After Lu Hu punched Black Tiger and dug out his heart, he saw the five tendons bulging on the back of his hand, and he suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

"The second time of exerting force, the five tendons of the hand are instantly exerted, the big hands are opened and closed instantly, and an additional force is added!"

Lu Hu was overjoyed and started practicing according to his own ideas.

"Twist your big muscles in advance to build up strength!"

After Lu Hu tightened the three big tendons on his waist, shoulders, and arms, and then twisted them hard, it was still a bit difficult for him to reach this point in his muscle training, and he immediately felt a sore and numb pain.

But he maintained it for a short time, just a moment, and then released it immediately.

The three big tendons were straightened, and all the strength was concentrated at the wrist.

The palm naturally turned over, and then the five tendons that had been preparing for action immediately relaxed. With a slight tremor of the palm, the strong palm power poured out.


Suddenly, the air under Lu Hu's palm made a muffled sound, as if the air had been blown away by his palm.

At this point, strong palm, small success!

Lu Hu exhaled a slow breath of white air and adjusted his breathing on the spot.

He did not expect that only five days had passed since he obtained the Dali Palm technique, and now he would be able to practice Dali Palm to a small degree.

It is said that stones from other mountains can attack jade.

Fists and palms are all hand skills, and there are similarities between them. Without the great success of Black Tiger Fist, I would never be able to practice so fast.

Moreover, Lu Hu also discovered through this training that the biggest benefit brought to him by his breakthrough in martial arts cultivation was not the increase in the power of his moves.

It’s about the understanding of martial arts.

Know each punch and palm, why you hit it like this, and what effect you want to achieve.

Only in this way can one's martial arts be learned and applied effectively.

These are the true foundation of martial arts.

Even those who have a master to teach them step by step, if they don't think about it, will they have to find someone to teach them again in the future whether they get a copy of the exercises or not?

Lu Hu felt that this martial arts training was the same as doing math problems in his previous life.

Pay attention to drawing inferences from one instance to another.

When you first get started, follow the textbook to learn the formulas, and then apply them to the question types.

After you become proficient in application, you need to change the question type.

If the problem can still be solved in this way, it means that this formula has been learned to a small degree.

Later, we need to think further about what is the core problem solved by the formula.

By grasping this point, problems in other fields will be solved skillfully as long as this core problem exists.

And there are often unexpected gains.

This kind of thinking is not only a way of thinking, but also a kind of talent.

The so-called genius refers to having an intuition that is beyond ordinary people in this aspect. This kind of intuition can be divided into high and low levels for every genius.

The peerless geniuses in the field of mathematics in previous lives all had this kind of terrifying intuition that was like a miracle.

For example, Ramanujan from India had no formal higher education in mathematics. He used to derive formulas intuitively (or in leaps and bounds) and did not like to make proofs (he was often proved to be right later).

The unproven formulas he left behind triggered a lot of subsequent research.

Descendants can win top prizes just by studying his notes.

This kind of talent is almost innate to the extent that it is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

However, thanks to the development of mathematics education, ordinary people can also get a glimpse of the power of genius through the study of mathematics and the training of specific ways of thinking.

And ordinary people can also gain considerable results in other fields.

Therefore, in the previous life, there was a saying that mathematics is a language for understanding the world, and it is also a tool for transforming the world.

Mathematics is the foundation of all sciences, and science can only develop with the support of mathematics!

With these, humans in previous lives created airplanes, cannons, rockets, nuclear bombs, and space stations.

Putting these achievements in this world, they should also be a kind of mysterious creation!

So as the foundation of these achievements, mathematics and the way of thinking that Lu Hu was trained in his previous life must be priceless!

After all, this is the crystallization of wisdom from countless geniuses in previous lives!

Although the martial arts in this world are far stronger than those in the previous life, the human body can develop strength, there are still ghosts in the world, and I have incredible magical powers.

And these are only what Lu Hu knows so far. Maybe there are more secrets and mysteries here.

But at least, at Lu Hu's current stage, the low-level martial arts he learned still conformed to the physical laws of his previous life.

And in this way, he can use his mathematically trained thinking model to think, understand, and explain.

Even, create!

"This is the Dacheng state, what should perfection be like?"

Lu Hu followed this line of thinking and thought about how he should take a step forward.

The terrifying foundation brought to Lu Hu in his previous life allowed him to stand on the shoulders of giants, with knowledge and vision beyond that of people in this world.

These are not like his magical powers, which can directly affect the physical body, but arm his mind and enlighten his wisdom!

The interval between battles of a Death Fighter is much longer than that of a Death Fighter.

If it had been in the past, Lu Hu would have felt good about it.

But now, this has undoubtedly greatly delayed the advancement of his magical powers.

He had no choice but to devote himself wholeheartedly to the practice of martial arts.

With the breakthrough experience of Black Tiger Fist, Dali Palm successfully broke through on the third day after Xiao Cheng.

After that, he began to try to merge the two martial arts together.

Taking the Black Tiger Fist as the main body and adding the variation of Tiger Palm.

He originally thought it wouldn't be difficult, after all, Tiger Claw was done in one go.

But after several attempts, he found that the way to generate energy was different, and the hardware of Black Tiger Fist could not run the software of Dali Zhang.

The two are incompatible.

And he also knew from repeated failures that this was not something he could do at this stage.

So he turned to launch a sprint towards the perfect state of punch and palm.

Lu Hu's long-term devotion made Lu Hu enter a trance state, walking, sitting, lying, standing, and practicing the exercises. He was constantly thinking about these two exercises in his mind every moment. Research.

There is indeed some gain in this, but it is always far from enough.

And he also discovered that the journey from Dacheng to Perfection was simply a chasm, even more difficult than the journey from entry to Dacheng.

"Chopping the palm like an axe, swinging the palm like a knife. This style of fighting requires high strength of the palm, but there is no corresponding tempering method in the technique. However, I can temper it by myself using the method of practicing iron sand in my previous life. If there is no iron sand, just hit the wall. If there is no medicinal wine to wipe it, you can use magical powers to force recovery.

The open-palm striking and grabbing movements can be well connected. After striking and grabbing, the grabbing and hitting can be seamlessly connected, eliminating the time of opening the palm!

Xiangtong boxing is a kind of divine form that imitates various animals.

My Black Tiger Boxing requires the divine will of the tiger and cultivates three points of evil energy in the chest. In previous lives, it was said that when you hit someone, you must be brave first, which emphasizes the importance of power.

It's a pity that I can't watch the real tiger now, so I can only imagine for myself that the key to perfect Black Tiger Fist should be here!

By the way, there is also the turning palm of the powerful palm."


A sudden sound of gongs suddenly woke up Lu Hu. When he came back to his senses, he realized that he was already standing on the death fighting platform without knowing it.

His ears were filled with roaring sounds that filled the sky.

A huge fist, wrapped in strong wind, was already hitting him in the face!

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