Anyang Fucheng, somewhere deep in the Gaomen compound.

In the study room.

"No one has arrived yet?"

"There has been no news from the city gate. The people sent out came back and reported that they found a headless body and the remains of a carriage not far outside Dingbei City. It should be Zhang Xianzu!"

"Being killed? Trouble! Could it be that Mr. Qingchen from Senluo Society gave me eye drops because of what happened last time?"

"We sent people who were in the viscera training stage for personal protection. Now that both of them are dead, the killer's strength must also be from the viscera training stage. There are not many people in Qingzhou who can have such strength! Do you want to use this matter to make trouble? "

"It's not time yet! In this way, let's report to the superiors that Dingbeicheng was attacked by the anti-thief Puritan Cult. The county magistrate Zhang Xianzu refused to retreat. After the city was broken, he committed suicide and died in the city! Please give the Zhang family some credit!"

"Such a result may not satisfy the Zhang family!"

"Hmph, the Qinghe Zhang family, do you still need me to come to the door to explain in person? Let's do it like this!"


"How is the situation over there now?"

"The Anping Army left some elite cavalry to take over."

"How unbecoming is this? Hurry up and fill the vacancy. Is anyone below willing to go over there?"

"Sir, don't talk about anything else now in Dingbeicheng. The current chaos is not because the aristocratic family is not strong enough to suppress it. The poor family can't even guarantee their own safety if they go away. Now this..."

"A bunch of bastards, as an official, even if you think about yourself 70% and the court 20%, you still have to think about others, one by one. Where are there so many vacancies in the entire Qingzhou? Assign them directly and go now. manage!"

"Yes, sir, this subordinate is resigning!"

"Hmm wait!"

"What other orders do you have, sir?"

"Write a letter to the Zhang family in my name and explain the matter clearly. Don't put other people's bad debts on us!"

"My subordinate understands!"

"Well, let's deal with this first!"


As Pei Yuan made up his mind not to join the army but to form his own force, and after showing off his skills, he became obviously more interested in teaching martial arts to Su Qingqing and Xiao Er.

In addition to healing and training the two of them every day, they also discuss with Lu Hu about forming a gang in the main hall.

The first thing is to decide on a name for the gang.

Pei Yuan came up with five gang names, but later hesitated on Changle and Taiping.

In the end, it was Lu Hu who made the final decision on the word "Taiping". How can there be everlasting happiness in the world? The word "Taiping" is more practical.

After the name was finalized, Pei Yuan became so excited that he made a crude plaque and hung it in the main hall.

In this way, the Taiping Gang was established on a calm afternoon.

Su Qingqing and Xiaoer naturally became members of the Taiping Gang.

The current Taiping Gang only consists of four people plus a dilapidated and occupied Shanye Temple.

That night, the dinner was extremely sumptuous, and everyone sat around the bonfire, all holding a large bowl of wine.

"Today is the day when our Taiping Gang was established. Although we are only four people now including my brother, we will definitely become stronger in the future. Come and drink this cup to your heart's content!"

Pei Yuan's face turned red under the light of the fire. During this period, Pei Yuan had been in a state of excitement.

In addition to him, the same goes for Su Qingqing and Xiao Er. This sense of organization is really reassuring for helpless people like them, and the founding of the Taiping Gang also inspired the two of them. Ambition.

I feel like my life has suddenly become vaster and the future is full of infinite possibilities.

I can't help but think about it.

Only Lu Hu was the calmest. Although Taiping helped him participate, his mentality was like a spectator.

It's obvious at a glance that these three people may not realize what the founding of the Taiping Gang actually represents.

After the establishment of the Taiping Gang, as the number of people increases, there will be a steady stream of complicated affairs in the future. It is by no means as easy and simple as they thought.

The initial growth may be extremely rapid, but when it grows to a certain size and enters the field of vision of all forces, various winds and rains will come.

Only by surviving the previous storms can the Taiping Gang go from being rootless duckweeds that could dissipate at any time to taking root and having the opportunity to grow.

As for how far it can grow, it is unknown.

Although Lu Hu knew this, he didn't say a word at this time. Although things are difficult, as long as you start doing it, it will be much better than imagined.

It's better not to dampen his edge now.

After Pei Yuan finished speaking, everyone drank the wine in the bowl.

Pei Yuan and Lu Hu were naturally fine. Su Qingqing and the waiter drank hard, but they drank all the wine with force.

"Not bad, not bad, come on, fill it up, take the second bowl, let brother say a few words to us!"

Everyone looked at Lu Hu holding bowls.

Lu Hu smiled and said: "Nothing in this world is smooth sailing. If you want to accomplish something, you must go through many hardships.

Someone in my hometown said that when God is going to place a heavy responsibility on someone, he must first make his heart suffer, make his muscles and bones tired, make him suffer from hunger, make his skin become thin, and make him suffer from poverty. Bitterness disrupts the action he has already started.

Since everyone is determined to make a career, they must not shrink back when facing difficulties and challenges, persist in working hard, and temper themselves.

A hero is not born a hero, but becomes a hero as he grows up.

I hope that even in times of hardship, everyone will not lose their heroic aspirations and find peace in this troubled world. Drink! "

After Lu Hu finished speaking, everyone became so proud that they drank it all in one gulp.

Pei Yuan immediately prepared the third bowl.

At this time, Su Qingqing and the waiter looked at each other and asked, "Uncle Lu, Mr. Pei, don't you know who is the leader of our Taiping Gang?"

"Haha, that's a good question. I was about to say that since my brother is here, naturally he will be the gang leader and I will be the deputy gang leader. As for the two of you, your strength is too weak. I'll take care of you first. We'll talk about it later when we get stronger. !”

After Pei Yuan finished speaking, the waiter immediately said: "Then this third bowl of wine is for us to honor the gang leader and deputy gang leader. At the same time, we wish our Taiping Gang will grow stronger soon!"

"Hahaha, okay, let's drink together, drink!"

After finishing three large bowls of wine, the waiter was okay, but Su Qingqing was already a little drunk, and a blush appeared on her face.

Then we started eating, eating meat and drinking wine. It was so enjoyable!

During this period, Pei Yuan led everyone to find various reasons to keep drinking.

He immediately drank Su Qingqing and Xiao Er to the ground.

"Hey, I can't drink enough, how can I get this right?"

When Pei Yuan saw the two of them drunk, he shook his head regretfully and continued to chat with Lu Hu about the development of the Taiping Gang.

According to Pei Yuan's intention, he would first clean up the Shanye Temple and clean up all the Buddha statues and other things, and then privately recruit people in Dingbei City and slowly grow it.

But he was directly rejected by Lu Hu. According to his intention, while Dingbeicheng was still in chaos and the government's strength was almost zero, he directly entered the city forcefully, advertised widely, and used force to forcibly recruit the gang. , occupied all the ownerless shops, and then collected protection fees from the shops in the city as funds for the gang.

As for the Shanye Temple, it will be used as the headquarters, and it will be slowly built, and another stronghold will be set up in the city.

Pei Yuan didn't expect that Lu Hu would move so fast and be ready to swallow up an entire city.

But he was immediately impressed by Lu Hu's domineering plan and said that he would listen to Lu Hu all the time.

Then he dragged Lu Hu to drink until late at night, and then he also fell asleep. How could Lu Hu continue to practice?

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