There’s A Bug In Me

Vol 5 Chapter 156: immortal

"Directly expelled?"

"Librarian, Gilbert?"

"The fight should be fine, but can't he see it?"

Seeing the black figure disappeared directly, the players around were all heartbeats, knowing that Gilbert, the old npc, could not provoke.

Many players who are ready to kill people like Sombra have temporarily put away their hands-on ideas, and they have to stay away from Gilbert first.

After expelling the hands-on shadow, Gilbert glanced at the crowd, turned and returned to the reception desk at the door.

"Look for a suitable book nearby first."

Having Gilbert is there, that means safety is guaranteed. Many players don’t rush to leave. They look for books on nearby bookshelves and want to find ones that can be used, so that they can improve their combat power. On the side, it is convenient to borrow.

"Data Eye!"

Chen Bing did not move, he directly used the skill "Data Eye" on the manager's necklace.

The skills of the entire set of manager equipment are mainly auxiliary. These skills can basically only play an auxiliary role in the battle. The effect on the battle is there, but the effect is not too great. Mephis is not afraid of the paradise of Woch 4 Level managers are not without reason.

But for Chen Bing, the assistant skills of the manager suit are actually quite good, especially in the current library environment, several skills can play a good role.

If the data eye skill is on the 4th floor of the park, you can get almost all information within 500 meters. In the current National Library, the data eye range is only 50 meters, and the information obtained is much less, but only to check the surrounding books and bibliography. Is enough.

The number of books within 50 meters is staggering, about 800 books.

There is a lot of information flowing in front of Chen Bing. Except for a few players' information, the rest is book information.

"'Spirit Detection'?"

After a while, Chen Bing moved his eyes and locked a book, "Spiritual Probe".

After learning about the library collection in a short period of time with a data eye, Chen Bing has roughly understood the composition of the national library's collection.

In general, it is divided into three collections: "Anyone can use", "Requires certain basic conditions", and "Niu Cha but basically no one can use".

Although at the beginning of this level, the system information prompts that knowledge is power, as long as you understand the knowledge of books, you can turn knowledge into power.

However, it is obviously not easy to implement it in practice. Therefore, quite a few books do not actually need to have the so-called knowledge. As long as they can read and understand the words on the book, even if they have knowledge of the book, this type of book is generally With the name "easy-to-understand XX", you can basically use it with your hands.

The second category is books such as "XX Advanced". Players need to have a certain attribute foundation, and then after getting the book, they need to conduct some knowledge and skill assessments in order to give full play to the ability of the book.

As for the third category, it was the "Black Hole Theory" that Chen Bing first got.

The meaning of the existence of this type of books is basically to tell the players that knowledge is really power. As for people who can read it, Chen Bing believes that there is no such thing.

""Spirit Detection"... on the second floor of the library!"

Chen Bing clicked to open it and checked the specific description of "Spirit Detection" and found that the book was on a bookshelf on the second floor of the library.

As soon as his body moved, Chen Bing directly used the teleport skills on the manager's shoes to teleport to the bookshelf on the second floor.

The cooling time of this teleportation skill is only 3 minutes, so it's unnecessary.

Picking up "Spirit Detection", Chen Bing was going back downstairs to go through the loan procedure with Gilbert.

But he stopped abruptly without taking two steps.

On the ground in four directions, on the front, back, left, and right of him, black liquid surged, and four black figures emerged from the ground, surrounding him in the middle.

"You, are you the manager of that spaceship?"

"You have the breath of our companion!"

Two voices came from different directions.

"Are you the invaders of the dark kingdom?"

Chen Bing raised his eyebrows, knowing that he was not being spotted for no reason.

"kill him!"

The black figure didn't answer Chen Bing again, and the four of them moved in unison, rushing towards Chen Bing like lightning.

Before lunging over, a black spear appeared in their hands, and the spear exuded an extremely unknown breath.


A violent sound of breaking through the air sounded, and four spears rushed towards Chen Bing.

Chen Bing dodged sideways, but when the spear stabbed past him, it exploded with a bang.

The four spears exploded and Chen Bing couldn't hide. In an instant, dozens of injuries floated from his head. In the blink of an eye, Chen Bing was knocked out of his life.

It's not him. If he is replaced by another player, he will be instantly killed by these four black figures.

[System: Your body produces "pollution source", the state lasts for 10 minutes! 】

"Contamination of the source of the disease: Every minute the patient's body passes, a negative state will occur. The lower the health value, the stronger the effect of the negative state. If you leave the battle, the source of pollution will lose its vitality and will disappear soon."

It doesn't matter if most of his lives have been destroyed. The thing that caught Chen Bing's attention most was the abnormal state of "pollution source".

In this state, it is only a matter of time before a person who is attacked by a black figure can survive the attack.

[System: "Pollution Source" takes effect, your body feels tired, attack and movement speed are reduced by 30%! 】

The pollution source began to take effect, and Chen Bing's attack and movement speed suddenly dropped drastically.

And the trouble is that the negative state generated by the pollution source is different from the negative state generated by the player using skills in principle, and it cannot be dispelled by using the dispel skill.

Let's fight fast!

Chen Bing knew that this battle could not be delayed, otherwise he would only have a dead end.

"Sacrifice Totem!"

"Poisonous cane!"

"Aurora Attack!"

Quickly drank a bottle of the potion he got on the road, Chen Bing inserted a sacrifice totem on the ground to make up for the loss of his attributes, and then a poisonous cane grabbed a black figure in front, and the aurora on the Tron Aurora Wing was all Hello to this black body.

The level of these black figures is about 50. The Tron Aurora Wings are fully fired, and they can send out 20 Aurora attacks instantly, killing one person in a second.


Twenty aurora bombarded the black figure one after another. Seeing that the black figure was about to die, three rays of light shot out from the other three people, connecting with the black figure.

The Aurora’s damage was instantly evenly divided among the four, unable to cause a spike effect.

What made Chen Bing frowned was that after the Aurora attack, a large amount of black liquid appeared on the ground again, pouring into the four black figures.

The health they had been destroyed by Chen Bing quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"We are immortal, you can't kill us."

A faint voice came from a black Immortal? Since that's the case, why do you need four people to deal with me? "

Chen Bing sneered.


Seeing that the black figure could not bluff Chen Bing, he stopped talking nonsense and rushed towards Chen Bing again.

"Since you say that you are immortal, I happen to have a nice gift that I can give you."

"Planting! Vampire cane!"

The four rushed towards him, and Chen Bing suddenly said.

A seed fell on his foot, and a large piece of blood-colored rattan grew out of the wooden floor in an instant, and spread to the surroundings.

The four black figures felt wrong and wanted to avoid them, but the blood-sucking cane had already entangled them, entangled them firmly, making them unable to move.

The spikes on the cane pierced into their bodies and began to **** blood on their bodies.

The health of the four began to decrease rapidly, fearing that they would be killed. All four of them began to replenish their lives. A large amount of black liquid appeared on the ground again and poured into their bodies.

"What the **** is this!"

But the four of them were surprised to find that the blood sucking cane showed no signs of being lifted, as if they were about to **** them to death.

Naturally, Chen Bing wouldn't be broken.

The blood-sucking cane seed was obtained from a certain card before, and Chen Bing deliberately stayed after seeing it.

The effect of the blood-sucking cane is actually not too strong, but it has a characteristic, that is, the lower the target's HP, the harder it is to absorb the opponent's life, and the easier it is for the opponent to break free.

If the person who is entangled in the blood-sucking cane fears that they will be killed by the blood-sucking cane, and desperately adds blood to themselves, that would be a tragedy.

The more blood the blood sucking cane sucks, the stronger it will be, and the last shot is out of control.

After Chen Bing got the Vampiric Cane Seed, he was only looking at it as a control, but he didn't expect these guys from the dark country to send it to the door by himself.

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