There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 203 Backing up

Mingxia villa.

Wei Ming told Xu Chuxia the situation he encountered this morning.

"Let them resign and leave if they want. All approved!"

Xu Chuxia was furious: "Part of the employees hired by our company are agricultural technicians. As long as they have a bachelor's degree or above, their salary is not less than RMB 15,000. Some of them are migrant workers who often do farm work, and their average salary is not less than RMB 15,000." It’s less than 8,000, which is much more than what they earn from working on other farms, and it’s much more stable in the long term! They resigned from me, and it’s impossible to find a higher-paying job unless they change careers.”

"They are just greedy for the benefits of the Black Hole Group, and they want to have the same benefits as your company. They are just greedy. If the benefits of all companies in the country are to be on par with the Black Hole Group, I think 99% of the companies will go bankrupt. Your company is actually It’s a bad start and it feeds the appetite of those employees.”

She stared at the man with some dissatisfaction and said.

"Well, your company doesn't seem to have many employees. If you think it's necessary, I can incorporate them into the Black Hole Group's welfare system and let them enjoy the same treatment."

Wei Ming thought for a while and said.


Xu Chuxia shook his head: "Excluding sanitation workers, the number of employees of the Black Hole Group has exceeded 40,000, but it can only provide 20,000 houses, leaving a shortfall of 20,000 houses. Are you really prepared to give each of them a house?" Want to buy a house? If your Black Hole Group continues to expand, how much land will you need to prepare and how many houses will you develop?”

"Well... the environmental restoration in Tianziling has already begun. More than 10,000 villas are planned. In addition, Black Hole Group will suspend its expansion for a period of time. The actual housing gap is not that big."

Wei Ming said.

If there is still a gap, Sister Xiao said that Blue Sky Group has a "ghost town" that has not sold a house in more than nine years. There are more than 10,000 houses in it, and they can be sold at a preferential price of 20,000 square meters. If it is given to Black Hole Group, the employees will bear 15,000 and Black Hole Group will bear 5,000, which will not add much additional cost.

It's just that I owe Sister Xiao a favor worth tens of billions, and this favor will have to be repaid in the future.

"My agricultural company will employ at least two thousand employees in the future, and I won't increase your housing gap."

Xu Chuxia rolled her eyes and said.

To be realistic, employees working in urban agriculture companies are essentially just farmers. If they all ask to settle in a big city like Hangzhou, then the city simply cannot bear the needs of so many people and cannot provide the services they need. So many resources, because behind each of them, there is a family.


Uncle Fu in the kitchen cooked one dish from each of the vegetables grown in the indoor farm brought by Wei Ming, and made an 'indoor vegetable feast' that mainly focused on vegetables.

"Yes, eating green vegetables will taste like green vegetables, eating cabbage will taste like cabbage, and eating leeks will taste like chives... They all retain their own unique taste."

Wei Ming nodded and said, "I don't think there is any obvious difference from vegetables grown in the land. They are completely edible!"

"The quality is a little worse than those organic vegetables grown in organic greenhouses."

Xu Chuxia picked up a few chopsticks, tasted it and said, "But it is better than the vegetables grown in ordinary greenhouses, fresher and more pure."

"Uncle, Miss, these vegetables look appetizing. They don't have any earthy smell, and they don't have pesticides or insect holes. They look very reassuring. If it were me, I would eat vegetables like these every day."

Nanny Wu Ma said with crow's feet laughing.

"It seems that indoor agriculture is indeed very promising and should be expanded in scale and vigorously promoted." Wei Ming said.

"No, now is not the time to promote it on a large scale."

Xu Chuxia shook his head: "I have been doing this for a year and have studied it carefully for a year. Only by reducing the current electricity bill from 5 cents per kilowatt hour to 2 cents per kilowatt hour can indoor farming ensure that it does not lose money and reduce it to less than 2 cents. Only in this way can we generate meager profits and have large-scale promotion value. If it were not for the 30,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity provided by the waste incineration power plant every day, I would have given up hope in this industry.

However, only one small thermal power station can only meet the needs of one indoor farm. The other two have to purchase commercial power, and will lose more than 10 million every year in the future. This still limits the output of the indoor farm to less than 10%. If I reach 100% full production, I will lose more than 100 million every year... The more vegetables I grow, the more I will lose. "

"Honey, you don't need to limit production."

Wei Ming then raised his head and said: "Just produce at 100% full load. Don't worry about the electricity bill. I will tell the power company not to charge you for electricity. You don't have to pay a penny for electricity."

"Why don't you have to pay the electricity bill?"

Xu Chuxia was puzzled: "You are the one who runs the electric power company. If you say you don't pay, you won't pay. If you use more electricity than you do, they will raise the electricity price. How can you be so proud?" She rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, you listen to me, use the electricity as you like, no one will ask you to charge the electricity bill, and no one will send the bill to you."

Wei Ming smiled mysteriously and said, "You have already watched TV for free. If you engage in indoor farming, do you think you can make money?"

"Is this what you said?"

Xu Chuxia looked at him and said, "You're going to stop me from charging for electricity, and then all the money you make from growing vegetables will go to me?"

"That's right, you can build more indoor farms and expand the scale of cultivation. I won't charge you for using electricity. I will support you."

"Okay! You've said so, I can only show off my skills and do my best."

Xu Chuxia said bluntly.

After all, she is not the kind of person who sticks to principles and is very pedantic, and she never wants to rely on others for everything, but men have said so, and no matter how polite she is, it will seem a bit pretentious.

What's more, men don't lack this kind of money. What they earn in one day at work is enough for her to lose money for several years. There is no need to act aloof and stubborn, and she also likes to study how to grow vegetables.

The New Year is approaching.

Wei Ming's life was like a running account.

I went to the company to work for ten days and completed the processing task of 2 million tons of materials.

The group's annual meeting was held, and more than one billion in bonuses and prizes were given away, causing countless envy, jealousy, and hatred on the Internet, mainly hate.

Then announced 25 days of paid annual leave.

January 28 is the twenty-eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, and it is the day of the New Year in my hometown.

As usual, Wei Ming first transferred 100,000 yuan, and then made a voice call to his parents back home for a routine greeting.

"Baby, why don't you go home to celebrate the New Year this year?"

My mother, Liu Aixiang, couldn't help sobbing and scolded me for a long time.

But she changed her words and asked: "Son, your brother told me today that you seem to be the boss of a big company in Hangzhou called Black Hole Group. The boss of this company has the same name as you... Son, that It’s not really you, is it?”

There won’t be too much in daily life, new exciting points are brewing

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