Fa Xing's idea was to protect Lu Hu, and he stamped his feet angrily, but still did not break the green bricks on the ground, so he turned around and went back.

"Fazhao, if the old monk takes action, will you stop him?"

An old monk walked out of the crowd and looked at Fazhao.

"Master-uncle, me"

"Uncle Master, it's just a few words. Although this donor Lu is a secular person, he has profound Buddha nature. It doesn't hurt to listen to him!"

Kukai came to the rescue with words.

"Kukai, the old monk only saw in this man a strong evil aura and a murderous intention. As for his Buddha nature, he didn't see it at all!"

"It's not me who can't tolerate a few bad words. If it were him, let alone a few words, even if he pointed his nose in front of the poor monk and cursed him for three days and three nights, the poor monk would be fine. But now it is the most important thing in the temple. It’s too ridiculous for a secular person to say it. I’m afraid this donor has never read the Buddhist scriptures!”

"Who said I haven't read Buddhist scriptures? I have already read the two Buddhist scriptures "Three Breaks of Consciousness Sutra" and "Shifan Manifestation Sutra" by heart.

The Heart Sutra of Three Broken Consciousnesses begins with the following statement: All living beings have come from the beginningless time and have been born and died continuously because they do not know the permanent true mind and the pure and luminous body, and they use all kinds of delusional thoughts, which are not true.

You monk is self-righteous and uses all kinds of delusions. Could it be that I have been practicing Buddhism for half my life and have never even read the "Three Breaks of Consciousness Heart Sutra"? "

The monk raised his brows when he heard this, looked at Lu Hu in surprise, and then fell silent.

But he didn't speak, and others still had something to say.

"But after reading two introductory Buddhist scriptures, you dare to talk about Buddhism with us?"

"Why, only after reading the Buddhist scriptures can I be qualified to talk to you about Buddhism. Has this Buddhism become something exclusive to you monks, and no one else can even talk about it? If you really think so, then your Buddhist scriptures It’s as if they’ve been read into the dog’s belly, and not a single word of the Buddhist scriptures has been taken to heart!”

"You!" The young monk was about to take a step forward, but was stopped by the people around him.

"Honin, what you said is indeed inappropriate!"

"Master, I."

"Okay, don't say anything again!" The monk gave his disciple a stern look, then looked at Lu Hu, and said to the old monks: "Uncles, since this donor also reads Why don’t you just listen to the Buddhist scriptures?”

"Okay, then listen to what this little donor has to say!"

After all, these old monks have practiced Buddhism for most of their lives. The reason why they showed such a tough stance was mainly for the sake of Rudraksha Bodhi Temple.

If a reckless martial artist were allowed to make random remarks on such an important temple matter, wouldn't the Rudraksha Temple, an ancient temple with a long heritage, become a big joke?

How can the Buddhist teachings be spread from now on?

But listening to what Lu Hu said just now, although his words were vulgar, he was clear and coherent, and he also knew how to quote Buddhist scriptures. This also made them relax and let Lu Hu speak.

Of course, it’s hard to tell whether this is because you have seen your own fundamentals shaken because of your last resort!

Lu Hu had actually been observing this group of monks and found that although they became angry because they destroyed the Buddha statues, they were actually restrained in everything.

For an outsider like Lu Hu, he just wanted to be expelled from the mountain. If he were to put it on other Jianghu sects, he would raise his hand to kill Lu Hu. It would be normal to kill someone and silence him to avoid leaking the family scandal.

Therefore, although his words were not polite and sounded very vulgar to the ears of these monks, this was also the result of his restraint. After all, he could still say even worse and more vulgar words.

"Master Kongluo, what they said is actually right. This is a family matter of our Rudraksha Bodhi Temple. It is really inconvenient for me as an outsider to open my mouth. You suddenly asked me to speak. Do you want me to say something?"

Lu Hu changed his mind and looked at Kong Li, who had been watching the show.

"Buddhism is a place of convenience for transformation. If you have no home, how can you talk about family affairs? Every plant and tree in this temple is donated by people all over the world. Everyone in the world can talk about the matter of Rudraksha Bodhi Temple. As for what the donor wants to say, just say it freely!”

Kong Luo smiled at Lu Hu, then glanced at Ku Hai, whose face remained unchanged, and then looked at the monks standing opposite. The wrinkles on the faces of the old monks were already wrinkled.

"Hahaha, okay, if there is an abbot, then I will think of something and say something!"

Lu Hu laughed and took a few steps forward. He saw that everyone was empty and there was an open space in the middle of the confrontation between Kuai and Hai.

Squatting on the ground, he picked up the pieces of the Buddha's head and stood up together.

"I said, everyone, look carefully, what is this?"

Lu Hu held the fragments and showed them to everyone, but received no response, so he had to continue talking.

"Isn't this just a piece of broken copper with a layer of gold paint on the outside? Do you think this is the golden body of Buddha? Don't be kidding me. If it really has anything to do with Buddha, even if the master's strength is increased by ten A hundred times, it won’t be damaged at all!”

"The donor's words are true, but what we offer is the Buddha's Dharma that he entrusts!"

"Buddhism? What is Buddhism? Isn't it just Buddhist sutras? I'm just wondering, what sutras are you monks reciting?

I won’t talk about anything else, just the two introductory Buddhist scriptures you said I read before.

On the seventh page of the "Three Breaks of Knowledge Heart Sutra", the second line of the original text is: You cannot see the Tathagata through the body. All appearances are false. If you see that all forms are non-identical, you will see the Tathagata.

The original text of the sixth line on page 12 of "Shifan Sutra": What is called Buddha Dharma is not Buddha Dharma. A pure mind should be born in this way. A mind should not live in colors, a mind should not live in sounds, fragrances, and touches. A mind should be born in nothing.

Since you said this is an introductory Buddhist scripture, you must have read it. Do you really not understand it, or did you miss it?

The Buddhist scriptures written in black and white have already said this, but you still hold a piece of rotten copper and call it Buddhism? He recited scriptures to it day and night in order to understand the Buddha's teachings.

To be honest, I really don’t understand what you are doing. If the Buddha really shows up and sees what He doesn’t allow you to do, you monks will do it. I’m afraid you will think that you are deliberately going against Him. Bar! "

"It's good, it's good. Donor Lu really has profound Buddha nature. There is nothing in the Buddhist scriptures about whether to start or not. There is only a difference between gaining and not gaining. If Donor Lu can say this, he has already understood the meaning of Buddhism!" Kong Rong did not hesitate to express his gratitude at all! Lu Hu's praise.

The implication is that the monks in Rudraksha Temple are not as good as Lu Hu, who has only read two Buddhist scriptures.

The faces of the monks also changed color and they were speechless.

Everyone thought that Lu Hu's words were over at this point, but who knew that Lu Hu crushed the broken copper piece in his hand with a bang, threw it away, and continued.

"Actually, it's not completely incomprehensible. You just need to change your thinking. Of course you are not stupid, otherwise you wouldn't be able to practice martial arts to this level. Of course, you have read these Buddhist scriptures and understand them.

Today, we have already talked about it for this reason, so let’s just make it clear!

I thought it was empty. The master asked me to speak as an outsider for this reason.

Let me ask you, is there any property in the name of Rudraksha Bodhi Temple? Can monks in the temple engage in labor? Where did the silver in the temple come from? Who do you eat and drink from? Whose drink? "

Originally, everyone's expressions were solemn, but when Lu Hu asked this question, the martial arts aura on everyone suddenly rose up, and the gathered aura made a hole in the clouds in the sky.

"Bang!" He stomped the ground. Although the ground was intact, Ruyijing's martial arts aura rose up from his body, directly suppressing the soaring aura of the monks.

The reason why Lu Hu could be so unscrupulous and speak freely was because he supported him when he was free.

With the support of the Ruyijing warrior, he was afraid of nothing, so he openly expressed his true thoughts.

But what he said was a question after all. The monks didn't say anything, and it was difficult for Lu Hu to show off later, so he could only name them directly.

"Master Fazhao, can you answer some of my questions?"

"Little monk."

"Fa Zhao, Donor Lu's question, just answer it truthfully, don't lie!" Kukai said.

"Yes, Master, Donor Lu, there is no property under the Vajra Bodhisattva, and the monks in the temple have never engaged in money-making activities such as farming, spinning, and business. All silver coins are incense money donated by believers!"

"Yes, that makes sense. You have also read the Buddhist scriptures. You are not stupid. You all know the principles in it. The reason why you are so angry at Master Kong Leo for destroying the Buddha statues is because of the blasphemy of Buddhism. It is clear that Master Kongko has destroyed the job that Rudraksha Temple depends on for its survival!

Without the Buddha statue, what would people worship when they come to offer incense? You can't just give money away, right?

I see that most of you are warriors in the Qi Sea Realm, and your daily meals are a big expense. Why can Rudraksha Temple have so much money to provide to you, and why are those pilgrims so generous?

Is it because your heart is really devoted to Buddhism or is it because your temple is very effective in praying for children? "

When Lu Hu said this, he sneered.

"Isn't it because you are so strong in martial arts that you want to seek protection by force?

This is the essence of how you, a group of monks, practice martial arts. In other words, this Rudraksha Temple is actually a Buddhist temple. It is no different from other Jianghu forces. They all charge protection fees.

It's just that people admit it openly, but this seems hypocritical and contrived! Especially those who are not clear-headed. Do they really think of themselves as eminent monks or great virtues? "

"shut up!"

An old monk couldn't bear it anymore and shouted loudly.

Fazhao stood there blankly, his eyes widened, and his face showed an extreme confusion, as if he had lost his soul.

He had never thought of these words of Lu Hu, but when Lu Hu said them, it was like a thousand arrows piercing his heart, suddenly turning him into a man who could not change his expression even in the face of Chu Feng's extremely cruel threats. His body was unsteady and began to sway from side to side.

Among the monks, many disciples of the Fazhao generation were in a similar situation to Fazhao. At this time, they looked at their master eagerly.

"Master, is what he said true?"


A group of monks in the Qi Sea Realm suddenly spurted out blood and fell to the ground in a coma.

The others ignored this and all turned to stone, motionless.

"Empty, is this your purpose, to completely cut off the Dharma lineage of Rudraksha Temple in your hands?"

Several old monks were eager to kill Lu Hu immediately with one palm, but Kong Ruyijing was standing behind him. They also knew that even if they gave up their lives, they could not save a single hair of Lu Hu. .

"Good, good! If you see me with my form and pray to me with my voice, you are practicing evil and cannot see the Tathagata." Kong Kuo did not answer, but there was a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

"It's good, it's good. If you practice all good Dharma without self, no one, no sentient beings, and no lifespan, you will achieve Anuttarasamyaksambodhi." Seeing the miserable state of the monks, Kukai clasped his hands and recited After a passage of Buddhist scriptures, he said to Fazhao, who was already bleeding from his mouth, "Idiot, stop being so foolish!"

As soon as the blue light appeared in his eyes, Fazhao rolled his eyes and fell straight to the ground.

"Senior brother, are you satisfied with this result?" Kukai asked Sora.

"Although you have fallen deeply into the devil's path, there is still a way to resolve it! Good, good!"

"Junior Brother, you can rest assured! It's just that Junior Brother has something unclear!"

"Junior brother, please ask!"

"Did Senior Brother inform us of Donor Lu's remarks in advance through Ruyi means?"

The two brothers ignored the question from the extremely senior old monk and instead just talked among themselves.

"These are the words of Donor Lu, and the monk did not inform him in advance!"

"Then if Donor Lu didn't talk about this place, or if he only talked about the Buddha statue and it ended, how would senior brother end it?"

"Then it means that the predestined dharma of Rudraksha Bodhi Temple has been exhausted, the energy has been exhausted, and the path of demons is deep. The young monk can only liberate the demons and rectify the Buddha's Dharma!"

Those old monks naturally knew what Kong Ling said about salvation. For a moment, they felt chills all over their bodies. They never expected that Kong Ling would always have such thoughts!

He, Kong, is already the abbot, and he actually wants to kill everyone in the entire Rudraksha Temple!

Several old monks originally thought that after Lu Hu said these words, he had lost control to the point of no longer control. Unexpectedly, there was something even more violent waiting in front.

This time, they didn't dare to say anything to stimulate Kong.

Kong ignored the old monks and continued talking to Kukai.

"However, there is a certain destiny in the dark. After the Master Lu spoke, the monks reacted like this. It can be regarded as the years of chanting sutras and chanting the Buddha's voice in the Rudraksha Temple, repaying this deed. Once the lost way is restored, the Rudraksha Bodhi Temple can continue to exist. Go down!"

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