Lu Hu was lying on the ground, looking at the sky. The wind was light and the clouds were light. A group of sparrows turned into black shadows, flying across the sky. The afterimages turned into a line and disappeared into the distance.

It wasn't until his body regained some strength that he climbed up from the ground with difficulty, only to feel unbearable pain all over his body.

After getting up, he took the last pack of medicinal materials from the house, which he had deliberately left behind. Through this period of medicinal bath training, he found that he had to torture his body to the limit before taking a medicinal bath. If so, the absorption of the medicine would be 10% faster than before.

Accumulating a little makes a lot, and the sand becomes a tower. The medicinal effect of this 10% may not look like much, but when put in a long medicinal bath, it is quite impressive.

Lu Hu was already familiar with the steps of medicinal bathing and controlling the heat. He finished adding the medicinal ingredients in a short while. While waiting for the medicine to boil, he had dinner by the way.

After finishing the meal, the heat for brewing the medicinal materials was just right. Then he took off his clothes, stepped into the vat, and began to practice the Qi-Qi method to practice the marrow.

After many times of fire training, Lu Hu's tolerance to water temperature has become higher and higher. His skin has become thicker than before. When he touches it with his hands, it feels tough, like cowhide.

This can be regarded as some small surprises brought by the medicinal bath method. The skin becomes thicker and tougher, which also improves his ability to resist blows. Although it is not much and cannot compare with the effect of specialized horizontal training, it is after all. Incidentally, it would be great if it could be improved.

As Lu Hu continued to improve during the marrow training period, less and less blood leaked from his body, even on his eyebrows. After the medicine was absorbed this time, there were only a few small beads hanging on his eyebrows. Just blood beads.

And Lu Hu also spit out three old teeth again. So far, all his thirty-two old teeth have been replaced, and according to the Liuyang Qi Conquering Method, the four extra teeth are still silent!

Lu Hu didn't get up from the water tank in a hurry. The charcoal fire below was really red. He added more water this time. At this time, the water level in the water tank was still at his lower abdomen.

I practiced sword practice too hard just now, so soaking in hot water can relieve my fatigue.

As soon as his arms collapsed with force, he saw a series of big tendons protruding like a horned dragon. They were all the size of a thumb and looked extremely ferocious. Each big tendon was like a steel cable, providing him with powerful strength.

"I have already mastered the Qiu Jin, as for the flat ribs"

He reached out to touch his ribs. Although the ribs had grown much thicker during the training process, there were still gaps between each rib and they were not connected together.

"The ribs still need some time!"

Lu Hu put his arms on the edge of the tank and tilted his neck back, enjoying the hot bath after this crazy training.

Suddenly, he remembered something he had forgotten, and raised his hand to untie the bag tied around his left eye.

The left eye opened immediately without any discomfort, and all the previous bloody vision was restored.

"Everyone who has been practicing during this period has forgotten about this matter. His eyes should have recovered a long time ago!"

Lu Hu smiled and threw the bag into the charcoal fire. He looked at the world with one eye for a long time. Now his eyes returned to normal. For a moment, he felt that his field of vision was wider and his eyesight was greatly improved.

"These, the eyes are no longer tied with cloth, and I'll shave my beard cleanly, and my face finally doesn't look so fierce!"

Lu Hu directly used a long knife to shave off the beard that had grown back during this period. The sun completely set in the west, and he got up and came out.

Put on the clean blue cloth clothes that you had washed and dried before, and tie your long hair with a hair tie in front of the bronze mirror in the room.

He looked left and right in the bronze mirror and smiled slightly, "The marrow training has also made the skin a lot whiter, and the scars on the cheeks have completely recovered. It looks much better!"

Lu Hu was very satisfied when he looked at his face in the bronze mirror, except that his eyes were still a bit fierce.

But there was nothing he could do about it. After all, he had killed a lot of people along the way. His eyes couldn't possibly still be as clear and stupid as when he just left college, right?

At this time, Lu Hu's two dark eyebrows were slightly raised, flying sideways into his temples. Under his eyebrows, his eyes were black and white, as bright as stars, his nose was straight and high, his mouth was rosy, and he had fair skin and green stubble.

He is handsome and masculine, with a heroic aura rushing out from between his eyebrows.

The way he looks now is so different from the sloppy and fierce look he used to have that even people who know Lu Hu may not be able to recognize him when they see him.

But this was only when Lu Hu was in a good mood. If he frowned and stared, his eyebrows stood upright, the needle lines between his eyebrows were exposed, and the evil spirit hidden in his eyes emerged, it would be extremely intimidating.

The reason why Lu Hu packed up so neatly at night was because he planned to go out for a walk without bringing a hat.

This period of hard training behind closed doors made him feel as if he had returned to the feeling he had in the Senluo Society Death Arena. He practiced every day when he opened his eyes.

I feel exhausted both mentally and spiritually. Now I go out to take a breather and take a look at the situation in the nearest city. I think about robbing the rich and giving to the poor. After all, my money bag is empty again.

In Baishui City at night, the moonlight shines slantingly on the empty streets.

The dead trees on the roadside were dark, with fallen yellow leaves swirling in the breeze. There was no one on the street, only the sound of the wind and Lu Hu's footsteps echoed.

He first sneaked under the city wall to see if there was any new situation in the path he left behind.

On the city wall, the punch pit he had punched before was still there. He jumped up, used his footsteps on the punch pit, and climbed up the city wall in three or four strokes.

On the city wall in the night, there were only a few firelights moving in the distance.

It must be the soldiers on the city wall patrolling.

Lu Hu saw it funny. These guys patrolled with bright torches and completely exposed their positions. What's the use of sneaking up like him and hiding away long ago?

But then he thought, maybe this is a way for people to protect themselves, to keep these heroes away from each other.

In this way, there would be no conflict. If they met, if they did not act, it would not be justified on the surface, and the crime would not be light.

Lu Hu took a few glances and judged that the torch closest to him would take some time to reach him according to the speed, so he stopped caring about it. Instead, he blew the night wind and admired the night outside the city.

At the same time, I was also thinking about whether to leave the city again and continue to improve the escape route. Next time, I would bury some supplies on the road in advance for emergency use.

There is always nothing wrong with planning ahead.

Just as he was thinking about it, his eyes suddenly froze and he leaned forward to take a closer look.

From the other side of the city wall, several black figures were seen descending the rope one after another, lurking, and hurried towards the woods three miles outside the city.

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