There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 215 Hypocrite?

"Hello Xiaoyun."

Wei Ming nodded to her.

"Hello Mr. Wei."

Shui Qingyun also nodded.

"No need to call me Mr. Wei."

Wei Ming shook his head and corrected her: "Based on the relationship, you can call me cousin-in-law."

"Yes, cousin-in-law."

Shui Qingyun smiled, with a flash of annoyance in his eyes. That woman was not her cousin, not in any way.

However, in front of Wei Ming, she was polite and obedient, and she became quite familiar with him in just one meal.

"You majored in vocal music at Imperial College of Art. Do you want to be a singer in the future?"

When Wei Ming heard about her major, he was immediately surprised.

Especially the Imperial College of Art, which is the top art college in the country. Wei Ming once YY admitted to this art college and embarked on an art path that can be called a shortcut to success. As long as he can enter this college, his life will be at least half successful. .

However, this is just the fantasy of a scumbag. Only talented and talented people can enter this art palace.

Shui Qingyun, who aspires to become a singer, is obviously the pride of heaven.

And he also has extremely outstanding temperament and appearance.

The future is bound to be promising.

"Cousin-in-law, I can sing pretty well, and I also took painting as an elective. I have some attainments in painting." Shui Qingyun said with a smile on his lips, his head slightly lowered, and a hint of shyness on his pretty face.

"You can also draw?"

Wei Ming said in surprise: "Chinese painting, oil painting or fine art animation? I have learned some oil painting. I majored in animation in college, but I am no good at it. I haven't painted for a long time."

"I mainly study oil painting." Shui Qingyun said.

"Just in time, you two young people can discuss and compare."

The boss behind the scenes said at this time: "You two can communicate more and ask each other for advice."

“There’s no need to communicate too much, it’s okay to discuss things occasionally.”

Wei Ming said that he felt that what the big boss behind the scenes said sounded a bit awkward and felt a bit weird.

the following few days.

Under the warm hospitality of the boss behind the scenes.

During the day, Wei Ming went to the National Strategy Research Center and sat in the C position in the top expert discussion group on the "Longevity Plan" topic to participate in the discussion of the plan.

In the evening, we had dinner together at the home of the big boss behind the scenes and talked about ordinary household matters.

Enjoy Aunt Shui's piano and pipa performances.

Listen to Shui Qingyun's voice as beautiful as an oriole's singing.

Even Xiao Tao, the son of the boss behind the scenes, is also a good musical instrument player. He is proficient in flute, guitar, drum and other musical instruments. He can be called the little prince of musical instruments.

The three of them occasionally perform in an ensemble, which is like a live concert, and the performance is quite good.

"A family full of artistic talent."

Wei Ming sighed and said that in such a family, everyone is destined to be an elite.

But what's the matter with Xiao Tao's eyes looking at him? At first it seemed like dissatisfaction, then like anger, and finally a bit like hatred... Although he hid it well, young people would always reveal their emotions inadvertently and uncontrollably.

Especially when Wei Ming got a little closer to Shui Qingyun, his emotions were particularly strong.

The problem is that Wei Ming didn't get too close to Shui Qingyun, he only occasionally discussed painting techniques...and every time, Shui Qingyun took the initiative to ask him for advice.

At first, I asked for advice in public in the yard or living room.

Then look for opportunities to ask for advice in private.

Last night, I actually took a painting and knocked on Wei Ming's door, saying there was something she didn't understand.

Wei Ming kicked her out and said he would be free to answer her questions tomorrow.

"Dong dong dong~"

It was past ten o'clock tonight, and there was a knock on the door again.

Shui Qingyun, who was wearing a deep V silk nightgown, stood at the door with a drawing board in her hand: "Cousin-in-law, my elective course tutor, asked us to find a partner model and draw a copy of each other's bodies. There are five students in our class, and I am the only one who has not found a partner. Can you help me draw a copy of the painting? The homework is due tomorrow, and those who have not completed it will not get the professional certificate."


"Do me a favor, cousin-in-law, please, I really can't find anyone else!"

"Here, let me draw a little bit."

Give her a half-hour structural drawing of a semi-finished product, and let her paint and color the rest.

Shui Qingyun was lying on a chair, assuming an extremely enchanting pose with her collar half open.

And she lost her professionalism as a model and kept moving around.

Two of the three pajama buttons were unbuttoned inadvertently, revealing the infinite beauty.

Wei Ming reminded her more than a dozen times to stop moving, but she didn't seem to hear him at all and always went her own way.

"You're not here to draw pictures for me, are you?"

Wei Ming threw away the pen in his hand and said with a cold face: "Do you know what you are doing? If you don't learn well at a young age, get out!" He pointed to the door.

"Cousin-in-law, stop pretending."

Shui Qingyun had unbuttoned the last button of her pajamas and slowly approached him: "I am more beautiful than that woman, more elegant than her, more talented than her, and my family background is better than hers. I am stronger in everything." , why don’t you marry me and go to Wushan together now to enjoy better worldly glory?”

She drew circles on the man's chest with her green fingers, and her beautiful eyes were burning with burning desire and ambition.

"You are inferior to her in everything."

Wei Ming shook his head, suddenly grabbed her arm and dragged her to the door. Amidst her screams, he pushed hard out of the door, slammed the door shut and locked it, and then started to pack the clothes. Prepare to go back to the five-star hotel to rest.

Can't stay in this place.

"Why did Wuwu become like this? Of the hundreds of men in school who were pursuing me crazily, I didn't even look at any of them. I've even spoken to this guy, but he actually did this to me?"

Shui Qingyun knelt on the ground and cried, unable to accept such a rude rejection.

"Niece, what's wrong with you?"

The big boss behind the scenes who was listening in the corner just now ran over, supported her and said: "I told you not to be impatient. You have only known each other for a few days, how can you do it so quickly?"

"Uncle, didn't you say that this guy is just a pervert and a pervert, and your daughter took him down in one day?"

Shui Qingyun glared at him angrily: "Why is it completely different from what I thought? Yesterday you were saying that he was pretending to be serious and a hypocrite who was greedy for money and lust. How do you explain this situation now?"

The boss behind the scenes didn't answer, but stared blankly somewhere.


Shui Qingyun screamed, covering his chest, and slapped the boss behind the scenes on the face.

"You are a hypocrite!"

She ran back to her room like crazy.


At this time, Wei Ming carried a small suitcase and passed by the boss behind the scenes, saying: "Thank you for your hospitality these days. I'm going back to the hotel to stay now. I probably won't be a guest at your place again in the future. And …”

Wei Ming, who had already reached the door of the yard, heard his voice coming back: "You are really not worthy of being Chu Xia's father."

The boss behind the scenes covered his face, feeling hot.

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