Lu Hu and the two men in black were walking in the corridor leading to the death fighting stage.

After this period of standing and training, his body was finally no longer thin, and the muscles on his body were also faintly bulging, at least they could hold up the clothes on his body.

Especially when Lu Hu walked, he was even and steady, with minimal ups and downs in his center of gravity, basically maintaining a straight, horizontal line.

Seeing this change in the eyes of the two men in black, they were extremely surprised and walked to the end of the corridor.

Lu Hu came on stage amidst the cheers of the crowd, and the two men started talking.

"This crazy tiger's Zhuang Kung Fu has already reached its upper body. It's unbelievable how long it took!"

"It's only been four days since I taught him Zhuang Kung Fu!"

"This kind of speed is extremely fast even with three Qi and Blood Pills. If I remember correctly, it took Niu Biao twice as long to practice to this level. He only did it with extremely hard work. ."

"Niu Biao is hard-working, but this person is crazy. In order to let his body remember the most standard postures of Zhuang Gong, he stood for a whole night, and he didn't give up until he just started to practice Zhuang Kung Fu."

"Such a practice must have severely depleted the body's Qi and blood, but now I see that he is full of energy and has no signs of damage to his foundation. A mere three Qi and Blood Pills will never have such a magical effect!"

"This may be because his innate physique is stronger than others. The coach may have made a mistake!"

The two of them attributed Lu Hu's rapid progress to their own talents, and they were amazed. There were very few people who could make the coach mislead him!

"Crazy tiger! Tear the opponent apart!"

"I'm here specifically to suppress you, don't let me down!"

"Break the opponent's neck!"

Standing on the stage, Lu Hu listened to the noise and the roars of wild beasts, his heart beat uncontrollably, and the blood all over his body was rushing with joy!

He can now fully enjoy the feeling of being noticed, it is so intoxicating!

"It turns out that deep down in my heart, I still long for this extreme violence!"

Lu Hu narrowed his eyes, and the flames in his eyes suddenly turned into cold blades.

Opposite me, there is a shorter man with wrinkled eyes and a stubble on his face. You can tell he is older at first glance, but there is also a cruel glint in his eyes!

When the two people's eyes met, their gazes immediately entangled and started to fight. No one was willing to dodge or retreat!

The fight to the death has already begun at this moment!

As usual, the host told the audience a large piece of information about the two.

But Lu Hu didn't even listen, he just stared at the man opposite.


Until Lu Hu heard the gong sounding to start the fight, he had already rushed towards the opponent with unbearable ferocity.

He stepped hard on the table, turned his hips and twisted his waist, and punched the opponent with a strong and heavy punch towards the opponent's front door!

The man was also on guard and crossed his arms.


The man immediately felt his arm go numb, thinking that this man had such strong punching power!

When he saw how tall Lu Hu was, he knew that this person's power should be greater than his own.

He started the fight deliberately defensively, just to catch Lu Hu's heavy punch and see what Lu Hu's punching power was.

Unexpectedly, the power of the punch was far beyond his imagination.

"You can't have a head-on confrontation with this person!"

The man immediately formulated a strategy in his mind. At this time, he took advantage of Lu Hu's force and stepped back continuously to open up the distance.

Lu Hu was extremely satisfied with his punch. Niu Biao was probably not as powerful as he was at that time.

Seeing the opponent retreating, he immediately pressed forward, hoping to directly blast away the opponent's defense with his fists!

But as soon as he was forced in front of him, he found a big foot kicking him low.

This kick was extremely concealed, with a very small angle and a tricky line!

The kick happened to hit the inside of Lu Hu's left calf, and at this time, his center of gravity happened to have just shifted to his left leg!


With this kick, Lu Hu's center of gravity was immediately kicked out of balance and he almost fell down. Fortunately, the black tiger stake he had practiced in the past few days worked.

Lu Hu immediately sank and stabilized his center of gravity.

At this time, the sound of breaking wind came to his ears, and Lu Hu raised his arm.


Just block this blow with your whip legs. The strength of human legs is much greater than that of arms.

Lu Hu received a whip kick from the opponent and was kicked so hard that his body shook. The area where he blocked immediately became red and congested!

Before Lu Hu could take a breath, the opponent's next kick was already coming.

Lu Hu saw the man in front of him, his leg straight up like an iron rod, and he kicked him in the crotch.

This move was Lu Hu's comeback from the previous game. After seeing the opponent use it, he immediately retreated quickly.

After the flash, the two returned to both sides of the death fighting platform.

The audience in the audience let out a cry of surprise.

The fight between the two people on the stage just now was extremely fast, completed within one or two breaths.

In such a short period of time, the fight went back and forth, and finally the two sides separated.

The enjoyment is much higher than the previous unstructured street fights!

Even the audience who watched Lu Hu's two games clearly found that Lu Hu's rapid rise in strength, with the legs of the little man just now, would definitely not be able to stop someone who has never practiced martial arts.

Lu Hu suffered a disadvantage in the previous brief fight. He was hit with one punch but suffered two leg injuries. Fortunately, his pile skills kept his center of gravity extremely stable. The last kick failed to destroy his center of gravity, allowing him to Withdrew promptly.

Bring the situation back to level.

"This person's martial arts skill should be the Wind-piercing Kick. He uses his legs to make up for his lack of strength. As expected, the longer he survives in the Death Arena, the stronger he becomes!"

When Lu Hu was thinking about how to win, the opponent was already pressing forward.

The man walked slowly and slowly towards Lu Hu.

Although his leg skills are strong, he still has a flaw, that is, it is difficult to grasp the rhythm of the attack. If one kick is in the air, it will be difficult to pursue the opponent after he gets out of the way.

After all, he still has to use his legs to walk, right?

The man himself knew this, so he wanted to force Lu Hu into a corner so that he could no longer retreat.

At this time, Lu Hu also guessed the man's intention and took the initiative again.

He lowered his center of gravity, tightened his fist tightly, and charged towards the man.

A direct punch like a javelin was thrust forward. This time the man did not hold on hard. He dodged past as soon as his footsteps moved. Then he raised his knees and struck Lu Hu in the heart with one strike.

The straight punch was a false move performed by Lu Hu. It looked fast but was actually not very powerful. It was just to lure the man into action.

When Wo Xin's foot was poking at him, Lu Hu blocked it with his arms in front of his chest, and then a black tiger stake stood out under his feet. His ten toes were like tiger's claws, clinging to the ground.


There was a muffled sound, and Lu Hu blocked the kick while keeping his center of gravity stable.

When the man saw that this kick did not even make Lu Hu's body sway, he immediately knew that he was going to suffer and had to retract his legs immediately.

But what Lu Hu wanted was this moment, how could he get what he wanted?

A big hand had already latched onto the man's ankle, and he immediately twisted his waist to exert force. The muscles in his arm tightened, and he immediately lifted the man up.

"Why do I feel like this scene seems familiar?"

"Haha, that's right. In the last game, this crazy tiger was beaten like this by his opponent!"

"How long has it passed before he turned into a crazy tiger and used his strength to beat others!"

The audience in the audience couldn't help laughing when they saw the familiar scene.

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