There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 294 Paradise City

As a small multi-person starship.

The power system used by Star Sky is a bit special.

Except that you can use Xiao Hei to drag it forward directly.

It installed a flywheel power generation device outside the cabin. It uses Xiaohei's strong gravity to drive the flywheel, which can generate up to 10,000 megawatts of power. Then it starts the plasma engine at the bottom, and the high-energy high-speed particles are ejected, producing a powerful thrust. , which can easily maintain the acceleration of Starry Sky at around 0.4G.

It is expected to arrive at Mars in ten days.

In the luxurious small living room on the bridge.

Standing in front of the projection screen, looking at the starry sky captured by multi-angle industrial cameras and projected onto the "window".

Wei Ming stopped for a long time.

In fact, the affairs at Blue Star are basically arranged properly, and there are no omissions.

For garbage disposal in Hangzhou, he had dug a bottomless pit with a depth of 10,000 meters, with a volume of more than 100 million cubic meters, and could be used for at least ten years. Considering that he would return to Blue Star frequently in the future, he cleaned it up when he had time. That’s it.

If he doesn't return to Blue Star for a long time and the bottomless pit is full of garbage, I believe that the level of technology at that time has achieved 100% garbage recycling, so he doesn't need to worry too much.

If that doesn't work, it's very possible to use a transport spacecraft to throw some of the unprocessable garbage to a planet specially used for garbage storage.

In short, technology can definitely solve the garbage problem.

In addition, most of the Black Hole Group's subsidiaries, employees and businesses, as well as employees' relatives, have been transferred to Mars or space cities, with only a small number of personnel staying on Blue Star to maintain a small amount of business.

In the end, the only one who was a little worried might be the mother and son.

Yes, Wang Xinran.

When she was thirty years old, she begged Wei Ming to give her a child. Wei Ming relented and gave birth to a boy named Wei Mo as she wished. He was only 2 years old this year. He was very lively and cute. He had just learned teething skills. language.

But his father left far away and went to Mars hundreds of millions of kilometers away.

Since then, they have been separated by two planets, and it is impossible to meet easily.

Thinking of the child's innocent smile, Wei Ming's heart felt like a knife. He cursed himself many times for not being human. He also considered secretly stuffing Wang Xinran, Wei Mo and his son into an immigration spacecraft and taking them to Mars.

But after thinking about it, he gave up this plan.

After some discussion with Wang Xinran, he persuaded her and her children to stay in Blue Star.

Because the various companies and assets left by the Black Hole Group in Blue Star are still worth more than 30 trillion, they cannot be ignored.

He wanted to leave all these assets, including Black Hole Town, to his son Wei Mo, and when he grew up, he would inherit everything left in Blue Star.

And on the day Wei Ming left, Wang Xinran and his son Wei Mo moved into a high-end villa in Black Hole Town, and obtained some management rights of the Black Hole Group's Blue Star branch and Black Hole Town.

Wei Ming also promised to take about half a month every year to go back to Blue Star to visit his mother and son.

In addition, Wang Xinran's best friends Ding Sining and Zhong Yanran will help take care of little Wei Mo.

Wang Xinran's father, Wang Guoxin, underwent surgery last year and got a brand new steel body. He stood up again and gained terrifying combat power to protect their mother and son.


Wei Ming was very thoughtful.

Although Wang Xinran beat him hard on the chest and scolded him as cold-blooded, selfish and inhumane, he still accepted the arrangement.

October 27th.

Starry Sky, which maintains a deceleration of 1 G, has reduced its speed to 10 kilometers per second.

It is less than 10,000 kilometers away from Mars.

At this distance, passengers in the Starry Sky can already see very beautiful and spectacular space scenes.

Especially in the sun-synchronous transfer orbit of Mars, there are a total of 24 seats, arranged equidistantly, like the 24 scales of a watch, and more like a space city with 24 lotus flowers, like a garland, worn on the head of Mars. superior.

"Wow~ So this is a space city."

"Many people live in circles like that." Wei Mang pointed to the circular ecological circle of the space city.

"I think of the little hamster running in circles." The youngest daughter Wei Nuan said imaginatively.

"There are many glass covers on Mars. The outside is red and the inside is green." Wei Chao, the fourth son, pointed to the street of an immigrant city on Mars.

"Mars has been transformed into this in just ten years?"

Xu Chuxia sighed.

She roughly estimated that about one-tenth of the area on the surface of Mars was dyed from red to green, or turned into white lakes or light blue oceans.

"Don't you ask how much effort I have put into transforming this planet?"

Wei Ming shook his head and smiled: "That kind of giant glass cover is made of extremely strong graphene material. It is troublesome to produce and transport, and it is even more troublesome to build. I helped build a total of 78 glass-covered cities. I also helped level the ground. In the next five years, I was like a migrant worker. I often stayed on Mars for half a year. I returned to Blue Star just after the Chinese New Year. I was as busy as a dog every day. You still suspected that I was having an affair on Mars. "

"And those lakes, those seas, the water in them was not dug from the ground of Mars. I went to the asteroid belt, dragged more than a thousand ice meteorites over, and then melted so much water, it was enough Five hundred billion tons, hundreds of times more than the supplies shipped from Blue Star.”

"Just to get this much water took me nearly a year."

"I am very serious about the "Mars Home Project" and our future home!"

Wei Ming folded his hands and said quite contentedly.

"Husband, you have worked hard."

Seeing such drastic changes on the surface of Mars, Xu Chuxia finally said these long-overdue words.

Somewhere above the Martian equator.

Star Sky's speed first dropped to zero.

Then descend slowly and evenly.

At this time, it was less than fifty kilometers away from the ground.

But at this time, you can already see that directly below, there is a circular glass cover like a giant pot lid, covering an area with a diameter of one thousand kilometers within the glass cover, covering a land area of ​​785,000 square kilometers.

In the center of the glass cover is a "central tower" covering an area of ​​more than a thousand acres and reaching a height of ten kilometers.

The role of the central tower is very important. It not only supports about 40% of the weight of the ecological glass cover, but is also an "energy center", "water supply center", "communication center", "scientific research and education center"... It also integrates an electromagnetic line inside. The ejection track can be used both as an elevator and for ejecting aerospace aircraft.

There is also a landing platform and cargo unloading center on the top floor to facilitate the exchange and transportation of materials.

Therefore, it is also a "transportation center" and "logistics center".

The Starry Sky landed steadily on the landing platform at the top of the central tower.

The ferry channel is automatically connected, and you can enter the tower through the ferry channel without putting on additional protective clothing.

There is no need to worry about the items in the Starry Sky. There will be robots that will unload, pack and transport them to your home... Just send two maids to supervise this process.

Wei Ming took his family to the 1000th observation floor of the Central Tower. Looking down through the pure transparent glass, Wei Ming opened his hand and introduced:

"Take a good look, this city is our paradise city."

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