There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 324 Ten Thousand Stars Project

The transformation work of Super Blue Star has begun.

Although the oxygen content in the atmosphere is only a pitiful 1.5%, the use of artificial oxygen-generating devices to produce trillions of tons of oxygen every year can increase the oxygen concentration by 1 percentage point.

More than ten years later.

Humans living on Super Blue Star can take off protective clothing and survive normally in the open air environment.

Build thousands of "central cities" with glass enclosures to insulate them from the long night environment.

Cultivate plants and animals that adapt to the Super Blue Star environment and improve the ecological chain system.

The ultimate goal is that fifty years later, Super Blue Star will become a planet with a living environment and conditions that are almost exactly the same as Blue Star. The land is covered with plants and wild animals, and there are countless algae and fish in the ocean.

In the space orbit around the super blue star, there are dozens of space cities that continuously mine and utilize other resources in the galaxy.

It won't take hundreds of years.

It is an extremely prosperous, lively and developed place.

Wei Ming has very high expectations.


A realistic and cruel question is before us: Twenty years later, the transformation of the atmosphere of the Super Blue Star is completed. What should he and the Ecosystem do if they leave this place?

If a god-level civilization comes over and launches a super-light attack, how should the immigrants on the Super Blue Star respond?

Once the star is destroyed, how can they survive the huge energy shock wave?

With Wei Ming staying here now, the immigrants will certainly not be afraid.

But Wei Ming will eventually leave and continue his journey of space exploration. Super Blue Star cannot escape and can only be passively beaten, but he just slaps his butt and leaves, undoubtedly exposing the immigrants to the fear of possible destruction at any time. It is impossible to live in peace of mind.

Unless at least a sufficiently reliable "insurance" can be added.

Leave some more destructive and lethal trump cards.

In this way, immigrants can live a peaceful life without worrying about the end of the world.

Is there any better way?

Scientists racked their brains and devised tens of thousands of weapon plans.

There is even a nationwide collection of "brains" on the Internet to see which ones are more reliable and have higher feasibility.

But in the past five years, even if the whole people used their imagination, they did not find a particularly reliable and feasible method.

But in the sixth year!

A young man with an open mind, after letting himself go, came up with an eye-catching plan - "The Ten Thousand Stars Project"

The core of the plan is: since a star is at risk of being completely destroyed, then break it into parts to spread the risk, cut a star into tens of thousands, and increase the cost of destroying a god-level civilization.

After all, if you destroy one of them, I still have 9999 backups. Do I have to repeat the attack 9999 times?

The cost of attack increased tens of thousands of times.

Originally, one pot of boiling water could kill a nest of ants, but now we have to boil ten thousand pots of boiling water to kill the ants scattered in ten thousand places. Is this deal a good deal?

After cutting the star into tens of thousands of parts, the average mass of each part is only equivalent to 28 blue stars, and the temperature drops below the threshold of inducing nuclear fusion, and then it will become tens of thousands of non-luminous gaseous planets.

In order to basically maintain the order of movement of celestial bodies.

In the center of the galaxy, there will still be a "red dwarf" with a mass equivalent to 8,000 blue stars. A considerable part of it is composed of heavy elements such as iron, uranium, and gold. The fusion reaction is very slow and the brightness is very low. Even if it is destroyed by a god The star-exploding weapon attack of a super civilization instantly generates a high temperature of hundreds of billions of degrees, but it is difficult to detonate such a red dwarf star because the remaining fuel is seriously insufficient, and it will expand slightly for a circle at most, and then collapse back.

Will not cause a supernova explosion.

But what should we do with the "illumination" of super blue stars? Without strong enough light radiated from stars, how would plants grow and how would all things reproduce?

Naturally, the solution is to use artificial sun.

In the relatively stationary orbit above the equator of the super blue star, 36 billion-megawatt artificial solar power stations are evenly distributed, lighting up spherical luminous panels covering an area of ​​millions of square kilometers, emitting light that does not contain ultraviolet, X-rays and is The fuel consumed by warm sunlight, which is beneficial to plant photosynthesis, is the hydrogen and helium elements obtained from stars and gaseous planets. On average, millions of tons are consumed every day.

But considering that there are tens of thousands of cut-out gaseous planets with a total mass equivalent to 272,500 blue stars, they are all available fuel reserves.

Just these fuel reserves.

It is enough for 36 "artificial small suns" to burn for 16.4 trillion years.

It can last forever.

Incidentally, it solves the problem of "long night" and "long day" of super blue stars, and achieves a uniform and symmetrical day and night alternation within 24 hours a day - as long as the brightness and orbit height of the 'artificial small sun' are properly designed, you can have a normal life. There is no problem with daily routine.

in addition.

In this star system, other high-value heavy element planets, gaseous planets, satellites, large meteorites in the asteroid belt... these valuable assets must be dragged to new orbits and re-planned. track to avoid mutual influence and collision.

For those small planets and ice meteorites whose orbits are too remote, if they don't have much drag value, Wei Ming simply lets Xiao Hei swallow them to replenish some energy.


Concentrate most of the resources in the star system within a diameter of 10 astronomical units as much as possible to facilitate the immigrants to mine and use it. It is equivalent to processing the flour into pancakes and hanging them on the neck of the stupid son. Go up, open your mouth and you can eat it.

And a series of operations come down.

The star system has been transformed beyond recognition, and it can be described as a devastating transformation.

The threat of god-level civilization has also been mostly eliminated. If they see tens of thousands of gaseous planets of equal size and structure, equidistantly arranged and densely packed in multiple concentric orbits that do not interfere with each other, the red dwarf star in the center It was also difficult to detonate, so I was probably confused on the spot and had no idea what to do.

The safety factor is greatly improved.

Immigrants can survive, reproduce and develop here in peace and contentment.


Is it enough to just achieve this level and cut the star into tens of thousands of parts?

Who knows if god-level civilization has conventional means of attack.

Furthermore, since the god-level civilization has achieved super-light flight, it is not impossible to use the advantage of super-light speed to suddenly acquire a huge interstellar fleet.

Kill you with conventional warfare methods!

How will the immigrants on Super Blue Star respond?

Therefore, attack methods must also be strengthened.

Even if faced with a powerful alien fleet of 100,000 ships, there are still ways to resist or even annihilate them all!

How can it be done?

Another burst of national brainstorming.


Only a few days have passed.

A genius girl came up with a conventional defense solution that made everyone’s eyes brighten.

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