There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 122 Gravitational waves create new materials

Black Hole Technology Co., Ltd., Third Machine Tool Factory.

Wei Ming, who participated in the research and development of the high-end machine tool "Phoenix" project, recently encountered a very difficult problem.

High-end machine tools are indeed difficult to build.

He personally believes that it may be more difficult than EUV lithography machines.


Experience needs to be combined with actual use experience.

It is easy to build a machine tool with an initial processing accuracy of 1 nanometer. Wei Ming and Zhu Guangji worked hard for less than two months and built a prototype machine to process a glass lens to ensure the smoothness of the surface. The high and low error is within 1 nanometer.

At that time, Wei Ming thought that the high-end machine tool "Phoenix" was a success and it was too easy, so he was about to celebrate.

Zhu Guangji shook his head, and immediately asked the machine tool to process the second lens, and then had the error measured.

"Surface error, 10 nanometers."

This surprised Wei Ming, "We have just processed the second piece. Why did the error suddenly become so large?"

Zhu Guangji and other experts explained to him that unlike photolithography machines, 1-nanometer high-precision machine tools do not mean that their processing accuracy is always 1 nanometer, but that they can achieve 1 nanometer under optimal working conditions.

"Take the cutting operation of machine tools as an example. Although the cutting heads are made of the hardest diamonds and sapphires, wear will still occur during the cutting of other materials. This wear will lead to machining errors, so we have to adjust the wear based on the wear. According to the degree of wear, adjust the intensity of processing, calculate a wear formula, and dynamically adjust the processing method according to the formula to achieve consistent processing accuracy.”

"In addition, during the process of machine tool processing, the motor that drives the cutter head, the motor that drives the mechanical arm, and dozens of motors in the entire machine tool all work together. The work of so many motors produces mechanical vibrations, parts Looseness will seriously affect the machining accuracy of the machine tool over time. Even in the case of four-axis or five-axis linkage, good machining accuracy can still be achieved. "

"So it's not enough to rely on the high precision of the machine tool itself. No matter how precise the machine tool is, if you add a powerful motor to it and it vibrates for half an hour, it will become an ordinary low-end machine tool. The most important thing is to use it. We need to maintain it in the long term. In the process of using it, you can understand its rules, calculate mathematical formulas, and finally process the best parts at any time according to the state of the machine tool. This is the birth process of a high-end machine tool. "

"This is also a completely empirical subject. It takes more than five or ten years to continuously summarize, adjust, and understand thoroughly before you can completely tame a machine tool, create a peerless artifact, and achieve 'human-machine integration'" To the extent you want, you can process it with any precision you want.”

Wei Ming's previous statement that the "Phoenix" high-end machine tool could be completed within one year was nothing more than a wishful thinking, but Zhu Guangji and the others did not say so.

Of course, the high-precision parts provided by Weiming are very useful. They can greatly shorten the development cycle of machine tools and speed up the progress of taming and understanding, making it entirely possible to make this project a success within three years.

Wei Mingze was immediately dumbfounded.

He did not expect that there are so many tricks in a machine tool. To face the problem of dynamic wear of the cutter head and to solve the decrease in precision caused by its own mechanical vibration is equivalent to using a constantly shaking embroidery needle to embroider the most perfect flower. flower.

The physics and mathematics knowledge involved, as well as a lot of unexplainable experiences, were enough to make his head explode.

He underestimated high-end machine tools.

The research and development difficulty of this thing is definitely greater than that of EUV lithography machines - after all, the technical difficulty of machine tools that can be used for lithography machines must be one dimension higher.

what to do?

Is it true that as Zhu Guangji and other experts say, if you patiently work on this project for three years, it will surely bear fruit?

The problem is that the second parts factory is in urgent need of high-end machine tools to manufacture a large number of high-precision parts to meet the manufacturing needs of the first lithography machine factory's Tyrannosaurus EUV.

He boasted in front of many people that he would strive to achieve the mass production goal of shipping at least one Tyrannosaurus Rex EUV per month next year in 2024.

Now high-end machine tools are not available.

Does the mass production of at least 12 Tyrannosaurus Rex EUVs all depend on his god-level polishing?

Does this mean he will have to take an extra year of classes next year?


This is absolutely not possible!

We must try our best to take down high-end machine tools and end the boring god-level polishing as soon as possible.

Wei Ming immediately thought of Xiao Hei inside his body.

He considered using Xiao Hei to solve the difficult problems he was facing.

"Since the wear of the cutter head will cause errors, can we find a way to get a material with extremely high hardness. There will be almost no wear during the processing of other materials. If the wear is reduced to zero, the wear errors will disappear. Already?"

"Mechanical vibration can only be reduced, but cannot be avoided. We can use some high-density materials to increase the quality of the machine tool and improve its shock resistance, thereby reducing the processing errors caused by mechanical vibration."

According to these two guiding ideas.

Weiming plans to create two completely new materials, one wear-resistant and the other high-density.

Then he asked the factory's logistics department to purchase dozens of tons of pulverized coal, stack it in a special workshop, and purchase a large vacuum container to start his research.

"Generally, in order to obtain a new material in industry, it is generally necessary to apply increasing pressure and give higher temperatures in a high-temperature, high-pressure, interference-free environment, and finally surprises may occur."

"This is called miracles with great force."

Xiao Hei can also create miracles!

In a high-pressure environment, close to Xiao Hei's horizon, the huge gravitational force brings a gravitational pressure equivalent to hundreds of thousands or millions of standard air pressures.

In a high-temperature environment, the matter moving around Xiaohei is accelerated to close to the speed of light near the event horizon. The collision between particles produces a high temperature of more than millions or tens of millions of degrees Celsius?

It is entirely possible to trigger nuclear fusion.

Put about 20 kilograms of pulverized coal into the container, and then extract the air in the container to make it a vacuum state to avoid interference from air molecules.

Xiao Hei has already been released into the container.

Slowly expand the gravitational radius.

Let Xiao Hei start to rotate, creating a rotating gravitational vortex, starting from the edge, and sucking the fine granular coal powder into the rotating orbit.


Keep lowering the track.

Continuous acceleration.

The closer it gets to the core of Little Black, the speed increases to an exaggerated level.

As the number of inhaled coal particles increases, the pressure and temperature near the core also rise sharply.

The collision between high-energy particles produces high temperatures of hundreds of thousands of degrees and tens of thousands of standard air pressures.

If Wei Ming had not fully controlled it, nearly half of the high-energy particles would have overflowed and escaped, while the other half would have fallen into the horizon and been completely swallowed, and the vacuum container would have been destroyed and riddled with holes.

But under his precise control, only about one thousandth of the particles escaped, and most of them were restrained by Xiao Hei, who continued to pressurize and accelerate... Wei Ming was sweating and mentally exhausted.

More than half an hour later.

After absorbing more than 20 kilograms of coal particles, a crystalline material the size of a water droplet was born in a high-temperature fireball near the core of Xiaohei. It did not melt in the high temperature of tens of millions of degrees. In the violent particle collision, its structure was unstable. Change.

Wei Ming perked up!

It might be what you're looking for!

Immediately weaken the intensity of the gravitational radius, or let Xiao Hei rotate in the opposite direction, gradually reducing the rotation speed of the water droplet crystal material.

However, this process is long and extremely slow, and there cannot be any mistakes in the process, otherwise the water droplet crystal will derail at high speed and disappear without a trace.

Ten hours later.

In Wei Ming's hand, a pure transparent, drop-shaped, special crystal substance with a diameter of about 3 mm appeared.

It's incredibly hard and beautiful under the light.

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