Pei Yuan admitted that he wanted to kill the county magistrate in the city. While saying this, he looked at Lu Hu's expression.

Killing an official is very different from killing some of the Four Dingbei Beasts.

If the previous robbery of the execution ground in Anyang Fucheng was regarded as a slap in the face and provocation, this act of killing an official was already a direct attack with a knife.

It is tantamount to rebellion, implicating the nine tribes!

It won't be over until everyone is killed.

People in this world have long been shrouded in the lustful power of the imperial court and officials. Just hearing the words "rebellion and murder of officials" can make people tremble with fear.

As the saying goes, it is easy to break a thief in the mountain, but it is difficult to break a thief in the heart. It has little to do with the strength of the warrior!

But Pei Yuan found that Lu Hu's expression was as usual, and there was no abnormal expression at all because of his words.

It was as if what he was talking about was not killing officials, but killing chickens and pigs.

How did Pei Yuan know that Lu Hu did not have any fear of the small Dingbeicheng County Magistrate? He had no respect for the entire Sui Dynasty court.

Not to mention a small county magistrate who is only a ninth-grade sesame official, even the emperor and I, Lu Hu, would dare to kill him.

Lu Hu drank a glass of wine to himself, "I just don't know who the magistrate of Dingbeicheng County is and what evil things he has done. I hope Brother Pei can tell me."


Pei Yuan let out a long sigh and drank the wine in one gulp.

“Just talking about this makes people angry!

I wonder if Brother Li still knows about the Shanye Temple outside the city? "

"Was the entire temple massacred?"

"Yes, I didn't expect Brother Li to be so well-informed. This Shanye Temple is the lackey raised by the county magistrate Zhang Xianzu. He came after Zhang Xianzu took office. After he came, he helped him use various methods to collect money. , not to mention the Shanye Temple outside the city, which was originally an ancient local temple where incense was burned and worshiped.

After Zhang Xianzu came, his gang of minions and lackeys occupied the temple, killed some, kidnapped some, and turned the good Buddhist temple into a den of obscenity!

If the female relatives in the city who went to offer incense were attracted by the cassock-clad beasts in the temple and saw their good looks, they would definitely deceive them into the back hall, where they would be detained until Zhang Xianzu came to sort them out.

There are three levels in total. The first level is for Zhang Xianzu to enjoy himself, the second level is reserved for the leader and some accomplices in the city, and the third level is reserved for his minions. When they have had enough fun, they will let them go home and call them euphemistically: "Buddha gives birth to a child!" "

Having said this, Pei Yuan's face turned red with anger.

"At first, people in the city went to the temple to look for wives and girls, but without exception, their legs were broken and thrown out by the group. If they dared to cause trouble, the person "died" of illness at home the next day, and the official quickly closed the case!

Later, everyone knew that the lewd monk from Shanye Temple was in the same group as their elder master, and no one dared to go to Shanye Temple again.

Later, Zhang Xianzu actually went to the streets to look for women. Once he found a girl, he would be sent to his bed that night. Brother Li killed the four beasts in the North, which was what he did for a living. "

"How dare you be so arrogant!"

"Who says it's not, but fortunately, I don't know which senior passed by here and slaughtered the whorehouse in one night. People are very happy! Brother Li, let's toast that senior!"

"Okay!" Lu Hu thought to himself: "I respect Master Kong!"

After finishing the drink, Pei Yuan continued: "How dare Zhang Xianzu be so rampant? The strength of those minions and lackeys is not bad. There are many warriors in the marrow training stage. They were all killed in one night, and not even one escaped. This shows that the senior who committed the murder was extremely powerful. When Zhang Xianzu learned about it, he was so frightened that he fled Dingbei City the next day and went to Anyang Fucheng to hide from the limelight.

Just yesterday, he finally dared to return. My younger brother just wanted to kill him outside the city! "

"but failed!"

A look of annoyance appeared on Pei Yuan's face, "That beast cherishes his life very much. This time all his minions are dead. Even the senior has left. He can't sleep well in the city, so when he comes back, he doesn't know where he came from." We hired two experts for personal protection. We also brought back ten powerful crossbows!

The two masters were in the light and the other in the dark. My brother, I only saw the master in the bright position in the convoy at that time. I wanted to hide along the road. When the convoy was close, I would find an opportunity to kill him with one blow, and then use my body skills to escape.

But who knows, when the convoy is about to arrive, the secret master will be sneaking in the forest! It has discovered me and is behind me!

If it weren't for my little brother's body skills, how could I be sitting here drinking with Brother Li today! "

Pei Yuan looked lonely again.

Lu Hu comforted him: "If you don't succeed once, there will be a next time. As long as you have life, you will always have a chance. Why should a grown man act so pitifully because of this small setback?"

"Hey~ what Brother Li said is absolutely true. It's just that my younger brother failed the first time and shocked Zhang Xianzu. After he came back, he must have stayed behind closed doors and made the house impregnable. It will be difficult to find another chance!"

"How can Zhang Xianzu hide in his house all his life? There will always be a chance to go out!"

"Brother Li doesn't know. The reason why I dare to kill an official is because I came to Qingzhou this time to join the army in the north and help the sky! So even if I killed that beast Zhang Xianzu, I couldn't find anything in the follow-up investigation. In the army, let alone the border troops who are fighting?

My father has a good friend who holds an official position in the Anping Army that was sent for reinforcements. The Anping Army will pass by Dingbei City in three days. By then, my younger brother will leave with the army. There is no time! What a pity, what a pity in my life! "

Pei Yuan looked lonely.

"Hahaha, that's it. What did I think? It's just killing people. Just kill that beast within three days!"

"Brother Li, the reason why I didn't tell you before was because I didn't want Brother Li to get involved. Killing an official is not a trivial matter. I only dared to do it after I had a way out. Brother Li, you must not do it!"

"Hahaha, Brother Pei, Brother Pei, the world is rotten. There are so many beasts in the world. If you kill one, you must be timid. How many can you kill? There is no way out. I, Lu Hu, am a person with no way out. I am just a dog official. In my eyes, they are nothing more than trivial matters!"

"Lu Hu? Brother Li, you"

"Haha, I said before that I have something I can't do to Brother Pei. That's it. I gave a false name before I left. My real name is Lu Hu. Brother Pei trusted me with his heart, but I responded with a false name. I'm ashamed, I'm ashamed! "

"Lu Hu? Is it possible that Brother Li Lu is the only gangster who escaped from the robbery in Anyang Fucheng, Lu Hu?"

"Oh? Brother Pei actually knows about this?"

"The robbery of the law court caused quite a stir. When Brother Lu entered the city, didn't he see the wanted notice on the city gate? Lu Hu's name was among them, and he was the first!"

"Oh? I haven't seen it!"

Lu Hu climbed over the wall and didn't even know about it, but Pei Yuan had seen it. He carefully looked at Lu Hu's appearance and found that it was so different from the one on the wanted poster that he couldn't recognize him at all. same person.

No wonder no one could recognize Lu Hu when he was doing things in the city.

"Hahaha, it turns out it's Brother Lu. Brother Lu is wanted, so it's not convenient to reveal his real name. It's right to hide it. Why should you be ashamed!"

"Brother Pei is so chivalrous that he kills officials for the people. But if he fails, why should he feel sad?"

The two of them looked at each other, with smiles from the bottom of their hearts on their faces. They toasted to each other and downed the drink in one gulp!

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