Seeing Mr. Luochen running away, Lu Hu, who was almost losing his mind due to the violent and bloodthirsty negative emotions, stood up and chased after him with a loud roar.

Anything blocking his path was smashed into pieces by his body, and he rushed all the way to the street.

As soon as he came out, he was faced with a sharp sword light heading straight towards him.

Lu Hu swung his sword to meet him like a reflex.


The street floor collapsed, and the surrounding walls were slashed with cracks by the violent wind.

"So strong!"

After a collision, Wang Baotou's body trembled violently, and a ferocious knife mark appeared on his thick arm, dripping with blood.

This was after the collision of the blades, the opponent's blade tip took advantage of the situation, easily breaking through his own body-protecting Qi, leaving this knife mark on his arm.

What this represents is very clear to Wang Captou.

The police officers who were running away in front of them stopped and turned around immediately after hearing the noise behind them.

"Oops, my head is overtaken!"

"what to do?"

"Fuck, what else can we do? Go back and respond!"

"We have this little strength."

"Damn it, where did all this nonsense come from!"

Among them, the person closest to Wang Batou has turned around and gone back.

Then three more people followed. The six who were still struggling saw the backs of their colleagues and gritted their teeth, "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Even if you die!"

"The purple light of a dog's day, my ancestor's day!"

"You bitch, run ahead. Grandpas are wiping your butt!"

Amidst the curses and obscenities in their mouths, everyone moved to follow him.

It was as if he gained some kind of courage from the scolding!

Mr. Luochen, who was speeding in front, was furious when he heard this and turned around to kill him, but he still did not stop in the end.

At this time, in the sky of Dingbeicheng, a large dark cloud rolled in from the southwest, as if a heavy rain was coming!

Lu Hu's stab was followed by another.


There was a flash of light in front of Wang Captou's eyes, and he couldn't tell whether it was the flash of a sword or a thunderbolt breaking through the sky.

At this moment, dark clouds covered the moon, strong winds rose, and most of the torches on the street were blown out at once, while the remaining ones were on the verge of being extinguished.

A darker ink color is coming!

He tried his best in his life and cut it off with one knife!


The people who turned around to meet Wang Captou saw that all the torches in their hands had been blown out by the strong wind!

The sound of sharp blades tearing through silk in the strong wind rang in my ears, but what I saw in front of me was a black that was deeper than the night!

When everyone arrived at the place where the two men fought, they found that there was no one in the darkness!

"Where's Renren?"

Doubts and horror emerged in everyone's minds at the same time.

The warriors' perception is astonishing. They have been fighting with people all year round, so their perception is even more acute. But at this moment, they can't sense any aura of the two people at all.

It was as if this sword cut through the void and both of them disappeared into the void!

After the horror, comes the extremely intense crisis!

"That person's strength is terrifying. It's normal that we can't feel it. But if we can't even feel the breath on his head, there's only one situation, and that's..."


A bolt of lightning instantly lit up the sky, and heavy rain followed, with raindrops as big as soybeans hitting the ground.

As soon as everyone's eyes lit up, they saw a half-broken corpse lying in a pool of blood not far to the left, holding a half-cut knife.

The internal organs were scattered all over the floor, but the other side of the body was nowhere to be seen, with only a ball of minced meat lying on the ground.

When everyone saw this scene, they immediately cleared away their doubts.

Judging from the momentum of the tiger's roar before, the half-broken corpse on the ground could only be the head they rushed over to rescue!

My head, which was in the visceral training stage, only blocked one of the man's swords. The second sword was cut off by the long sword, and even the body was split into two. As for the other side of the body, it was directly shocked into minced meat!

Everyone has been breathing in the disgusting smell of blood. After a long time, they all began to numb, resulting in a bloody place in front of them, which no one noticed before.

As for the murderer who disappeared, he probably went after the purple figure from before, and he had no time to pay attention to these miscellaneous fishes!

Although their heads died tragically right in front of their eyes, for some reason everyone felt a sense of relief despite the grief in their hearts.

Since they are dead, there is no need for any support, so can they run away?

The lightning flashed and disappeared, and darkness fell again.

"What should we do now?"

"With the head gone, it's useless for us to stay here. Shouldn't we report this situation quickly now?"

"Yes, something so important has happened in the city. We need to let the superiors know as soon as possible. Then let's go back quickly!"

"Let's go back!"

"Bring the head's body with you!"

One person stepped forward based on the position he had seen before, bent down and picked up the corpse. He carried it on his body regardless of feeling sick, and then everyone rushed forward in the rain.

Lu Hu swallowed two ghost pills in a row. While gaining a large amount of evil energy and replenishing his physical strength, he also absorbed the cruel and bloodthirsty negative emotions of the ghosts inside.

His mind, which had been baptized by studying Buddhist scriptures, was only half a step away from losing control.

Once out of control, Lu Hu might really turn into a ghost and only know how to kill.

There is no more Lu Hu in the world.

But this half step, and the subsequent desperate fight with Mr. Luochen, made the desire to kill rise again.

The half-step distance from sinking to the bottom has also been shortened to a thin line.

From the moment he got up to chase after him, his mind had become drowsy, his vision was shrouded in black, and he was also deeply sleepy, as if he was about to fall asleep at any time.

There is no movement from the outside world at all.

And just when his consciousness was about to disappear, a thunder suddenly exploded in his ears!

This sound jolted him, as if his mind had been struck by lightning, and he regained consciousness.

The thick black cloth in front of me was thinned by the thunder, and I could vaguely see the things outside.

The first scene I saw was a face that was extremely panicked and distorted.

He had seen this face before, Wang Shatou.

He had two encounters. One was when he escaped from the execution ground and blocked the road. The other was when he went into the mountains to hunt for himself and massacred the women who had been robbed in the village.

Unexpectedly, the third time, he would appear directly under his own knife.

Lu Hu had no idea of ​​sheathing the sword. The sword fell and Wang Captou died tragically.

Later, Lu Hu also noticed the policemen coming from behind.

Immediately after the thought of killing him came into his mind, the darkness in front of him began to thicken again.

In shock, he quickly restrained his murderous intent, and then the growth of darkness stopped.

Lu Hu glanced at the end of the street. After all this delay, Mr. Luochen had already run away and was nowhere to be seen.

Lu Hu didn't dare to stay here, for fear that he would lose control and kill all the arresters.

He turned around and once again fell into the death arena.

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