There's a Madman Sharpening His Knife at Night

Chapter 189: Breath-taking promotion, forging weapons

The level of the newly acquired strong magical power is still low, and it only functions in healing, and does not greatly improve the strength.

The main focus is still on the promotion of Qi Shi magical power.

The promotion path of magical energy-eating is: receiving qi (consuming 80 qi luck), refining qi (consuming 80 qi luck).

His current luck is still 92 points.

I used to dislike the low cost of advancing to the level of breathing energy, but now I feel it's just right.

As for the difference between receiving qi and refining qi, after some deep thought, he realized that there was a difference.

When it comes to absorbing qi, the total amount of true qi should be large, which will give you an advantage when facing group battles, but when facing one-on-one battles with masters, it will be somewhat powerless.

Just like when he was hit in the chest by the red light before, his true energy was not condensed enough and was directly broken.

Refining Qi is to continuously improve the quality of Qi. In group battles, it will be easily consumed, but it will give you an advantage in fighting against each other.

To put it simply, receiving qi is suitable for the battlefield, and refining qi is suitable for the world.

Lu Hu had no intention of going to the battlefield, and since he had the advantage of strength and physical strength, he was not weak in group battles. Qi refining was more suitable for him.

After thinking everything through, Lu Hu no longer hesitated and directly chose to refine Qi.

The panel flashed, and the final result was:

[Supernatural Power Master]: Lu Hu

[Race]: human

[Supernatural power]:

LV4: Qi refining (0%): temper the Qi of the camp and guard, eliminate the waste and retain the essence.

lv1: Vigor (23%): Strengthen the body and strengthen the body, connecting the muscles and bones.


The description of the magical power was indeed exactly what Lu Hu thought.

And the luck he had accumulated for a long time was finally squandered by Lu Hu, only twelve points were left.

The combination of the promotion of magical power, the acquisition of the second magical power and the large amount of consumption put Lu Hu in a great mood.

Then Lu Hu immediately tried the effect of Qi Refining Magical Power.

As he began to practice Zhenqi, he immediately discovered that Zhenqi did not increase, but began to compress, and soon the Zhenqi escaped from his body.

The total amount of true energy gradually shrank, but Lu Hu also felt that the density of the remaining true energy had increased.

Lu Hu also began to refine his existing zhenqi.

When the long night passed and dawn broke in the east, Taiping Town, which had been sleeping all night, slowly woke up. There was movement outside, and the sounds became louder and louder.

It wasn't until there was a knock on the door that Lu Hu got up from practicing.

Opening the door, the shopkeeper stood respectfully outside the door with a wooden plate of sumptuous breakfast.

The shopkeeper didn't say much and left immediately after Lu Hu took the tray.

After practicing all night, Lu Hu was also hungry, so he sat at the table and ate heavily.

While eating, check the effect of practicing Qi in the middle of the night.

In terms of the progress of magical powers, because the training time is too short, it has not changed yet, and the total amount of true energy has shrunk by about one-seventh, resulting in an increase in the density of true energy.

While eating, Lu Hu stretched out his left hand and circulated his true energy into his palm. The original blood-colored true energy now became slightly darker in color and was not as bright as before.

"The speed of operation has become a little faster!" Lu Hu immediately noticed the benefit of condensing the true energy.

Then he gently placed his palm on the table. Soon, green smoke came out, and a burning smell came out. The energy dissipated. When he raised his palm, he saw a burnt black spot on the table. Mahamudra.

"The hot power of the true energy has also been slightly strengthened!"

Lu Hu was very satisfied with the effect of refining Qi, but at the same time he also thought that he could not blindly pursue condensing Qi, otherwise the Qi would be condensed less and less, and in the end he would only have the power of one blow. Although the power is earth-shattering, it will be gone after this attack, which will cause trouble later.

We still need to find a balance between quantity and quality and develop in parallel.

Lu Hu then went around the town. Although Taiping Town was not big, it was small but well-equipped with all kinds of shops, including blacksmith shops.

Moreover, the blacksmith shops here serve a group of bandit escorts, making weapons and hidden weapons all year round, and are technically superb.

Lu Hu carried the long sword and came to the blacksmith shop.

"Gang leader, the material of this sword should be meteorite!"

The master of the blacksmith shop first kept groping for the material of the sword, listening to the sound with his fingers, weighing it, and touching some unknown powder on it.

In the two battles yesterday, he had witnessed Lu Hu's ferocity with his own eyes. Early this morning, this ferocious man suddenly came to the door, which made him a little unexpected.

So when he knew that Lu Hu asked him to identify the material of a sword, he was very concerned about it, for fear of offending Lu Hu and causing him to lose his life. However, he had been building the sword for half his life and had passed through countless materials. Now, He couldn't recognize the material of the sword, which made him more and more nervous!

Seeing the master of the blacksmith shop sweating nervously, Lu Hu couldn't figure out the material of the sword for a long time, so he simply explained the sword's effect to him later.

After hearing Lu Hu's words, the man was stunned for a while, and then ran into the house to find a book with yellowed curls. He began to flip through it quickly, and finally identified the material of the sword, meteorite!

"Meteorite is the remnant of a fallen rock from the sky. It was found and then tempered and extracted."

In the strong smoke of fireworks, the half-shirted master blacksmith looked at the book in his hand and read.


Lu Hu's heart moved.

Before this, he had only come into contact with swords forged from iron, and the only one of higher quality was Zhang Xianzu's Zhufeng Bow.

Now I come into contact with the material of meteorite.

However, as for the meteorite, according to some understandings in his previous life, it was actually an iron meteorite, and there was nothing magical about it. But here, the meteorite actually produced miraculous effects.

The master blacksmith continued to read according to the book in his hand: "Meteorite is a kind of different iron. It is very different from any metal and stone. It can transmit true energy, and it is like having meridians. It can resonate with people. It is the best weapon. Raw materials. You can come across them but you can’t ask for them!”

"It's something you can meet but cannot seek? Then do you think this sword is made entirely of meteorite iron?"

"Gang Leader, it is recorded in the book that the weight of this meteorite is extremely heavy. It is eight times as heavy as the iron of the same size. Although the weight of this sword is heavy, it is not to this level. It should be because some meteorite is mixed into it. !”

The blacksmith answered respectfully.

"Well, that's only reasonable!" Lu Hu nodded. If it was really a magic weapon, it shouldn't be in the hands of a dirty warrior who works hard for others.

After all, the word "unforgettable" still carries a lot of weight.

The master blacksmith's eyes had become confused when he looked at the sword in his hand.

Even a blacksmith has a dream to build a magic weapon, and although this sword is only mixed with meteorite, it is already the most cherished and precious thing he has ever seen in his life.

If you have the chance, go.

Just as he was thinking about it, Lu Hu nodded and spoke directly.

"Melt it!"


The blacksmith was startled.

"Get a knife."

Lu Hu immediately grabbed a wooden board from the side, wrapped his fingers with zhenqi, and started drawing on the board.

"Make it according to this style, and you will control the specific details!"

"Here, Gang Leader, meteorite iron is extremely precious. Why not find a famous craftsman? Wouldn't it be too much to let the young one come?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Are you unsure?"

"No need to add other materials, just re-smelt it, the small one is still safe!"

"That's it, do this immediately, and let me know when it's finished! You're indispensable for the money!"

As soon as the discussion on the relevant matters was completed, Lu Hu came out of the blacksmith shop.

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