There’s A Bug In Me

Vol 5 Chapter 179: Joint interception

Memphis would know about Dr. Ralman, only to hear about it later.

The rumors of Ralman, for some reason, spread in various worlds.

In that rumor, Dr. Ralman eventually died, but Civic still exists.

In addition, the rumors mentioned that before the death of Dr. Ralman, he made more powerful changes to the Civic. Most of the things obtained in the Civic can be taken out of the Civic.

In addition, Civic has a variety of magical functions. If you can get Civic, it is equivalent to getting a huge to amazing wealth, comparable to countless worlds.

In many worlds, countless people want to get the legendary Civic, but although they know the existence of Civic, no one knows where the Civic is.

Until one day, the dark kingdom launched an aggressive action against the world named "Ninth Paradise", and wanted to occupy the Ninth Paradise.

But the dark kingdom invaded the Ninth Paradise is a fake, the real purpose is actually in the Ninth Paradise, in the Slime Kingdom, Civic.

The Dark Nation only knows that the Slime Kingdom owns Civic, but does not know that the Slime does not really control the Civic, but only gains access to the Civic.

And because the slimes of the Slime Kingdom are members of the Civic Network, they cannot use the means of invading the body, otherwise they will be very likely to be detected.

The Slime Kingdom was eventually destroyed, but the Dark Kingdom finally vomited blood and discovered that they could not enter the Civic Network. The key to the Civic Network was not known where they were hidden by the slime of the Slime Kingdom.

The Paradise Ark that fell in the Slime Kingdom was subsequently invaded by the Dark Realm, but they eventually found nothing.

And at that time, the enemies of the dark kingdom took advantage of the dark kingdom to attack the ninth paradise and took the opportunity to attack the dark kingdom. The dark kingdom had to leave some power and marks in the slime kingdom and then retreated.

In this way, once someone turns on the Civic network, the dark kingdom can be detected for the first time, and then rush over.

It was not accidental that Memphis came to Paradise Ark.

He has obtained a special instrument that can perform "spatial playback". After turning on the instrument, he can play back things that have happened around the instrument within the specified time range.

"Space Playback" every time the instrument is used, it needs to replenish a lot of energy and has an extremely long cooling time.

Memphis spent a lot of time before finally confirming that the key to opening the Civic network was the crown of a tripod slime, which was hidden in the Ark spaceship.

But Memphis used the "Space Replay" instrument to find out that's all. The Slime Kingdom entered the Ark spacecraft by way of space teleportation. The location of the teleportation is unknown, and the exact time is unknown.

I don't know the time, the location, and even with the "spatial playback" device, Memphis can't do anything.

The area of ​​the Ark spacecraft is also unusually huge. After a little experiment, Memphis gave up on using the "Space Replay" device to slowly find it out.

That takes too much time, and no matter how much time it takes, it may not be able to find it.

So Mephis left a puppet clone in the Ark spaceship, and he himself will look for it again after a while.

In the process, Memphis received a variety of props. With the "Space Playback" device, Memphis could even obtain the aura characteristics of the slime crown. As long as the puppet flying can get close to the slime crown, the puppet will be cloned. Will be aware of it.

Not long ago, the puppet clone of Mephis accidentally discovered the trail of the slime crown. Worried that the target would run away, the puppet clone chose to do it.

Unexpectedly, it fell short in the end, the puppet clone was killed, causing the slime crown to be robbed, otherwise things wouldn't need to be as troublesome as it is now.


"The Key of Origin is hidden outside the city?"

Chen Bing and the three came outside the city of Cheran in the raging hurricane, and the Valkyrie asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's outside the city. The inside and outside of the city of Ceran are completely different. The city is a modern city, and the city outside is the building ruins. In fact, the building ruins outside the city are the city of Ceran after the disaster. When I landed, I felt It’s a bit strange, so I wrote down the distribution of buildings outside the city. At first glance, the distribution of building ruins outside the city is very different from those inside the city, but that’s because most of the buildings were destroyed in a disaster. I am afraid that Cerane will experience disasters such as earthquakes."

"As a result of a series of catastrophes, Ceran was turned into ruins and the layout of the city was completely disrupted. But as long as you enter Dr. Ralman’s research institute, you can find that in the ruins of buildings outside the city , There is a ruined building with exactly the same layout as the research institute."

Chen Bing nodded and explained.

The Valkyrie listened, admiring her.

Think about it carefully, the task of finding the key of origin is actually not simple at all.

It would have taken a lot of time and effort to find clues from the beginning, then enter the research institute, and then gain the trust of Dr. Ralman, and finally find out the key location.

But in Chen Bing's hands, the task was completed in one go, and even the midway battle, it took less than half an hour before and after. It would not be an exaggeration to describe it with speed.

"This guy, playing games is getting better and better."

Peerless Fenghua was also speechless.

When they landed, she and the Valkyrie had actually observed the situation outside the city, but they could not remember the distribution of all the buildings outside the city.

"found it."

After arriving outside the city, the three of them could leave the ground and fly into the air at any time.

The terrain obstruction does not exist. Under the leadership of Chen Bing, the three of them quickly came to the ruins of a building.

Valkyrie and peerless Fenghua took a closer look and knew that Chen Bing was right. The ruins of this building were indeed a collapsed research institute.

At the place where the server was placed in the research room, Chen Bing found the missing server.

On the server, there was a crystal chip without a name, but on the chip, red and green lights flashed by from time to time.

"It should be it." Chen Bing picked up the crystal chip.


After staying in the ruins of the building for a few minutes, the three of them flew up and flew back to the zero area in the void.

The data ball is getting closer and closer But at this time, in front of Chen Bing and them, dozens of figures appeared one after another.

"Indestructible, Asura Dao, Qin Shiyue, Midnight Flower! Unexpectedly, you will have one day together!"

The Valkyrie glanced at the person in front, and said coldly.

"No way, you are too strong. You should be honored to be killed by our joint hands. There are not many people who can let us fight together."

Midnight Hua smiled.

"Don't talk nonsense, take action together, so as not to have more night dreams!"

Shura Road said solemnly.

There is no possibility of reconciliation between the two sides. If such a strong competitor remains, they will not have any chance in the end.

In that case, don't give the other party a little bit of preparation time.

If it wasn't for the surrounding void and no sneak attack, Shura Dao would choose to attack directly.

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