"

Daohua said with a smile: "Last night I told Daozi that Moren was going to live in the mansion. Daozi was very happy to know that an elder brother was here, but he also said that he wanted to test this elder brother and see if he could get along with him. Disqualify and then decide how to deal with him."

Xiao Yeyang was a little speechless: "Look at what he can do. He's a little big, but he has a lot of bad ideas."

At this moment, the angry shout of Daozi sounded in the yard.

"Mother, I brought my fourth brother back."

Daohua smiled and looked at Xiao Yeyang: "My brother called, it seems that the inspection passed." After saying that, she left the room with a smile.

Dao Zican ran over with a smile: "Mother, fourth brother is amazing. After only one study, you will be able to ride a scooter."

Daohua touched her son's head: "Then you can learn more from the fourth brother in the future."

The reason why it is called fourth brother is because in the ranking of the grandsons, Xiao Moren is just the same age as his father, and also ranks fourth.

Rice nodded with a smile.

At this time, Xiao Moren stepped forward and greeted Daohua and Xiao Yeyang: "Greetings to Uncle Wang and Auntie."

Daohua said with a smile, "Let's go, let's go to Nanshan Courtyard together."

When Daozi heard it, he immediately ran to take Xiao Moren's hand, and ran out of the yard with the person: "I saw the old ancestor."

After leaving the courtyard, Daozi handed the scooter to Xiao Moren: "Fourth brother, you can slide again."

In the end, he is still a child, no matter how old he is, facing a scooter he has never played before, Xiao Moren has a little more childish nature.

But Xiao Moren just took the scooter when he saw the younger brother seriously said to him: "Fourth brother, since you slipped my scooter, you must cover me in the future, and you will not regret it."

Xiao Moren smiled and nodded again.

Daohua and Xiao Yeyang were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Xiao Yeyang laughed and said, "This stinky boy knows how to find a backer for himself at such a young age."

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