After Lu Hu broke open the city gate, he led a few people and quickly headed towards Shanye Temple.

In Dingbei City, the fire has burned the sky above until it turned red, and black smoke was rising.

After a few people walked two or three miles away from the city, the shouting noise in the city gradually faded away, and the surroundings finally became silent.

The only sounds in my ears were the sound of wind, snow and heavy breathing.

The sudden quietness of the environment gave Su Qingqing and the waiter a dreamlike trance.

Just when they reached the fork in the road, Lu Hu's ears suddenly twitched and he quickly pulled a few people to hide in the woods on the side.

Soon, even Su Qingqing heard the sound of horse hooves and wheels coming from behind.

Several people looked behind them.

I saw a tall black horse pulling a well-made black carriage running from behind.

Apparently, the people in the city were also fleeing!

When they got closer, they saw a total of five carriages, all with drivers driving them.

When the third carriage passed by Lu Hu and others, the curtain of the window on the left side of the carriage was suddenly lifted open.

An old man's face appeared inside, his eyes shining brightly looking towards Lu Hu.

Apparently they found several people hiding in the forest.

Lu Hu saw things at night as if they were in daylight, and he also looked towards the old man.

The two people's eyes fell apart, and the carriage continued to run forward along the official road without slowing down.

Seeing that this person had no trouble, Lu Hu was relieved. He was not afraid. Su Qingqing and the waiter beside him were ordinary people breathing heavily. Pei Yuan was also seriously injured and could not hide his own aura.

It is normal for someone to overhear and discover his whereabouts. It does not mean how powerful this old man is.

But if he really takes action, he may not be able to take into account the safety of the people around him.

As five carriages passed by at high speed, Lu Hu suddenly saw a big bow tied behind the last carriage!

The bow was so big that it couldn't be put into the car, so it had to be tied to the back of the car.

As for this bow, Lu Hu had experienced its terrifying power before!

In addition to Lu Hu, Pei Yuan also saw the bow at the same time.

The two of them looked at each other.

"Zhang Xianzu!"

"You two take Brother Pei to Shanye Temple!"

Lu Hu stood up immediately.

"Brother Lu, after what happened tonight, this"

Pei Yuan's belief in his heart has been shaken after what happened tonight, and he has no obsession with killing Zhang Xianzu at this time.

"Brother Lu, if you kill one Zhang Xianzu, there are tens of thousands of Zhang Xianzu in the world, can you kill them?

For those who are raping, robbing, murdering and setting fires in the city right now, I will risk my life and property."

"You can't kill me, and it's really not worth it to do it for others, but don't make me unhappy. If you run in front of me and make me unhappy, then you can't blame me!"

Pei Yuan did not expect Lu Hu to give such an answer, but it made him feel relieved.

"Haha, opposite, opposite. It's such a simple truth. I couldn't even think of it. It's so stupid. Don't make me unhappy. Haha, happy, happy! Then I'll go to Shanye Temple first and wait for Brother Lu to pick that beast. His head, let’s drink!”


Lu Hu promised loudly. With these two or three words, the convoy had already disappeared. He looked at Su Qingqing and the waiter.

The two immediately promised, "Don't worry, Uncle Lu, we will take good care of Mr. Pei!"

Lu Hu nodded, then a cruel smile appeared on his face, he picked up the knife and chased towards the convoy.

Originally, Lu Hu went to kill Zhang Xianzu mainly to help his friends.

Although Pei Yuan also talked about all the evil things Zhang Xianzu had done, Lu Hu still heard it as an abstract concept, just like killing Yang Ding in the mountain temple. He didn't care about it, but it took a lot of time to do it. Despite careful planning and implementation, Lu Hu still lacked motivation.

There were so many feudal dynasties in the previous life. By the end of the period, weren’t they all like birds?

The small problems accumulated in the past turned into big problems, accumulated for a long time, and exploded in a concentrated manner. Then the dynasty changed, the cards were reshuffled, and it was a new reincarnation.

This is the result of the joint efforts of the whole society, and this is the reason why people like Zhang Xianzu appear.

There is something wrong with the soil, and it will be useless no matter how many Zhang Xianzu are killed.

But these are all social problems. Lu Hu came through time travel and felt that he was a bystander from beginning to end. He never had the idea of ​​​​changing society, nor did he have the ability.

So just like what he said, as long as he didn't offend him and run up to him and show his teeth and claws, Lu Hu wouldn't bother to pay attention.

But at this time, Lu Hu was already extremely unhappy, from the failure to assassinate Zhang Xianzu to the entry of the Rebirth Cult into the city, and then to the chaos in the city.

This made him have a lot of evil fire for a long time, but he never had a target to vent to.

Now, Zhang Xianzu was waving in front of Lu Hu again. Lu Hu just seized this opportunity and killed this official!

There is also a part in this that after he developed the Qiu Jin Rib, he gained great strength and the body was greatly strengthened, which led to some psychological arrogance. He wanted to see how far his current strength had reached!

On the Mercedes-Benz carriage, Zhang Xianzu and the old man beside him were sitting in it.

"Sir, was there someone on the roadside just now?"

"Well, there are a few people hiding in the forest. They must have escaped from the city and want to go to Shanye Temple to escape!"

"Oh I got it!"

The old man next to him suddenly opened the curtain and looked outside. Zhang Xianzu was shocked to see someone on the roadside trying to ambush him.

He himself is only at the peak level of training, and he indulges in pleasure on weekdays. The martial arts in his hands have long been abandoned, and his real strength is even worse. He can only show off his majesty with the big bow borrowed from Anyang Mansion.

So now my life depends on the old man next to me who is in the visceral training period. The road to Anyang Mansion is also the most dangerous time. As long as I arrive at Anyang Mansion, become a criminal official, and enter the Lord's Mansion under house arrest to wait for punishment, everything will be over. All safe!

At this moment, I suddenly heard a sound mixed in with the sound of horse hooves and wheels.




The dull and low footsteps came closer and closer at a very fast speed.

When the sound echoed, it seemed to be still a hundred feet away, and after a while, it was approaching.

The old man's expression changed.

"Stay in the car!"

Before he finished speaking, he stepped out of the way and stood on the carriage.

At this moment, the sky is not yet dark, and the north wind is carrying snowflakes falling on the official road.

I saw a figure running behind the convoy, and the wind and snow in the sky seemed to be carried by him and swooping down.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a tornado coming across, the air waves are rolling, and the sound is extremely terrifying.

“What a strength”

This old man stepped into Zang training, and his eyesight was also excellent.

He saw that the man's bloody clothes were bulging in the wind, his long hair, and an extremely violent killing intent flashing between his brows.

Moreover, the reason why this person is so fast is not due to his skill in lightness.

This is not Qinggong at all, but a pure burst of power.

The snow burst under each step of the visitor, and the frozen soil was lifted up, and people were squeezed out of the heavy snowstorm!

That's the person just now!

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