There's a Madman Sharpening His Knife at Night

Chapter 311 The Golden Body of Buddha

Kukai wanted to see Lu Hu, so he naturally had no objection, so he followed Fa Zhao all the way in from the side door.

On the way, Lu Hu looked around and saw that in the halls along the way, there were various large statues of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats enshrined. These statues, without exception, were all made of gold.

Lu Hu was also stunned when he saw it.

After all, the Rudraksha Bodhi Temple has a long history. It looks simple and simple on the outside, but the real gold is hidden inside!

Fazhao also sensed the change in Lu Hu's eyes, and explained: "These golden Buddha statues were donated by believers in the past generations. One of them donated, and others donated together. Over time, so many were accumulated. It’s not something the temple did intentionally.”

"Hahaha, of course, of course!" Lu Hu said haha, but he recalled one sentence in his mind.

Why should the efforts of past generations be lost to you for a few years?

If divided according to class, this Rudraksha Temple should be a proper old-school noble!

Although Lu Hu didn't say much on the surface, he still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart for some reason.

It turned out that the image of Rudraksha Bodhi Temple that had been created for him by Kuraya, Kukai, and Hoteru suddenly became much darker.

The temple occupies a large area, and it is difficult to use Qing Gong in the temple. It is too offensive.

The two walked quickly and arrived at a remote courtyard. Fazhao pushed the door open and stood at the door, motioning for Lu Hu to go in.

After Lu Hu entered, he saw Kukai sitting cross-legged in an extremely simple Zen room with a bed and a few futons, nothing more.

"I've met Master Kukai!"

"Donor Lu, please sit down!" Kukai waved his hand to the futon in front of him.

When Lu Hu sat down cross-legged, he said, "I have heard from you. Donor Lu has already been to Chunhui City?"

"Yes, it's from the city!"

"How does Donor Lu feel about Chunhui City?"

"The land is filled with grief and suffering, it's too tragic to look at!"

"It's good, it's good. Donor Lu is really profound in Buddha nature and can have such kind thoughts! I wonder if Donor Lu knows that part of it is also the work of my senior brother. After all, Ruyijing is fighting in the city, it's like a natural disaster. How can he restrain himself? , it will inevitably harm innocent people!”

"I also know about this!"

"The poor monk invited Donor Lu here just for this matter, to ask Donor Lu for his opinion."

"Qi Yunhao deliberately placed the battle location in the city in order to threaten Master Kong with the people in the city, thus causing Master Kong to restrain his hands and gain a certain advantage!

The crime lies with Qi Yunhao! When you are seriously ill, you should first eliminate the root cause of the disease. If it is a headache, treat the head, or a foot pain, treat the feet. When it spreads throughout the body, there will be no cure! "

Although Lu Hu felt compassion for the tragic situation in the city, he still approved of Kong Kong's approach.

"The poor monk has no intention of appraising or criticizing senior brother's actions. What he is asking is not what Donator Lu thinks of senior brother."

"Master, you might as well speak more clearly. What do you want to ask me?"

"The poor monk would like to ask, if the place is changed and Donor Lu is placed in the position of senior brother, what choice will Donor Lu make?"

"That's naturally the same as Master Kongru!"

"Is this the only way?" Although Kukai remained calm on the surface, there was a hint of loneliness in his tone.

The two sat across from each other, and no one spoke for a long time.

Both of them are thinking about it in their minds.

After a while, Lu Hu took the lead and broke the silence.

"If I have a choice, I should try my best to leave a way for others to survive. If I live, let others live. This is the limit of what I can do!"

Lu Hu combined the tragic situation he saw in Chunhui City with the storyteller's words and gave his own answer.

When Kukai heard this, a smile suddenly appeared on Furui Muha's face.

He stood up suddenly and bowed deeply to Lu Hu.

"The poor monk would like to thank Donor Lu here, and hope that Donor Lu will always have a choice when encountering this kind of situation in the future!"

"Master, what are you doing?"

Lu Hu didn't expect that Kukai would salute him like this. Just before Kukai saluted, he would immediately jump up from the futon, but at that time, he felt that the air around him seemed to have solidified.

He made himself completely unable to move and accepted Kukai's gift.

It wasn't until Kukai finished saluting that things returned to normal.

"The poor monk was still worried before. After hearing the donor's words, his worries suddenly disappeared. Donor Lu can go see the abbot!"

At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the temple, and then a cloud of smoke rose from the center.

Lu Hu and Fazhao, who was waiting outside the door, both turned their heads and looked over.

"What happened? Did Ruyijing knock on the door again?"

Lu Hu had a look of disbelief on his face. He thought that if this giant Buddha were to sit down when he was free, would someone dare to come and cause trouble?

Fazhao also frowned, with a heavy look on his face.

But Lu Hu turned back to look at Kukai, only to see that Kukai was not moved at all and showed no strange expression.

Seeing Kukai's appearance, Lu Hu also had a guess in his mind.

"Could it be."

"Let's go and check it out with the poor monk!"

Kukai said calmly and walked towards the door slowly.

Lu Hu and Fazhao followed behind him.

Walk all the way to the courtyard where the Mahavira Hall, the highest standard of Rudraksha Bodhi Temple, is located.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw many monks standing in the courtyard with their eyes wide open and their brows furrowed. There were as many as twenty or thirty of them.

What they were looking at was the Great Hall that had collapsed into ruins.

"Let me go, Master Kong really did it himself! Is this master so ruthless that he even does it to his own temple?"

This scene was in line with Lu Hu's guess.

At this moment, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared in the smoke, and then the black shadow appeared. It was a huge golden Buddha. Below it was an empty arm holding it, and it was walking out.

Everyone didn't know what the newly appointed Vajra Master was going to do. As soon as he returned to the temple, he immediately destroyed the mountain gate. He went out for a trip and came back just two days later, and he unexpectedly ended the morning class again. At that time, he destroyed the Mahavira Palace in one fell swoop!

Now holding up the Golden Buddha, what do you want to do?

Everyone couldn't help but step back together.

There were several old monks among them, their brows furrowed and expressions of indignation on their faces.

One of the old monks with drooping eyebrows couldn't help but spoke.

"The Great Master first destroyed the mountain gate, then destroyed the treasure hall, and now he is disrespectful to the Buddha. What do you want to do? Put down the golden body of the Buddha quickly!"

This person was the first to speak out, followed immediately by several people.

"Kong, do you have a grudge against the old abbot for expelling you from the temple before, and now you can't take revenge?"

"Why did senior brother pass on the position of abbot to you, Kukai? Are you pretending to pass on senior brother's last words?"

Kukai saw someone pointing the finger at him, stepped forward and said: "Before Master passed away, in front of everyone, he summoned me to the abbot's Zen room, and the person he ordered was the candidate for the next abbot. If the candidate is in the temple, I will be the best. But if we say it directly in front of everyone, wouldn't it be unnecessary?

Senior Brother Kong Luo is indeed the next abbot named by Master!

Uncle Master, please don’t question this matter again! "

"Even if it is the order of senior brother, he cannot do such a thing of destroying the temple and disrespecting the Buddha. He should put down the golden body of Buddha and abdicate immediately!"


With a loud sound, the big golden Buddha was emptied and fell to the ground as the old monk wished.

When the old monk saw this, he was about to say more, but who knew that after putting it down, he waved his hand.

The head of the golden Buddha was immediately broken from its neck and smashed in front of Kong Ling.

Then he stepped down and crushed the Buddha's head to pieces.

Because of this, the entire audience fell silent!

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