Daozi and Xiao Moqing's scramble for scooters was resolved satisfactorily in the palace, and the two reconciled, and the matter was over.

But the people of the An family don't think so. Seeing Xiao Moqing come back with a red and swollen face, the whole An family is full of anger and dissatisfaction.

"How on earth did the Yan family teach the child? She is so cruel and ruthless at such a young age. Look at what happened to our little highness?" Madam An put a hard-boiled egg on Xiao Moqing's face with a distressed face.

Xiao Moqing felt a little embarrassed when he heard this. Daozi was younger than him. He was beaten by a younger brother who was four years younger than him. Is he embarrassed?

However, seeing Mrs. An so anxious for herself, he felt quite relieved, and said with a smile: "Lady, don't worry, I also beat the rice, and the corners of his mouth were broken."

Mrs. An snorted coldly: "That's what he deserves, you are the son of the eldest prince, and your identity is many times more noble than the son of a girl from the Yan family. If you look at his things, you look down on him, and he dares to marry him. You do it, you should"

"Cough cough~"

Mrs. An San suddenly coughed violently, directly interrupting Mrs. An's words.

Mrs. An looked at her daughter-in-law dissatisfied: "What's wrong with you? But you have a cold. If you have a cold, you should stay away from the little highness, and don't let the little highness feel sick."

Mrs. An San took a deep breath and forced a smile: "Mother, I'm fine, I just accidentally choked on tea."

As he said that, he smiled and looked at Xiao Moqing.

"I saw the little highness sweating a lot. The water for bathing is ready. Do you want to take a bath first, little prince?"

Xiao Moqing also felt sticky and uncomfortable, and nodded immediately: "Okay, I want to take a bath."

After leaving Xiao Moqing, Mrs. An San was completely relieved. She was really afraid that her mother-in-law would say some inappropriate words.

Although His Highness is eight years old, he is still a child. The child's mouth is not firm. If he learns a sentence or two for the people in the Weiyuan Palace to hear, then the An family will really offend the Weiyuan Palace to death.

In the capital, with the imperial concubine and the eldest prince, perhaps there is no need to be too afraid of King Weiyuan, but at the moment her master is still serving in Xiliang.

King Weiyuan was also the highest official in Xiliang. If he wanted to clean up the master, it would be too easy.

This mother-in-law is so used to herself that she doesn't even think about their situation at all!

Hearing that Mrs. An was still chattering about what was wrong with Princess Xiao, Mrs. An San was very tired and quickly found an excuse to get up and leave.


Mrs. An looked coldly at Mrs. An San leaving: "Bonehead."

An Xin, who was on the side, heard it, smiled and persuaded him, "Aunt San is also worried that Uncle San will be blamed by King Weiyuan."

Mrs. An's face did not improve: "You third aunt, your bones are not hard, you thought I was confused."

An Xin thought that after coming to Liangdu, the third aunt took good care of herself. After thinking about it, she explained to Mrs. An: "The third aunt doesn't know much about the situation in the capital, so she was more careful."

Mrs. An: "Your third aunt's temperament can't be changed in this life, and I'm too lazy to talk about her." After speaking, she looked at the slim granddaughter beside her and nodded with satisfaction.

"How's your drawing skills going?"

An Xin smiled and said, "The granddaughter is practicing more and more every day."

Mrs. An nodded and said nothing more.

Several other princes' families also heard about the fight between Daozi and Xiao Moqing.

Mrs. Du smiled and asked the maid to take Xiao Mobao down to rest, and then said to Mr. Du, "Princess Xiao is quite good at disciplining children, and she didn't favor either side. In the end, she let the two children take the initiative to reconcile."

Master Du nodded: "Princess Xiao should not be underestimated. She is a woman, but she is not inferior to men in what she does. I heard that this year's autumn harvest, Daoxiang Village will launch a new food called sweet potato. Yield is not inferior to potatoes.”

"Potatoes, corn, and sweet potatoes, with these high-yield grains, the people of Xiliang will not be hungry in the future."

"There is also the promotion of high-yield cotton varieties, and the emergence of woolen clothes and woolen pants, which also solves the problem of clothing for the people of Xiliang."

"The development of Xiliang, Princess Xiao has an indelible contribution!"

Mrs. Du felt a little jealous when her master praised a woman so much, but she also admired Princess Xiao in her heart.

Master Du suddenly said: "I heard that the family started to show the old three?"

Madam Du nodded and said with a smile, "Mother asked Concubine Shu to help her look at each other."

Master Du thought for a while: "It's very important to marry a wife, but in the end it depends on how people are, just like King Weiyuan and Princess Xiao, how many people were not optimistic at the beginning, but now, King Weiyuan To have today's achievements, Princess Xiao has contributed greatly."

"Write a letter to tell your mother later, if there is a more outstanding girl, even if the rank is inferior, we can accept it."

Mrs. Du didn't refute this: "Okay, I've listened to the master, and I'll write a letter later."

Weiyuan Palace.

Xiao Yeyang looked at the corners of his son's torn mouth and felt a little distressed, but it didn't show it. Boys, it's normal to fall and beat.

Daozi was looked at with perturbation, for fear that his father and mother would punish him the same way.

Xiao Yeyang: "How do you feel about the fight today?"


Seeing his son's bewildered face, Xiao Yeyang asked patiently, "The corners of your mouth were broken, you have no idea?"

Daozi touched the corner of his mouth and twitched in pain. He looked at Xiao Yeyang pitifully and asked for comfort: "Dad, it hurts."

Xiao Yeyang was indifferent and looked at his son lazily.

Daozi was seen embarrassed, and pouted: "I can't beat Seventh Brother."

Xiao Yeyang: "So what?"

Rice stalked his neck: "It's because I'm still young. When I grow up, I'll be able to win."

Xiao Yeyang: "Last time you were arrested in Wuhu Village, did the people there stop arresting you because you were young?"

Rice shook his head.

Xiao Yeyang: "Young age is not the reason, your weakness is the root."

Daozi thought for a while: "Then I will try my best to practice martial arts with Grandpa Chu in the future."

Xiao Yeyang nodded with a smile: "Son, you have to remember that men are competing with others all their lives. At home, they have to compete with their parents and brothers. Only when you are strong enough can you gain more right to speak for yourself."

Hearing this, Daozi's eyes rolled: "I know this, it's like I am weak now, so I have to obey my parents, or I will be punished, and I can't resist."

Xiao Yeyang: "."

They haven't punished this stinky boy much, have they? How did you think of these all at once?

Forget it, he was right.

Xiao Yeyang continued: "When you grow up and leave home in the future, you will start to compete with people outside. People outside are not like people at home, they will tolerate you, if you are too weak, they will be like people in the mountains. Hungry wolf, eat it for you."

Rice trembled: "Why do they want to eat me?"

Xiao Yeyang: "Because they are hungry!"

Daozi Baozi's face wrinkled: "They are hungry, go looking for food, why are you looking for me?"

Xiao Yeyang smiled and said: "Because you are a little rich man, look, you have a small treasury that your mother saved for you, and in the future you will still have the family business left by your father and mother, and there is a palace in the capital, etc. Let you inherit and eat you, they will be rich and oily, and they will not have to worry about eating and drinking for a lifetime, you say, if they don’t eat you, who will they eat?”

Daozi's face collapsed: "Then what should I do?"

Xiao Yeyang: "You have to find a way to keep your things."

Daozi puffed out his cheeks, squeezed his fists and said, "Father, I will practice martial arts well in the future. If the hungry wolf dares to eat me, I will eat them first."

Xiao Yeyang smiled and rubbed his son's head: "Have ambition! Daozi, you have to remember one thing, men can compete against each other, but you have to make sure that you win in the end."

"Because once a man loses, the consequences will be disastrous."

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