The extra bedding on the bed could somewhat protect him from the cold and make his sleep more comfortable.

But that's all.

When Lu Hu woke up for the second time, he was already woken up by the cold.

Logically speaking, there were already too many beddings, so that shouldn't be the case, but he was still shivering.

He felt wet under the quilt.

I didn't pay much attention to it at first, but later on, it felt like the quilt was soaked in water!

Lu Hu immediately sat up and lifted the quilt. He didn't know when the whole bed was completely soaked with his sweat.

"What's wrong with me?"

Lu Hu rubbed his temples and was surprised to find that he had broken out in so much cold sweat while sleeping!

He stood up and suddenly felt light-headed and lightheaded, his head ached and his whole body was feeling hot, but he felt extremely cold and his body was constantly trembling.

"No, I have a high fever!" Lu Hu immediately judged his physical condition and felt a chill in his heart.

After all, he was in the same room with evil spirits, and he was eroded by the cold air. He had something unclean stuck on him, and his body immediately developed a high fever.

Lu Hu's physical fitness and martial arts training at this time allowed him to avoid catching cold.

It is still far from being immune to cold and heat and free from all kinds of diseases, let alone warding off evil spirits.

He quickly looked at the sky outside and found that it was already dark outside. The sun had sunk into the horizon, leaving only a little residual light, which illuminated the sky blue.

The courtyard seemed to be covered with a layer of gray gauze, and nothing could be seen clearly.

Lu Hu was sweating profusely, and his mouth was dry from the burning pain.

He endured the pain in his body, sat down in front of the iron gate, grabbed the bowl, and poured cold water down his throat.

After the feeling of thirst dissipates, the body becomes colder after drinking cold water.

"Oops, it's going to be dark soon. How can I deal with the evil ghost attack tonight in my current state?"

Lu Hu thought with complicated emotions.

Just then, he heard the sound of a wheelbarrow coming from outside the door.

"Li Muba has sent me some food. Let's eat first. Maybe with the nutritional supplement, my high fever can go down."

Thinking of how powerful and mysterious the supernatural power had always been, Lu Hu finally saw a glimmer of hope.

When he was sending the rice bowl out through the window under the iron door, he unexpectedly found that the iron door was pushed open with a "squeak" when he touched it.

"The door isn't locked?"

Lu Hu was puzzled for a moment, "Maybe I forgot when I sent out the bedding at noon today!"

He gave a reasonable guess that the most important thing now was to eat.

Now that the iron door had been pushed open, Lu Hu placed his rice bowl directly outside the door and saw Li Mute pushing a wheelbarrow.

When you get to his door, take a rice spoon and pour rice into his bowl.

After the first bowl was finished, Lu Hu grabbed it and stuffed it into his mouth.

But suddenly, he smelled a rotten smell from the bowl.

"This rice is sour. The Senluo Society wouldn't bother digging at such a simple rice!"

Lu Hu felt helpless for a while, then he thought that since he had magical powers, even if the rice went sour, it should not be a problem for him.

Then he grabbed a handful, and when he was about to eat, he suddenly saw the two pieces of fat meat on his hands, which were still bloody.

"The meat is also raw?"

Lu Hu's head burned so badly that he felt like his thinking speed had also slowed down.

Just when he was confused, he found that the sounds around him disappeared.

"What are you doing, dumb Li? Are you continuing to bring me food?"

Lu Hu looked up and found Li Mute's figure in the darkness. He stopped what he was doing and was staring at him.

At this time, the cold feeling on Lu Hu's body became more intense, and his whole brain suddenly started to tremble.

"No, there's something wrong!"

Due to the high fever, Lu Hu had ignored a lot of information and did not notice that the sky was completely dark at this time, and there was no movement in other cells nearby.

When Li Mute saw his cell door open, he didn't take it seriously. His breakfast was obviously normal, so why did his dinner become rotten and rancid on the same day? Cut with a knife, it looks more like torn by hand!

After Lu Hu came to his senses, this information poured into his mind like a torrent.

"Eat, eat, aren't you hungry? Why don't you eat!"

A hoarse voice came from above.

Li Mute actually spoke at this time, and this voice was extremely familiar. Isn't it Niu Biao's voice?

"It turns out it's you, you beast!"

No matter how groggy Lu Hu was, he suddenly understood.

The evil ghost couldn't wait to find him just after dark, and his identity was none other than Niu Biao who died in his hands!

Perhaps because it died too tragically, this beast turned into an evil ghost and came to seek his life!

Lu Hu yelled, raised his hand and threw the bowl upward.

As soon as the bowl flew out of his hand, it disappeared immediately.

But Lu Hu couldn't control so much now, so he had to get up.

But the iron spoon came down hard from above.


Lu Hu suddenly heard a buzzing in his ears. His head felt numb at first, and then he felt hot. Blood flowed from his forehead, and he was immediately beaten to the ground.

The iron spoon had turned into an iron rod at this time, and it hit Lu Hu hard.

Suddenly, Lu Hu rolled on the spot, opened his big hands, grabbed the iron spoon that had been pulled out, and then pulled hard, pulling Li Mute into his arms.

When he touched Li Muba's body, he felt a piece of ice in his arms, which made him shiver from the cold.

But now is not the time to hesitate.

Lu Hu was also furious, and regardless of anything else, he turned over and punched Li Mute on the head.

But he felt as if his fist hit a hard piece of ice. There was no damage to the other side, but his hand hurt from the shock.

But there was nothing he could do. As a martial artist, he had only his own fists to deal with evil spirits. If he couldn't bear the beatings, what else could he do?

Li Mute ignored Lu Hu's fists and hugged his arms upward. Lu Hu felt that he was being strangled by iron hoops, and a strong cold air quickly penetrated into his body.

It was as if he wanted to put out his own fire.

Lu Hu was so cold that his teeth trembled up and down, and a dead face with black complexion and purple eyes appeared in front of him.

The human face opened with a big mouth, and the corners of the mouth were torn towards the cheeks. It was so big that it looked like a giant python eating!

As the stench hit his face, two rows of white teeth bit into Lu Hu's neck.

Seeing this, Lu Hu pushed his fists up from the opponent's chest and hit the opponent's head from the chin.

Then he let out a loud roar and forcibly stood up from the ground. He quickly grabbed an arm that was wrapped around his body with both hands, broke it open with great force, and shook it.

Li Mute was thrown out by Lu Hu and fell hard into the yard!

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