There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 390 Adopting a Daughter

Inside the spacious and bright boss's office.

The door opened with a ding.

Under the leadership of Yang Juan, the doomsday girls Chiba and Yuna were brought in.

Came in front of Wei Ming.

Wei Ming stopped what he was doing, looked at the two of them, and found that both girls had their heads slightly lowered, pinching their fingers, looking a little uneasy and nervous.

"Sit down~"

Wei Ming smiled and said to them, "Don't be afraid or nervous. I'm not a bad person, I'm a good person."

Via simultaneous translation headsets.

The two girls understood his words.

"Thank you~"

Chiba and Yuna sat on two sofa chairs that were specially lowered, but their buttocks only touched most of them and did not lean on the back of the chair. They still looked very cramped.

However, Wei Ming did not put more pressure on them, but was kind-hearted and chatted with them about some topics.

"You must have had a very hard time before we found you, right?"

Wei Ming asked: "Can you tell me a little bit about the story of the two of you? Just tell me a little bit. If you don't want to, forget it."


Chiba fell into memories and frowned slightly, obviously touching a lot of painful parts of his memory.

But he still said: "Actually, it's nothing. We are the products of the "Doomsday Continuation Plan". Due to insufficient food, energy, and water, we woke up from the cultivation cabin and came to this world with a small amount of basic memory. We endured this The suffering the world inflicts on us.”

"In order to survive, we searched everywhere for all the materials that could keep us alive, just to avoid death and barely survive. We have been struggling for more than a hundred years in the apocalypse. If it weren't for your rescue, I'm afraid we would have met you in advance. God of light."

"Anyway, thank you very much! We are willing to repay your treatment. No matter what we need to give, as long as we can give it, we are willing to repay you."


Both girls bowed repeatedly and behaved very politely.

"Let's not talk about rewards first. Do you think the life here is okay? You can list some things that you are not satisfied with."

"No, no, no!"

Yuna shook her hands like a drum and said: "Everything here is very good. The brothers and sisters who help us are very gentle. We are very grateful in our hearts, but we are also ashamed that we can't help with anything."

"If there is a need for us, no matter what kind of work it is, as long as we can do it, we will definitely do it, and we will not be lazy and not work."

"Yes, that's what I mean too."

Chiba said on the side.

But these sensible words made people feel distressed.

poor child.

"come on."

Wei Ming had some uncontrollable impulse and felt great sympathy. He patted the seat under his buttocks and said to the two of them: "Come on, you two come to my side. Let's talk closer." , just come and sit on a chair with me.”

The chair under Wei Ming's butt was as big as a dragon's chair, and it would have no problem accommodating two ten-year-old girls.


After patting the seat a few times, Wei Ming said, "Come here, I want to take a good look at you."


Chiba and Yuna had no choice but to leave their original seats, walk towards Wei Ming who was standing above them, and came to him... even though they were extremely uneasy in their hearts.

"Son, let's say something thoughtful."

Wei Ming leaned forward, picked up Chiba and placed it on his left side, then picked up Yuna and placed it on the right side of the seat.

Let them all lean on his side.

The next two hours or so.

Wei Ming was even more pleasant and asked all kinds of questions.

For example, how old are they?

How exactly did you get through these years?

Are there other companions? How many doomsday tribes like them are there?

"have no idea."

Chiba answered honestly: "Over the years, we have seen two people who are similar to me, but we only met once and did not go together, because we know that when four people act together, everyone will soon They will all starve to death. The density of food cannot satisfy the needs of so many people. After seeing those two people, I have never seen a similar doomsday clan, not one of them."

"In the past hundred years, apart from Yuna, who was born together, we have only seen two people of the same kind?"

Wei Ming couldn't help but take a breath: "Ordinary people can only see two of the same kind in their lifetime. It seems that this is the accurate definition of the end."

After all, people are basically gone, that’s why it’s called the end of the world.

We also talked about the preferences of the two girls, what foods they like to eat, whether they have any hobbies, etc. and other non-essential issues.

"As long as it is food, we all like it very much, even if it is particularly unpalatable, because only food can keep me alive, so I have eaten almost everything."

As for hobbies, it is quite difficult to survive. There are conditions for such things.

"I like ragdolls."

Unexpectedly, Yuna said: "I like the soft doll stuffed with a lot of velvet. It doesn't take up much weight and can be used for heating. If the fuel runs out, it can also be used as fuel. Lighting, but the smell when burning is rather unpleasant.”



Perhaps because Wei Ming was amiable and easy to talk to, the two girls gradually let down their guard and shared a lot, including some stories or experiences that they thought were interesting but that Wei Ming found sad.

Even Chiba, who has an upright personality, risked offending Wei Ming, a big shot, and ignored Yuna's reminder next to him, and actually taught Wei Ming on certain issues:

"Sir, our world has entered the end of the world. It is an irreversible end. No matter how hard we try, it is impossible to return to a good state."

"But in this base, I saw a lot of food waste, the unrestrained use of energy, and a lot of bathhouse pools. They were built very huge, but the water in them could only be used once or twice. Then it is said to be dumped.”

"This is a waste! A very serious waste. No matter how much resources we have, it is not enough for such consumption. Just like Yuna and I once collected a lot of food, which can last for half a year, but because there was so much food, we were temporarily relaxed and uncontrolled. After only three months, we almost starved to death. There are indeed a lot of resources in your base, but if they are used uncontrollably, I don’t think it will take long for you and other adults to start too. I'm hungry."

"At that time, if there is not enough food, please eat me and Yuna first. This is what the cannibals do. In the end, they all disappeared, maybe because they devoured each other. Sir, if we are not frugal enough, we will soon die. Soon this heavenly place will be completely destroyed.”

Listening to the girl's obviously emotional words.

Wei Ming was stunned at first.

I was stunned for a while.


Then he smiled, very happily, raised his hands to protect the two girls, and said: "I will consider Chiba's suggestion, but now, I also have an idea, I hope you can agree."

"???" Both girls looked curious.

"You two, be my daughters."

Wei Ming said: "You are so cute and pitiable. From now on, I will be your father."

Wei Ming finished his words.

Being a daughter?

Be a dad?

The two girls fell into a daze.

In other words, they didn't realize it at the moment. They didn't even understand the word "dad" and couldn't establish related concepts. After all, they were born from machines and had no idea what parents were.

Look at their confused looks.

Yang Juan next to her had to let Wei Ming, who was embarrassed, go out for a while. Then she spent more than an hour explaining the concept of parents to the two girls and conducting some popular science.

"I understand~"

Both girls are very smart and have strong learning and adaptability. They quickly established relevant concepts and understood what Yang Juan meant.

"So, do you agree? The boss wants to accept you two as his daughters, and he will give you fatherly care in the future." Yang Juan asked.

"Can you call the adults in? We want to tell the adults in person."

Chiba whispered to Yuna for a while, and then said to Yang Juan.


Wei Ming, who had been waiting in the lounge outside the door for a long time, returned to the office anxiously, hoping to get a positive answer.

"Sir, you are a good person. Yuna and I are very willing to become your daughter and will be filial to you in the future. However, can we also put forward a few conditions at will?"

Looking at Wei Ming in front of him, Qianye said.

"you say."

"First, you cannot abuse us. I heard that fathers have the right to control their children, but we are afraid of being beaten and abused. We will be obedient, but please do not abuse us, abandon us, or even kill us... We want to live and become your daughters." - This is what Yang Juan took the initiative to remind just now. Although she believes in the character of the big boss, there are some things that are often unable to see through the essence.

Whether Wei Ming will become a 'loving father', a 'ghost father' or a 'beast father' can often happen in a matter of seconds, so he must be prepared for this in advance.

"What are the conditions?"

Wei Ming suddenly smiled bitterly, was he so worried about him? However, considering the growth environment of the two girls, he said: "Okay, no problem. No matter how big a mistake you have made, I will not abuse you, let alone dominate you." Your destiny will control your life, I swear.”


Chiba nodded and continued: "We promise to be obedient and filial children, but we are also independent people, so we hope to make our own decisions about some things in the future, including what we want to do and what kind of job we want to find. Partner... In short, we also want to have a certain degree of freedom, rather than being a tool who can only be arranged and have no choice. "

"What did Yang Juan say to you?"

Wei Ming felt speechless, but he still had to say: "Yes, I will give you enough freedom. You can decide your own life. In many aspects, you don't even need to ask for my advice. Is that okay?"

"Okay, thank you dad!" Chiba said.

"Thank you, Dad."

Yuna also smiled and said that from now on, she has a father and can survive under his wings, instead of struggling in the doomsday with Chiba.

"My dear daughter, Daddy is so happy!"

Wei Ming held them up in his strong arms, one in each hand, and smiled: "The hardest days are over. Dad promises that you will not suffer any more in the future."



The two girls nodded, and tears fell unconsciously.



After the two daughters accepted it.

As the boss's daughters, their status has changed dramatically.

The room they live in has been upgraded from a high-end nursing room of about 30 square meters to a princess room of 120 square meters.

The standard of food has been improved by three levels.

There are eight intelligent service robots equipped, and four human maids on call (all from the magic universe).

There are hundreds of gorgeous dresses, casual clothes, winter clothes, home clothes and other clothes, nearly a thousand pieces, filling several wardrobes.

Of course, the most, they received various gifts after being upgraded to the boss's daughters.

For example, Wei Ming gave each of them a space gem ring. The storage space with a diameter of more than 3,000 kilometers stored a large amount of fresh water, grain, food, oil, and other items. Even if they were very extravagant, it would be enough for personal use for more than 10 billion years.

So after getting this space gem ring full of supplies, Qianye and Yuna were stunned when they noticed the huge amount of supplies inside.

"Why can such a small ring hold so many things?" Qianye murmured.

"I don't know either. Anyway, if you want to take something out, just think about it." Yuna said.

"If we had this ring in our hands when we took the risk, we would not have been on the verge of starvation and thirst dozens of times, and we would not have experienced the taste of despair at all." As he spoke, Qianye's tears fell again.


Yuna also breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Our previous worries were unnecessary. Dad has so many supplies that it's unimaginable. Even if they are used up, we can still last for a long, long time with the supplies he gave us. We can at least live peacefully for hundreds of thousands of years."

"Dad is so good to us. Even if he dies immediately, we can't repay him."

At this moment, Qianye finally felt the warmth in her heart and realized what the so-called fatherly love is. It is bigger than the sea and higher than the mountains, making her feel endless stability and happiness.

"Well, it's great to have a dad."

Yuna nodded.

In addition to the space gem ring and supplies sent by Wei Ming.

The experts and magicians in the base also gave a small gift, some gave robots, some gave toys, some gave game consoles and electronic equipment, and some gave magic items... In short, there are all kinds of strange things.

Even Queen Metis, reluctantly gave them some gold, silver and jewelry. Even though Metis was a little jealous, she felt much better after hearing the two girls affectionately call her "Mom". Not only was she not jealous, she also gave them more gifts.

It can be said that,

In just a few days, Chiba and Yuna, the two doomsday girls, seemed to have experienced a dream, and transformed from the most desolate and desperate state of existence into two extremely wealthy young ladies.

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