There's a Madman Sharpening His Knife at Night

Chapter 17 Late Night Ghost Stories

When he thought of this, his heart suddenly beat faster, and he felt that there was a pair of eyes staring at him in the darkness.

He was not afraid of people, no matter how powerful they were, but if they were ghosts, and he, Lu Hu, was not a Taoist priest, how should he deal with them?

It was getting colder and colder in the cell, but cold sweat continued to break out on Lu Hu's body.

"The temperature has dropped too much. Even in autumn, the temperature difference between day and night cannot be so big. Damn, something is definitely wrong!"

The more Lu Hu thought about it, the more his heart palpitated. He wanted to get out of bed and do a set of black tiger boxing to move his body and warm himself up.

I have heard in previous lives that there are three lamps on the human body, one on the head and two shoulders.

These three lamps represent people's Yang Qi. The reason why people are prone to ghosts pressing down on their beds late at night is because when sleeping, the Qi and blood are silent, and the Yang Qi is weak, attracting dirt.

I am now boxing to activate my qi and blood. Once my yang qi is strong, even if there is dirt, I should not dare to enter my body!

Lu Hu had no choice but to rely on the legends about his previous life!

He immediately got out of bed, opened his boxing frame and began to fight the Black Tiger Boxing.

This time, I found something wrong again. Normally, after one set of beatings, my body would be basically warm, and I would sweat after two sets.

After all, Black Tiger Fist is a big opening and closing, and every punch must be powerful.

But at this time, he had played three sets in a row, and his body was getting colder, not to mention sweating.

At this time, his hands seemed to be half frozen, and there were waves of numbness, and his feet were so cold that they lost all feeling.

And he noticed that the cold was still spreading along his limbs and towards his lower abdomen.

Lu Hu felt that the situation was getting more and more weird now, so he immediately stood up on the black tiger stand and let his energy flow around his body to drive away the coldness on his body.

But who knew that the energy that could have traveled throughout the body could not reach the limbs at this time, and only flowed in the lower abdomen and chest.

Chill did not stop its invasion and continued to expand its territory.

"What the hell!" Lu Hu had an intuition at this time. When the cold invaded the last place where he still had heat, he would be completely cold and would never be able to get warm again.

Lu Hu focused his energy on his left shoulder to see if he could block the coldness there.

Unexpectedly, as the coldness became satisfied, the strength continued to retreat, leaving no resistance at all!

"I don't believe it!"

Lu Hu was so shocked that he no longer thought about the cost-effectiveness issue. He quickly took out the Qi and Blood Pill he had just obtained from his arms, stuffed it into his mouth and swallowed it.

The magical power works immediately after taking it, quickly turning the Qi and Blood Pill into a stream of heat that is emitted from the stomach.

At this moment, Lu Hu felt that his lower abdomen was heating up, resisting the cold air radiating around him.

The pace of the cold invasion finally slowed down.

But still can't stop!

"Damn it, this time it's definitely a ghost!"

Lu Hu was forced to this point, his eyes were widened, his eyebrows were erect, and the fierceness that killed three people with his own hands was aroused by his anger.

The pair of eyes as wide as bells kept scanning in the darkness, like a tiger that wanted to devour anyone.

After Lu Hu discovered that even the Qi and Blood Pills could not solve his current predicament, he thought of finding the ghost and giving it a punch. Regardless of whether it was useful or not, at least it would prevent him from dying of frustration. !

After all, he had put in so much effort and sweat in order to survive, and how could he be willing to die inexplicably in the end?

But the cell was as black as iron, and he couldn't even see the cell door or the bars.

But Lu Hu's anger had a miraculous effect.

Han Yi, who couldn't stop even the Qi and Blood Pills, actually stopped in anger.

Lu Hu discovered this situation and immediately started playing Black Tiger Fist in the room.

This time, what he was thinking was, my cell is not big anyway, and I don’t have to worry about where the ghosts are hidden. If I put up a fight, maybe I can hit them?

Under the outburst of anger and ferocity, the originally mediocre low-level Black Tiger Fist changed from its previous roughness and instead took on a rustic feel.

The more Lu Hu fought, the more angry he felt in his heart, and the evil wind wrapped around his fist became more fierce. As he moved around the room, he set up a body skill in his mind that could dodge all his fists. The false enemy.

As Lu Hu's punches became harder and harder, the force of his punches became stronger and stronger, and the evil wind brought up became stronger and stronger. The chill in his body began to gradually subside, and his body finally slowly recovered.

The result was that Lu Hu's punches became more powerful.

I don't know if it was Lu Hu's illusion, but he felt that the darkness in front of him seemed to be shaken by the force of his fist.

The extreme darkness also began to slowly fade.

He hit him for the sixth time in a row, and when he made the last move, Fu Zhi suddenly turned around and punched out.

Black Tiger takes out his heart!

With one punch, a low sound broke through the darkness, as if there really was a tiger roaring in the cell.

Lu Hu was sweating profusely, and his two already red shoulder blades were rising and falling with his heavy breathing, and steaming heat was radiating from his whole body.

Darkness, open!

Lu Hu looked into the cell. Everything was as usual in the small cell. It seemed that Lu Hu had become hysterical before. It was all a fantasy in his mind!

When he turned around, he realized that the dissipation of darkness had nothing to do with him.

But it’s dawn!

A ray of skylight emanating from the east has unparalleled power, tearing through the night and cutting through the iron-like darkness.

A wisp of it changes the world.

The turbid air dropped and the clean air rose. Lu Hu stood panting in the cell and looked at the red-purple morning glow through the bars. He gradually climbed up and felt a vigorous eruption of vitality.

In the face of this vitality, all his previous heart palpitations, panic, and anger disappeared, and he was wrapped in a powerful sense of security.

He wiped his sweaty face and thought, "Did I really go crazy last night?"

Yesterday, Japan had a fight to the death and another night of boxing, especially in the end, the black tiger succeeded in taking out the heart.

Explodes twice as much power as itself.

Now his whole body was sore and his arms were almost weak.

He sat limply under the bars.

My mind was still thinking about what happened at night. The more I thought about it, the more I doubted myself. It felt like everything that had just happened was like a dream.

As the sun rose, it all dissipated.

There was a bowl of water in front of the iron gate, which he kept to drink when he got up early. At this time, his lips were burnt and his mouth was dry, so he picked up the bowl of water.

Just as he was about to raise his head and take a sip, a ray of rising sun shot through the iron window above his head and onto the floor in front of him.

At this time, through the reflection of the clear water, Lu Hu vaguely saw a black shadow flashing across the ceiling.

The big hand holding the bowl shook suddenly, and Lu Hu's eyes widened again.

"What was that black shadow that flashed across the ceiling just now? My eyes can't be wrong this time!"

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