There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 346 Magnificent Competition

In the elven civilization.

The main purpose of the series of reforms carried out by Wei Yunfei was to liberate the productivity of the elf civilization and to reduce the burden on the Tree of Life.

With increased productivity, elven civilization can free up a large amount of idle labor to enhance military construction, build more warships, and expand the size of the fleet.

The burden on the Tree of Life is reduced. On the one hand, it can cultivate more elves, deduce the Fruit of Holy Light, evolve more powerful weapons, etc.

Kill two birds with one stone!

Furthermore, those liberated are mainly low-end classes such as charm elves and mortal elves. The basics of golden elves and silver elves remain unchanged, and have little impact on the overall situation.

More like a win-win.

However, Supreme Queen Berenshotalin still found it hard to take it easy, and personally led the army to come.

The space city was surrounded.

It seemed like a war was about to break out the next moment.

Wei Yunfei quickly took countermeasures,

He boarded a small spaceship, went up to it, and appeared in front of the army brought by Berenshoutanlin.

"Your Majesty the Queen, why are you bringing the army here?"

Wei Yunfei immediately asked: "I ask myself, I haven't done much offense recently. The two parties are far apart. Why are we so angry and fighting?"

"Bold! Don't you know how big a crime you have committed?"

The guard next to Berenshoutanline sneered and said: "Outsiders, you have angered our Majesty the Queen and committed an unforgivable capital crime! Why don't you quickly plead guilty, kneel in front of Her Majesty, and beg for forgiveness?"

"beg for mercy?"

Wei Yunfei was completely confused: "What crime did I commit? I violated a taboo there. Can you explain it more clearly? I can't guess the reason."

"You don't even know your own crime, and you have committed another capital crime. Are you ready to die?" the elf guard on the right said with beautiful eyes.

"Even if you die, you have to make it clear. Your Majesty, what exactly did you offend that made you so angry?"

"I ask you, why can even the lowest enchanted elf wear a starlight dress, so gorgeous that it can't even compare to my queen's dress!"

Berenxiu Tanlin spoke, glaring at him fiercely and said: "What do you mean? Are you deliberately humiliating me? How can you let the lowest elf have a splendor that does not belong to the supreme queen? And that Some lowly dark elves are taller than me after wearing crystal high heels. Do you want to use this to make them have the treasonous idea of ​​crushing the queen? "

"There are also bags, makeup, underwear and other items for them. They may seem convenient, but in fact they are cheap. It is said that they were all carefully invented by you. The purpose is to make the lowly things noble and shame the true nobility. And then to disrupt the order of our elf civilization, the intention is extremely evil! The crime deserves death!"

"Uh this?"

Wei Yunfei looked stunned.

He finally understood.

The Supreme Queen was so angry because of the mere dresses, high heels and various other clothing.

Or maybe it's not anger.

Rather, he was filled with jealousy and jealousy that was almost crazy, and it broke out. He immediately mobilized an elite army to come aggressively to question the crime, and did not rule out the possibility of real punishment.

Starting a war over just a dress?

After Wei Yunfei figured out the reason, his brain almost shut down.

Are there really such ridiculous things happening in this world?

And after scanning for a week, Wei Yunfei found that it was not just Supreme Queen Berenshutanlin who was angry, but all the elite elven guards, the golden legion, the silver elven legion, and all the female elves, all glaring at each other. Rise up to share the same hatred with the enemy and have high morale.

Now the elven army takes this matter very seriously!

It’s not just a matter of a beautiful starlight dress.

It's a matter of decency for middle- and high-ranking elves.

Their dignity and decency must not be offended! It must be defended.

Starlight dresses can no longer be allowed to be worn on the bodies of lowly charm elves. They are not worthy of such nobility and magnificence.

According to the proverb from the other side of the solar system, it is called being crowned by the monkey.

In order not to be compared with the beauty of the clothes, no, in order to regain dignity and dignity, even if it means launching a brutal war and eliminating the culprit, we will not hesitate!

"Isn't it just a set of clothes?"

Wei Yunfei was so depressed that he vomited blood, "There are more styles of clothes that are ten times more gorgeous than the Starlight Dress. If you want, we can arrange a custom batch for you right away. Why make such a big deal out of a molehill?"

"Ten times more gorgeous?"

Berenxiu Tamlin paused and showed a curious expression. Although it was only for a short moment, her expression returned to a frosty expression: "This trick of yours is of no use to me. I will immediately issue an order to ban those lowly charm elves and inferiors." Mortal elves wear clothes other than linen in more than three colors. They must firmly remember their identity. The traditions of elven civilization that have existed for thousands of years must not be exceeded in the slightest."

"Tradition is something that is meant to be transcended."

Wei Yunfei said lightly: "If this is not the case, how can civilization progress and how can it thrive in the universe? Human civilization is advancing by constantly subverting traditions. We can design a gorgeous starlight dress today, and there will be ten times more tomorrow. Gorgeous, hundreds of times more gorgeous clothing comes out, and the style changes every year. If it stays the same, I'm afraid it will be eliminated. "


Berenshutanlin was annoyed: "Elf civilization has continued its tradition for thousands of years. It's your turn as an outsider to talk too much. You have offended so many elves. Have you figured out how to die?"

"I am not an outsider. I am a special elder appointed by the Holy Tree. I was awarded the golden scepter. My authority is at the same level as you. I have accepted the task of reform."

Wei Yunfei said: "How about this, how about I let people design a series of better-looking and more gorgeous new skirts, clothes, shoes, cosmetics... and give them to you for free. The elves I am responsible for have taken one step forward and cannot go back." Going back, the only way is to let you be ten times ahead, re-establish your advantage, and reach a new fashion balance. How about this? I hereby guarantee that not only will the newly designed clothes be more gorgeous, but also customized services can be provided to satisfy you. until."

"Your Majesty the Queen, elves, how do you like this?"

Hear the offer.

The elves, who were originally at war with each other, began to discuss among themselves.

Those who were more conservative expressed their opposition, and those restless charm elves must be taught a lesson.

The less conservative ones showed an expression of 50% interest and 50% resistance. Their thoughts were more contradictory, and they could be said to be wavering, but they did not dare to show their agreement.

"Outside, who do you think you are? Is it your turn to have the final say?"

Berenxiu Tanlin said with a cold face: "I have the final say regarding the elven civilization! There is no place for you to interfere here."

"Your Majesty, please have a further conversation~"

Wei Yunfei found a way to close the distance, and whispered in Beren Xiu Tanlin's ear, causing her expression to change subtly.

Only the elf attendant next to him heard some vague words such as "ten sets of ultra-gorgeous suits", "one hundred sets of daily gorgeous and comfortable clothing sets", "one thousand sets of personalized daily attire, pajamas, and bathrobes in different seasons", " ” and other key words with clear pronunciation.

There are also some submissive messages such as "I was wrong in this matter, how about letting it go?", "I can agree to a few conditions, as long as I can meet them" and so on.

A satisfied smile gradually formed on the corners of Beren Shutanlin's mouth.

"Huh, I'll spare your life this time, don't let it happen again!"

Berenshoutanlin still had a straight face, reprimanded, and said coldly: "Let's go, Guards Corps. Considering his usefulness to the Holy Tree, they are lucky this time!"

Finally, the corner of her mouth moved, and with a warning look in her eyes, she spoke a series of silent words to Wei Yunfei: Don't forget to fulfill your promise.

Wei Yunfei nodded and said he would not forget it.

Wait for the mighty elven army to retreat completely.

Wei Yunfei wiped the sweat from his forehead and felt helpless for a while.

I feel helpless towards the nonsensical sensibility of the female elves of the elven civilization.

A war can actually be waged over gorgeous clothes.

Secondly, there is another characteristic that Wei Yunfei feels very familiar with, a characteristic that has haunted him for decades.


Very special tsundere.

From Queen Berenshotalin to ordinary high-ranking female elf warriors, they all have very obvious tsundere characteristics.

It can be said that everyone is arrogant.

Then he thought of his wife Wei Sha, who had been divorced eight times.

It was the extremely arrogant Wei Sha who caused him to be haunted by the nightmare called arrogance for decades.

What now?

Queen Berenshotaline is not only arrogant, but also irrational.

Even the golden elf female warriors and silver elf female warriors all had arrogant faces.

It's a hell of a tsundere.

Covering his forehead.

"Am I going to have to deal with tsundere all my life? Although it's not impossible to deal with it, I never thought I would have to deal with such a character forever."

Shaked his head.

Wei Yunfei had a wry smile on his face.


The production line is running at full capacity.

Countless styles of clothing, bags, high heels, etc. that are fashionable, gorgeous, and suitable for the elves' aesthetics have been produced in batches.

In addition, a large number of specially customized clothes, personalized clothes that require a lot of labor and craftsmanship, are also produced.

It was delivered to the female elves living on the Holy Tree of Light by free distribution or nominal fee.

From the Supreme Queen, Beren Shutanlin, to the high-ranking golden elves and the middle-ranking silver elves, they all received their own fitting, comfortable, beautiful, and gorgeous clothing.

There are skirt series, trousers series, mix and match series, stockings series, military uniform series, suspender series, gorgeous series and so on.

There are at least hundreds of styles to choose from.


The fashion storm is blowing.

The law of true fragrance works in every corner.

Almost overnight, traditional styles of clothing were eliminated, and female elves who discovered the beauty of gorgeousness and fashion entered into a gorgeous competition.

The law of true fragrance works in every corner.

Almost overnight, traditional styles of clothing were eliminated, and female elves who discovered the beauty of gorgeousness and fashion entered into a gorgeous competition.

The essence of glamor competition is not complicated.

It’s just the word “comparison”.

More new, more beautiful, more fashionable, more diverse.

Just like the female teachers in some schools, it is said that the style of clothes must be the same 365 days a year, so that they can appear in front of students with different outfits and images every day.

Otherwise, it will be labeled as "old-fashioned".

Of course, the requirement for different outfits is not a problem of the students, nor is it caused by their evaluations, but because of the vanity and comparison among the female teachers, so they work hard on dressing up. Every year Thinking about not repeating the same thing, thinking about getting the best-looking effect.

Even though it will bring a lot of financial pressure, we can only grit our teeth and hold on.

Now in the elven civilization, a similar trend has appeared.

What's the trend?

The tendency of comparison.

After all, elves are all born with very good looks, and the difference is not too big. If you want to highlight the difference, you can only think about how you dress.

The first thing to compare was whether you had any new clothes.

Those who wore traditional clothes saw around them colorful but energetic and radiant friends. Then they looked at Zi Zi's rustic and outdated clothes, which were not glamorous at all. As a female elf, she looked forward to it. I'm also a little anxious. When will my new clothes arrive? Why haven't they arrived yet?

Everyone next to me is rushing ahead and experiencing it in advance, but I am in the back. It is inevitable that my mood will become bad and impatient. The phenomenon of jumping in the queue and taking advantage of the back door gradually increases, and several conflicts break out.

The symptoms in the middle stage are mainly the pursuit of more.

A set of clothes and clothing solves the problem of whether or not you have them, but after wearing them for a long time, you will gradually feel ordinary and ordinary, losing the freshness and excitement, until friends who own two, three or even more sets of clothes appear. When you are around you, try to change your outfit every day and wear the same style every three to five days to ensure that you don’t completely repeat the same style within a week.

Having only one set of clothes, I started to get anxious. In order to get rid of the boring same clothes, I started to think of various ways to get more fashionable clothes.

So I tried my best to take the ferry ship and go to the space city to purchase.

If you don’t have money, then think of ways to make some money first. If you have connections, find connections. If you have connections, use the back door.

It has nothing to do with the back door, but if you still want to get beautiful clothes, you can only grit your teeth, let go of certain concepts, and make some sacrifices.

For example, a male elf worker with outstanding skills in a clothing factory actually slept with more than thirty female elves from the sacred tree in just one month. Most of them were golden elves. It is unimaginable. It is even more exaggerated than selling a kidney. After all, Food, clothing, housing and transportation, clothing to cover up shame comes first.

In the end, all the female elves fell into a crazy competition.

Because after comparing clothes.

There are also bags and shoes you can compare.

If you continue to compare with cosmetics, various types of jewelry accessories, hairstyles, manicures, and even the colored contact lenses worn in the eyes - there are more and more consumer items, and there is almost no end in sight.


The female elves are caught in an almost crazy competition for beauty. Due to their support for beauty and their emotional flaws, no female elf is willing to lose in this fashion competition.

And all of this is within Wei Yunfei's knowledge.

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